~ Chapter Fifteen ~

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Hoseok stumbles into the hallway of their small, but cozy, apartment - sleepily scratching his chest as he shimmies his dance shorts on. Turning the corner into the kitchen-living area, he jumps out of his skin when he sees his roommate wide awake by the stove. Yoongi never wakes up on time!

"Yoongs! You're up early" Hoseok startles, even more shocked that Yoongi looks all all washed and dressed too. "Yeh well... got a busy day ahead!" he smiles, flipping the pancake currently being fried before dropping it on top of the stack next to him. "Seoyunnie~" he shouts around the corner, carrying the large plate to the table and sitting down.

"All ready, Dada!" the little girl grins, diving into her seat. Yoongi smiles at her before redirecting his eyes to Hoseok, "Well? Aren't you going to join us for breakfast?" he gestured towards the table, "My blood, sweat and tears went into this meal" he sighs loudly, almost laughing himself at how over-acted it was. "Alright, alright" Hoseok chuckles, pulling out a chair from under the table so he could sit down.

"Did you get yourself all ready for school, sweetie?" Yoongi asks his darling daughter, to which she smiles "My bag ready, and I all dressed! Look Dada!" she grins like a little cheeky monkey, "Good girl! Such a grown up aren't you! We just need to brush your teeth after breakfast, and braid your hair" he strokes the top of her little head, smiling a gummy smile unwillingly. She's just so cute!

"Dada braid hair!" she repeats excitedly, before tucking into her pancakes. Hoseok can't help but grin at the sight, "You're so soft! I can't take it!" he squeals, pinching both Seoyun and Yoongi's cheeks at the same time. Yoongi can't find it in him to complain, and merely scrunches up his nose like a cat dissatisfied; "Cute!" Hoseok screeches.

Once all the plates are clear - save for a few drops of syrup - the table is cleared, and the small group disperses to prepare for the day ahead. "Come here sweetie, I'll get the hair out of your face" Yoongi says gently, grabbing her comb from the bedside table and sitting Seoyun down. He begins working from the top of her head, working the plentiful hair into two plaits, and gracefully does so all the way to the bottom strands.

"Your hair is very pretty, but you might need a haircut soon Yunnie~" he smiles, tying the ends of each braid with a small ribbon. "Can I get pink hair, Dada? Like the pop stars!" she grins, staring up at her father with eyes like twinkling diamonds. "How could I say no to you?" he chuckles, putting the hairbrush down to swoop her up into a cuddle.

"Now, school time!".


After walking Seoyun down to the school, and waving goodbye to Hoseok as he left for work, Yoongi happily strolled to the campus, ready for another day in the studio. In fact, between lectures and seminars, he had been frequenting the studio a lot after receiving such positive feedback from one of his professors regarding the quality of one of his original tracks.

He was going to work harder and create more pieces to show off an extensive portfolio - ever concerned with proving his talent.

"Hard work makes good results" he mumbled to himself upon entering his studio, immediately unpacking his things as he sat down. Pulling out his USB, he loaded up the computer, adjusted the monitors, and speedily got to work.

From outside the studio door, only a faint melody could be heard as the deep beats pulsed throughout the small room. Though, once inside, the keyboard was being frantically tapped, and his mouse clicked as Yoongi worked through the hours of the day, even skipping lunch; being so engrossed in his work.

When it came time to leave and pick up his daughter, Yoongi felt more than accomplished with himself for the time being. The track he was working on was coming along nicely, not too many thorns in the road for now, and he felt immensely productive. With a spring in his step, he had to stop himself from literally skipping to Seoyun's school.

He waited by the main entrance with the other parents as the children filed out in a surprisingly orderly fashion. The teacher would call forward the next child, ask them if they could see their parent, and then wave them off with an easy smile once they too recognised their guardian in the crowd. Seoyun eagerly pointed towards her daddy, grinning as he waved back, and Miss Lee gladly sent her off.

"Hi baby!" he smiles warmly, crouching down and opening her arms for her to run into. "Dada! I learning to write!" she giggles, wriggling free from her father's grasp in eagerness to tell him all about her day on the walk home, "Did you know my name has S at the start? I learned today! School is so fun!". Yoongi smiles at her enthusiasm, "I told you so! You're going to be a bright little girl" he squeezes her hand, "How about some ice cream to celebrate such a wonderful day?".

When Hoseok later childishly complained about missing out on ice cream treats, despite having his sweet Taehyung cuddled up to him on the couch, Yoongi and Seoyun - the partners-in-crime duo - feigned ignorance.

Perhaps their chocolate smeared faces were the give away...

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