Chapter 11

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So many thoughts went through my mind at one time. Am I really finna be a daddy? How ima raise a baby? Is it a chance I might not be the daddy? Man, I just can't believe the shit. I know I didn't use a rubber but this never happened before.

I shook my head in shame and drove over to my homeboy Nic house. I had to get it off my chest and Nic like a brotha to me.

I pulled up to the house and before I stepped out the car I text Tiff to let her know I got her no matter what.

I knocked on the door two times and when I didn't get a answer I rung the doorbell. He finally came to the door looking mad as hell.

"Damn nigga! fuck you doing coming up here unannounced for?" He said sounding irritated.

"I gotta tell ya ass something bro, damn, I'm in a little situation now."

"Come on." Nic motioned his head to come in and made way for me to walk into the house.

I gave him a dapp and set down on the couch. Just as I was about to tell him what happened Tiffany friend Zakiya walked in.

"What you doing here?" She asked, walking into the living room with nothing but a t-shirt on.

"Girl if you don't take yo ass back in my room and put on some fuckin pants." Nic said before I could answer her question. Zakiya turned around and walked back down the hall.

I laughed and leaned back into the couch.

"So that's why yo ass was so mad when I came to the door?"

"Hell yeah, I was finna get it in!" He said laughing.

"Damn bro, that's why I'm here now!" I put my head down in my hands and prepared myself to tell him the story.

"What happened bro?" He leaned closer and began to look interested in what I was about to say.

"I might have got Tiffany pregnant." I blurted out.

Nic eyes got big a he set back in his seat. He looked at me a second and busted out laughing.

"Nigga why you lying? Just last month she was saying how much she ain't like yo ass."

I laughed a little at the thought that things changed that fast between us.

"I'm not lying, that's bae now and she might be pregnant!" I said still laughing a little.

"So what you gone do?"

"Take care of it, what you think?"

"Oh okay, just making sure my nigga! I respect that."

He asked how I found out and I told him the whole story! Beginning to end. We had a long and serious conversation about the situation and no matter what happens I got Tiffany.

I won't be like my daddy and bounce when my girl gets pregnant. I ain't rocking like that! Ima make sure he/she get whatever they need and give them all my attention.

I want my baby to grow up better than I did and I'm gone make sure it happens.

Me and Nic spoke a little while longer but I decided to leave and go home. I was sleepy as hell and had a long day.

When I got home I took a nice long shower and thought about how me and Tiffany gone always be in each others lives now because of the child. I liked the idea of that, I wish Tiffany and I was a little older and had careers but I'll take care of them and that's a promise! 

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