Chapter 22

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*Tiffany POV*

I raised my head when I heard someone come up to me. It was the police officer who put me in handcuffs.

"Now I'm going to need you to talk to me ma'am, what happened?" He asked.

I was sobbing and tried to console myself. "My my boyfriend..." I couldn't get anything else out. By this time the ambulance came in and was taking Brandon out of the house, but not Cedric.

"Come on now Ms. tell me what happened." The officer said. Then a tall white officer appeared at the beginning of the hallway.

"I think we have a confession, you can take the cuffs off her." He said.

*Cedric's POV*

I don't know what was going through my mind. I snapped out of no where and I couldn't control myself. It happens to me a lot. One minute I'm fine then the next I'm ready to explode.

Tiffany didnt deserve that or Brandon and I hated myself for putting her through so much. When she had the gun pointed at me I was ready to die. I wasn't shit and never was gone be. Then she pulled the trigger and missed.

Next thing I know I'm seeing officers all in the room. I put my hands up surrendering but no one put cuffs on me.

"Tell me what happened." A officer said.

"I did it, I did it all, I killed the girl Shaka and I attempted to kill Tiffany." I was crying like a bitch. The officers all stood around me looking confused then one of them left the room and another one put me in cuffs.

"You have the right to remain silent...." He read my my rights.

*1 hour later*

"Now tell me everything Mr. Harris, beginning to end." The detective told me. I set across the table looking her dead in the face.

"I killed Shaka, shot Brandon, and attempted to kill Tiffany, ain't shit else to say. Give me however many years y'all want."

I didnt care anymore. I had no feelings at all. The detective shook her head and walked out the room.

I slouched back in the uncomfortable metal chair and began to think. I'm about to do some hard time. Whatever, Tiffany will do a good job at taking care of Brooke. That was my only concern everything else, fuck it.

*Tiffany POV

They carried out Cedric in cuffs and everyone left. I was in disbelief and didn't know how to process everything that just happened. Then I thought about Brandon and how he was probably laying up in the hospital on his last breath.

I got up and ran to the bedroom trying to find my phone. I spotted it in the corner all cracked up.

It was still useful so I picked it up and called my mom.

Two rings later she picks up.

Me: Mama is Brooke okay? Has the Hospital called anyone? Brandon got shot and its all my fault, can you come get me?" I broke down. "Mama I'm sorry.."

Mom: Tiffany slow the hell down child! And what the hell do you mean shot? I'm on my way where are you ?

Me: The apartment..

She hung up and I ran to the closet to find clothes to put on. I wasn't trying to dress up or anything, I was on a mission to get to my cousin.

I put on some sweats and a t-shirt and walked back into the living room to wait on my mom.

fifteen minutes later and she's beating on the door. I open it and see my daughter in her hands. I reach for Brooke, and embrace them both.

"Tiffany come on baby, Brandons mom called and she's at the hospital. You can explain everything in the car."


I rushed into the hospital building and found Brandons mom, my Aunt Beth, crying her eyes out.

I ran to her and she hugged me tight. "He's going to live baby!" I let her go and tears of joy filled my eyes. I looked up and thanked God.

It would be hours before we could see him but I didn't mind. The only thing I cared about was him being safe.

Plus the time we waited gave me time to get my thoughts together. My mom comforted me while I vented to her. Not one time did she judge me. She only explained to me that it was all a big lesson and God put me through that for a reason.

I was about to get my life back together and I was going to follow my dreams. I wasn't going to let anything or anyone hinder me any longer.


I'm coming to a end on this book! Maybe 1 or 2 more chapters and I'm finished. Part 2? Maybe...

I hope you guys liked my book and I appreciate everyone's support !

follow me on Instagram: Taylorbelton1  & feel free to Kik me @fvcktaylor_

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