Chapter 10

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I walked in the house feeling light headed. Cedric showed me to my room and went back down stairs to get me some water.

After we left from the movie theater I started feeling bad and at one point Cedric had to pull over and let me throw up. I felt like I ruined the night.

Cedric returned to my room, handing me my glass of water. I took a big gulp and rested my head on my pillow. Cedric went to the opposite side of me and laid next to me.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yea I'm good, you can go home if you want."

"Na, I wanna make sure you straight bae."

I smiled and closed my eyes dozing off to sleep. Only to be woke up by my mom busting in my room about a hour later.


"Excuse me ma'am.." Cedric spoke only to be interrupted.

"No son I don't wanna hear from you, I want Tiffany to talk."

"Mom this is my friend.. we..we..." I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt my stomach regurgitate.

I ran to my restroom and threw up again for the second time. My mom walked in and only looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Cedric came and stood at the door with his eyes wide open. I looked at both of them and knew exactly what they was thinking. I flushed the toilet and walked to the sink.

My mom, still crying, turned to Cedric and asked him to leave. He fixed his his mouth to say something but only looked down and walked away.

Now it was just me and my mom. I already knew she was hurt.

"Tiffany." She said still crying. "I've tried time and time to tell you about these boys out here. How can you do this? Not only to me but yourself.

I got a lump in my throat and began to cry.

"Mom it was one time and a mistake." I said walking out the bathroom and making my way to my bed.

"Your damn right it was a mistake. Now what are you gonna do Tiffany ? Your 16, and how old is that damn boy? looking like some damn thug with his pants sagging! Got him parked in front of my damn house like he stay here or something. The fuck is wrong with you?" My mom's words seemed so harsh to me.

I cried and told her he was 18. I know she was right about what she was saying but she was in my shoes at one point. I wanted her to have a little more sympathy for me.

"I'm sorry mom." I said looking at her.

"Your damn right you are! You had a bright future and now you went and fucked it up! On top of that , you pregnant by some thug who probably just like yo daddy."

Her words cut deep. Cedric said he wasn't like that and I wanted to believe so.

"I might not be pregnant ma, I haven't taken a test." I said , kind of hopping that there was a possibility I wasn't pregnant.

"Oh no! You pregnant! I seen how you was eating that food today. We'll get a test in the morning. Good night." She walked out the room and closed the door behind her.

I climbed under my covers and started crying even more. I heard my phone vibrate and checked it.

Cedric: I'm sorry. Get some rest and we gone talk later, no matter what I gotchu !

I read the text and smiled a little. My mama was wrong! But still that didn't make the situation better. I was possibly pregnant and I was 16 years old. My life hadn't even started and I was about to be responsible for another persons life.

I thought about how I wanted to be a doctor and move to Atlanta, Georgia but those dreams would have to be put on hold. I pulled the cover over my head and cried myself to sleep.


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