~ Chapter One ~

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[ Four Years Ago ]

This wasn't how things were supposed to happen! Oh god-

Yoongi stood frozen, a million terrifying thoughts flying through his brain at 80 miles an hour. His parents were calling him from inside the house, asking 'What's wrong?' upon seeing a strange girl on their porch. But he tuned them out, shutting the door behind him.

"What the hell?? I thought you were going to abort it!" Yoongi screeched, tugging at his dark hair almost angrily out of fear. "Once my parents found out, they wouldn't let me! This is your fault, you said we'd be fine without protection!" she yells back, cursing as the small baby, strapped in the carrier clutched tightly in her hands, stirs from all the yelling.

"Look, I was going to give her up for adoption, but my father insists that the 'son of a bitch who did this to you' must take responsibility" she sighed, rocking the newborn. "Why can't you take care of it?" Yoongi huffed, trying not to look at the child- his child. "I'm still going to America to study... I can't take her with me, please just, I don't have a choice" she pleaded, seemingly desperate - and her parents must have noticed from inside their car across the street.

"Hey! Is there a problem?" her furious father raised his voice, stomping over to the pair. At this point a few of the neighbours were peeking, and Yoongi knew his parents were watching through the window behind them, but he just couldn't breathe right now.

"Yes, in fact, I want this child adopted, it's not my responsibility, I opted to get rid of it!" Yoongi shouted, recoiling in fear almost instantly as her father grew livid. It only took a hit to the face and a few more angry shouts before Yoongi simply accepted his fate.

Trudging inside with a heavy baby carrier between his hands, alongside judgemental glares from the neighbouring houses, Yoongi felt his heart break at the sight of his parents standing there, the look of disappointment as clear as day on their faces.

The unshed tears began pouring down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, I'm s-sorry, I didn't- I was-" he sobbed, running into his mother's open arms. "It's okay... it's okay" she kept murmuring, but it wasn't as if she could simply ignore the issue.

"What happened, son?" his father frowned, rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down - he looked like he might pass out judging by his breathing rate.

"It w-was after prom... we weren't together, we didn't even go together! But she looked so p-pretty and I couldn't resist, not when she practically begged me! I'm so s-sorry" he cried, trying to ignore the heavy weight inside the carrier. "It's alright, these things happen, okay? You're a young boy it's... not the best situation, b-but it's not uncommon... And we know you won't make the same mistake again" his mother smiled somewhat reassuringly, kissing his forehead.

"What's going on?" his older brother, Jin, came plodding down the stairs, pretending that he hadn't been listening to the whole ordeal. "Well, you seem to have a beautiful, little niece here, Jin" she grinned, finally taking a look at her granddaughter.

She was incredibly cute, and (surprisingly) still fast asleep, with a small tuft of black hair atop her head sticking out adorably. "Woah, well done for not passing down your ugly genes, Yoongs!" Jin laughed, but Yoongi didn't feel up to faking even a smile. Their parents couldn't scold him though, they knew Jin was only making jokes in order to cheer his little brother up.

"We'll figure something out okay? You'll get a job, we won't kick you out if that's what you're worrying about... but don't think we'll become your full-time babysitters either, you're going to take care of her properly and make up for what you did" his father said, albeit slightly in shock himself. Yoongi nodded in understanding, he had to redeem himself, there was no point in ignoring the problem.

Though, as a small whimper slipped past her lips, and he finally looked down; seeing her large, beautiful eyes for the first time, Yoongi thought that maybe, just maybe, this wouldn't be such a bad punishment after all...

A/N: My Yoonkook story is finally here!!! Thank you guys for reading, leaving votes and comments, and telling your friends about this book! It really means a lot to me, I've been working so hard on this story for a very long time :)

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