~ Chapter Three ~

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[ Present Day ]

"It's so nice to have you all here!" Yoongi's mother gasps as the three grown men stumble into her living room; her beautiful son, Seokjin, has his hands linked onto his boyfriend's, Namjoon's, and there's an excitable Hoseok trailing behind them.

"It's good to be home for the summer, Mom" Jin smiles, bringing her into a hug as Namjoon watches awkwardly - he'd already been introduced as Seokjin's boyfriend for well over a year now, yet he still acts with perfect manners in front of his parents, afraid they'd think he was acting too comfortably in their home.

"Get over here, Namjoon" she laughs, pulling him into a warm embrace as well. "Me too? Me too?" Hoseok asks eagerly, freshly-dyed red hair bouncing atop his head as he squeals; she nods her head 'yes'. "Yoongi~" she sings, "You should be as cheery as your friends!" she scolds, swatting his behind. "Yah! Why are you all here anyway?" he asks with a frown, had he forgotten a birthday?

"Becauseeee, it's summer break and we all wanted to see our moody, short-ass friend, believe it or not" Namjoon chuckles, ducking as Yoongi throws a pillow in his direction.

"What's all the noise, dada?" a small voice comes from the hallway - the sound soon accompanied by a stumbling, tired body hidden underneath a Spider-Man costume.

"Just your uncles who came to visit you, my princess" Yoongi kneels down, rubbing noses with Seoyun. "Uncle Jin! Uncle Joon! And uncle Hobi too!" she cheers, running over to hug the legs of all her favourite uncles - squealing when Jin suddenly picks her up to swing her around.

"I've missed you!" he grins, blowing raspberries on her neck and making her squeal in delight. "Tae-Tae not here?" she frowns whilst looking around, causing Namjoon to grow sheepish. "Sorry, sweetie, Tae Tae is with his friends today... but he promised that he'll come see you soon!" he smiles, leaning over and stroking her long hair sweetly in an attempt to cheer her up. Everyone knows that Namjoon's little brother, Taehyung, adores children - he's always spoilt Seoyun, and is a joy for her to play with.

Seokjin takes a moment to look up at his boyfriend - he's not the most inclined with children, but he sure knows how to make Seoyun laugh! The situation seems so intimate, with the child on his hip and Namjoon leaning over his shoulder to tickle her. Namjoon blushes under his lover's gaze, but seems to be sharing the same thought.

They look so natural together.

"No need to fear, Hobi is here!" Hoseok laughs, breaking up the tender moment as he swoops up the child.

"Yah! Stop swinging her around, it's almost her lunch time, we don't want an upset stomach now do we, baby?" Yoongi says softly, picking up his little girl to bring her over to the table.


"You know, we also came over to talk to you, Yoongi" Namjoon begins, one arm wrapped around Seokjin. They've all flopped onto the two couches in the living room - as if a bunch of 23 year olds and a 26 year old having a camp-out in the living room is normal.

"Hm? What about?" Yoongi responds, already half asleep. He's just so tired these days. Though, thanks to his parents' willingness to look after Seoyun a bit more, he'd been able to work shorter shifts spread out across the week; seeing as he was nearly passing out from exhaustion whilst working purely night shifts.

"Well... um" Seokjin fidgets, shaking a few loose blonde strands out of his eyes. An uneasy glance is shared across the room towards each other. "We want you to go to university!" Hoseok suddenly blurts out, covering his mouth almost comically afterwards. Yoongi takes a deep breath, bottled up excuses already at the ready for him to use, but Namjoon splays a hand out on his chest. "Just listen to Hoseok for a sec, yeh?", and Yoongi can't bring himself to argue against him.

"I didn't want to tell you incase it'd seem like blackmail or something, but... I'm moving to Seoul in September." he starts, shushing Yoongi's immediate spluttering. "I've been offered an amazing job opportunity there as a dance teacher for a large team, I could get them into competitions and everything! My company recommended me" he smiles in thought, "So I'll have to move there, which isn't too bad since Namjoon and Seokjin hyung already live there, but I don't want to leave my best friend behind" he pouts, grabbing Yoongi's hand.

"You want to move out don't you? We can be roommates in a cozy apartment! You can send Seoyun to preschool in the day and I'll be there to babysit her at night if you need to work some shifts, I mean your mom already told me you've been saving up, so money shouldn't be much of an issue..." Yoongi nods his head to show he's listening, but the whole idea still makes him feel guilty.

He was the one that made Seoyun, nearly abandoned her, and now promised that he'd take care of her above his own life. He couldn't just go out, selfishly study a course and leave her at preschool; he owed her everything! A sigh escapes his lips, it's hard to communicate exactly how he's feeling, but his brother seems to catch on - knowing him inside and out like the back of his hand.

"Come on, you deserve this! You've been the perfect model of a father for the last 4 years, you gave up everything for your little girl, isn't it about time you start thinking about your own happiness? I know you still want to produce badass music, Min Yoongi" he smiles, jabbing him in the side. "We believe in you, you can still live your life the way you want to" Namjoon concludes, sitting up to pat Yoongi's back.

After much hesitation, Yoongi let out a groan, "I'll think about it, alright? But no promises!" he assures them before falling back onto his makeshift bed. "There's the spirit! I know you want to!" Hoseok teases, flinging himself into Yoongi's side. "Yah! I want to sleep now" his grumpy voice resounds, making everyone laugh. "Alright, alright. goodnight everyone" Namjoon yawns, cuddling into Jin's side.

"Goodnight!", "Sleep well~"

And finally, silence. A moment for Yoongi to think; does he really want to build a career? Does he deserve to? Would it be fair on Seoyun?

He huffs, turning over in hopes of making himself more sleepy. Thankfully, the warmth of his best friend next to him does automatically make Yoongi feel soft and relaxed inside. He loves his friends to death, he really does.

He'll eventually come around to their suggestion...

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