~ Chapter Nineteen ~

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A pleasant knock at the door breaks Yoongi's concentration; after so many hours, his eyes zoom in too much on the individual pixels on the screen, giving him a headache, so he's thankful for the interruption. His heart unwillingly jumps a little at the knowledge of who was likely to be on the other side, and he gladly beckons them in.

"Hey you~!" Jungkook's cheeky grin slips around the doorframe, stepping into the small space and immediately rushing towards Yoongi. The elder can't help but smile toothily as Jungkook immediately swoops down to place a chaste kiss on his lips - their new unspoken tradition.

"How's my man doing today" he cocks his head to the side, making Yoongi's cheeks flush slightly. "I-I'm good, I'll be ready to hand in this whole collection soon to my professor! It's a little nerve wracking though..." he hums, "How about you? How was practice?". Jungkook takes a seat on top of the desk, "It was fun! They put Jimin in charge of teaching the choreo and he got so nervous he tripped over twice in a row!" he chuckles, "But don't worry, I'm sure your final submissions will be just fine".

"Yeh, well..." Yoongi shrugs, "I'm finished for the day, so why worry about tomorrow?" he smiles, logging off and ejecting his various USB's and tangled leads. "Ready to go?" he asks the younger, "Of course! I'm very excited! Nervous... but excited!" he says, toying with his hair. "Don't be silly, she doesn't bite! Not anymore at least..." Yoongi smirks, choking back a laugh at Jungkook's shocked expression.


The two walk shoulder to shoulder down to the school, eager to pick up Seoyun - it was the first time Jungkook would be meeting her officially. He was feeling quite nervous; the two had only been out on dates a handful of times together, and he was anxious as to how he'd be introduced to such an important person in Yoongi's life. He kept reminding himself not to curse, to be polite, to act lively, how else can I appeal to a child? he frets.

Then, a warm hand is briefly wrapped around his own, squeezing gently before letting go again, and Jungkook allows his racing heart to rest.

The pair arrive at the school gates just as the main doors open; the usual single-file system is in order, but they can't see Seoyun yet. They take a brisk walk down to the doors as the children quickly filed out onto the pavement, and Yoongi's eyes lit up when he caught sight of his daughter stood next to her teacher. He gives a quick wave, smiling widely at the sight of her running towards him so eagerly.

"Dada! I missed you" she immediately ran into his arms, making Yoongi let out a small 'oof' as she squeezed him tightly. Jungkook looked on in awe; he couldn't have prepared for such a sight if he had all the time in the world. Seeing the close Father and daughter interaction was so endearing, so purely loving, that he found his heart leap at the adorable sight.

"Who that, Dada?" the little misses asked ever so sweetly, pointing up at Jungkook. "This is my friend, Jungkook, he wanted to meet you" he says, standing back up and dusting his hands on his jeans. "Nice to meet you!" Seoyun grins, nodding her head ever so cutely - Yoongi had clearly been trying to teach her the basic etiquette of bowing. "I-It's lovely to meet you too" Jungkook stutters cutely, also leaning his head down in a polite bow.

"Oh my god" Yoongi chuckles, "Come on, I believe we've reserved a place at the park this afternoon..." he winks towards his daughter, "Really?! Yay!" she squeals in delight, jumping up and down on the spot. Yoongi gestures for his daughter to hold his hand, and the three head for the local children's park.


Yoongi is sat on one of the park benches, enjoying the cool breeze running through his hair (which funnily enough reminded him to schedule a haircut at some point, maybe a dye too), with a smile plastered on his face. He was watching Jungkook push Seoyun on the swing, the two of them smiling widely. They'd had a busy afternoon so far; between playing football, taking turns on the seesaw, and racing eachother across the field, it had been an action-packed few hours to say the least!

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