Chapter 8

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*Cedric's POV*

I like Tiffany so much. I just want her all to myself. I want her to be my girl friend so that no one else can have her only thing is I haven't seen or heard from her in 3 weeks. Ive tried texting her and calling her but I get no response every time.

Its usually the niggas who have sex and then don't talk to you but now its the other way around. I was beginning to wonder what I did wrong.

It couldn't be the sex part because she wanted it! She may not have said it but I know she did. I just want to get in touch with her so she can tell me what her problem is. Its Friday so I might just stop by her crib after she gets out of school.

*Tiffany's POV*

I sat at the lunch table with Zakiya and Allison and stared off into space. Them two were having a conversation about some movie that was coming out the upcoming week. I on the other hand couldnt care less.

I still haven't spoken to Cedric after that night and I wasn't planning on it. The only thing about it was that he kept blowing up my phone and made it hard to keep him off my mind.

He texted me early this morning saying that he wanted to see me but like always I didn't reply back.

I know I shouldn't be blaming him but I felt like he used me. In all honesty I knew what was gone happen but I just wanted to be proven wrong.

I guess that's what I get for trying to prove to myself that he was different.

"Tiff what's wrong? You been looking sad as hell lately." Allison said studying my face.

"Nothing girl. I just got a lot on my mind."

"Well whatever it is you know you can talk to us about it." Allison said.

I hadn't told Zakiya or Allison about that night me and Cedric had and I wasn't planning on it any time soon.

They asked me how our date was the next day at school and all I said was "it was okay."

I know if I told them what happened they wouldn't have judged me but I wanted to keep it to myself.

The bell rang and it was time to go to class. I was so happy that I only had 3 classes left. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep.

The final bell rung and I left out the school not stopping to talk to anyone. I beat Brandon to the car and waited for him to hurry up.

"Wussup with yo ass?" He said making his was over to the driver side. I guess he could tell I was in a bad mood.

"I got so much on my mind , just not in the mood." I said leaning on the window and closing my eyes.

Brandon said nothing else after that. Once we reached my house he offered to stay with me to talk but I declined. He watched me go inside the house and then pulled out the drive way.


"Hello?" I spoke into my phone.

"Hey I'm coming over to see you I don't care if you like it or not."

Shit! I knew I should have checked the caller ID before picking up.

"That's not a good idea Cedric."

"To late I'm outside."

I sighed and walked to the door and unlocked it.

Cedric came inside and walked passed me to sit on the couch. I rolled my eyes as he walked past me and sat on the couch opposite of him.

"Ima get straight to the point. I feel like yo ass playing with my feelings and I don't appreciate that. How we gone have a good ass day together then you suddenly don't want to talk to me? He said looking furious.

"First off I didn't play you. Who used who? You sat there and tried to make me feel like you was different and then invited me to yo house just so you could have sex with me! You just like any other nigga! Just like I thought you was from the beginning.

He had pissed me off so bad. I'm thinking he would say sorry but no! He came here to say its my fault.

"Tiffany you already know you wanted me to come on to you! Don't play innocent with me! If you didn't want it you should have said no and I would have respected that."

He was right. How stupid can I be? I felt bad because he was completely right!

I wanted him to try to have sex with me just so I could prove a point? I was being very petty and I realized that.

I looked down and started crying. I felt stupid as hell. Obliviously Cedric wasn't that mad at me because he came over to me and rubbed my back.

"Stop all that crying. I forgive you ma. Just don't try and play me like that no more."

I leaned on his shoulder and told him I was sorry. He kissed my forehead and just held me. I was comfortable in his arms. I felt like that's where I was supposed to be.

After I finished crying he pulled my head up and kissed me.

"So since we got this lil problem out the way are we official Tiffany? I like you and if I didn't I wouldn't be here." Cedric asked staring in my eyes.


I didn't see what would be the big deal if we went together. I could still be focused on my work and have a boyfriend. Plus I wanted him to myself after today.

I don't know why but I felt like I needed him and I wanted him. We had some type of connection that just couldn't be looked over. 

We talked for awhile until I got a text from Zakiya telling me that her and Allison would be stopping by. Cedric said he'd let us be alone and that he would talk to me later.

"I'll see you tomorrow baby girl." Cedric said kissing me.

"Okay." I said smiling uncontrollably.

I walked him to the door and watched him pull off out my driveway.

I screamed and jumped as soon as I got inside. I was Cedric's girl friend now and he was all mines.

I don't know what it was but he just made me feel some type of way. Maybe it was how when he touched me I felt safe in his strong arms or maybe just the way he looked at me. Whatever it was I wanted more of it.

Its funny how I didn't want anything to do with him in the beginning, but now, he's all I want.

Allison and Zakiya came over and all we did was watch movies and talk. I didn't tell them about Cedric just yet though. I'll wait until the time is right.

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