Chapter 15

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After we cleaned up the place we had the party at I asked Brandon to take me straight home. I was tired and just wanted to go to bed.

In the car I was silent, trying not to break out into tears. I guess Brandon noticed because he reached his hand over to pat my back.

"You gone be good Tiff, don't stress it." He said, sounding sympathetic.

"Thanks." I said dryly. I didn't want to think about it or talk about it.

Right when we pulled up into my drive way is when I got a call from Cedric. I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone.

Me: Hello?

Cedric: Aye, where you at?

I was exhausted and didn't feel like talking to him.

Me: I am home.

Cedric: Well you need to be over here at my house.

I hung the phone up. I exhaled then looked at Brandon who had been starring at me through the whole conversation.

I leaned my head over towards him and set it on his shoulder. "Wanna take me to Cedric's house?" I asked.

"That's gas money my nigga." He laughed and started the car back.

"What's up with you and him anyway? Y'all having problems?"

I thought for a minute before I answered... do I tell him he hit me? No! I'll just dance around the truth a little. I know he shouldn't have hit me but I loved him and forgave him.

"Kinda, he's been getting jealous that's it." I turned my head to look out the window so he couldn't look in my eyes.

"You already know I got ya back don't you? If that nigga need to be put in line, let me know."

I thanked him and said nothing else.


I unlocked the door with the key Cedric gave me to see him knocked out on the couch. I smiled at him, he had my old Spongebob blanket wrapped around him and was snoring lightly. For some reason I thought that made him look so cute.

Even if the nigga was crazy sometimes that was still my baby. I gave him a kiss on the cheek then shook him to wake him up.

"I missed you, where you been?" He asked me, standing up to stretch.

"I stayed to clean up, you in a better mood now?" I was surprised so see he wasn't trying to argue.

He looked at me and started laughing. "Yeap, I was just trippen, I'm sorry." He kissed my cheek.

"Come on let's watch some movies." He pulled me on the couch and we wrapped the cover around us. Before the movie got good I had dozed off and fell asleep in Cedric's arm.

*Cedric's POV*

I looked down to see Tiffany sleep in my arms. I smiled at her. She looked so beautiful without even trying. I just don't know what I'd do without her.

I also don't know how she's going to take the news I have to tell her.

After I left the party I went to my homeboy Nic house to chill. When I walked in I seen this girl named Shaka, sitting on the couch. She wasn't nothing to me but a hoe, me and my niggas use to run trains on her and all, but that was before I got with Tiff.

It was heavy tension in the room and I could tell something was bothering Nic. "So what's wrong with y'all? I asked.

Nic stood up and flipped the chair he was sitting in. "This bitch in here talking about she pregnant and either me or you the daddy." I looked at Shaka and noticed how big her stomach was.

I stood out my seat shocked as hell. "I wasnt no bitch when I was letting y'all niggas fuck! Shaka said rolling her neck.

"Hell na you wasn't no bitch, you was a hoe! Stupid ass girl." Nic argued back.

"Aye cut all that out." I yelled to both of them. I sat back down trying to get all my thoughts together.

"Its either Nic's or yours Cedric." Shaka said breaking the silence in the room.

How can this happan man? She wasn't nothing but a flippa now she supposed to be pregnant?

"Y'all niggas should have kept ya dicks in ya pants, now I'm walking round here pregnant." She continue.

Nic grabbed her by her arm and kicked her out the house. "We having a DNA test bitch nigga!" She yelled from outside.

"So what we gone do man? I'm trying to get back with Zakiya and this girl show up!" Nic asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"I guess the only thing we can do is wait to take a blood test. How many months she is?

"She talking about she can drop any day, and why the hell you so calm?"

"Nigga I'm going crazy inside, I already got a baby on the way, and that shit is already a hassle." 

I set at Nic house about 2 hours, we smoked and talked about what we was gone do. If the girl is pregnant by me, im just gone have to take care of the child. Only problem is, how do I tell Tiffany?

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