~ Chapter Thirteen ~

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Another day at school, another opportunity for a headache and mental exhaustion!

Sure, studying is no where near as physically exhausting as the years Yoongi spent working late shifts to take care of baby Seoyun during the daytime, but it sure does tire you out mentally.

He groans into the small space of his new studio; producing and mixing music isn't a walk in the park. The piece he's currently toying with consists of harsh, dark beats mixed with a synthesized bass track. He's hoping to best express his pent up anger, frustration, and troubles with this first solo project - his current main trouble being the enormous headache that comes with being a perfectionist.

"Why doesn't it sound right..." he huffs, fiddling around with the computer a little longer before he's gladly interrupted by a light knock on the door. "Come in" he calls out, hoping it isn't his professor; he's pleasantly surprised to see Jimin pop his head through the slightly ajar door. "Hi! I uh... thought I'd pay you a visit! I hope you don't mind-" he rubs his palms together, so clearly out of his comfort zone that Yoongi decides to cut the boy some slack.

"Of course, come, sit down" he smiles gently, "Sorry, it's kinda cramped in here", Jimin laughs at this as he finds somewhere to perch. "I see you're enjoying the space" he chuckles, nodding to the small, but cosy, studio - Yoongi can only join in, muttering about how the walls aren't as soundproof as a real music studio should be.

"Well... I'm sure your project will come along just fine, you really seem to know what you're doing" Jimin says, in awe of the complicated set up Yoongi's got going on. "Well, I used to dabble in highschool, you know, before..." he trails off, forgetting who he's talking to.

Now Jimin isn't one for prying, but he wanted Yoongi to feel comfortable around him, to open up to him like a friend. The guy had suffered enough, Jimin thought, he didn't want him to feel uncomfortable talking about the other, more joyful parts of his life.

Jimin coughs a little awkwardly before proceeding with caution, "So, Taehyung tells me that Seoyun is nearly 5! You know, I'd love to hear more about her, I think that if we're gonna be friends you shouldn't feel embarrassed to talk to me about your pride and joy" he smiles. Yoongi doesn't know what's spurred this on, was Jimin genuinely being nice to him? People weren't usually nice for no reason...

He takes a glance down at the kid from where he's still standing, leant against the door, and notes the familiar look and minute actions of social anxiety. He'd come all the way down to his studio, had been genuinely interested in his work, and was now offering to talk about his daughter when everyone else shied away from the topic. I can trust him, right?

"Yeh... well, she is kind of the biggest part of my life" Yoongi scratches at the nape of his neck shyly, "I'm sure Tae's already said something about it but... if you want the short version of the story, I knocked up this girl just after highschool finished, she didn't want anything to do with it, so I put my life on hold to take care of her" he smiles somberly, "And it was the best decision of my life".

Jimin is eager to know more, but holds off from imposing questions, instead opting to provide discreet support: "Well, that's awesome! I think that's an awfully brave thing to do, I know I couldn't do it" he says quietly, softly. Yoongi nods in appreciation at the gesture.

"She means the world to me" Yoongi muses, trying not to get too emotional as he's thrust into the maze of his long locked-up memories. "Do you have any pictures of her?" Jimin asks wearily, pleasantly surprised when Yoongi immediately reaches for his phone with a grin.

"Here's us at the park, Hobi took this one" he smiles, "This was on her last birthday..." he swipes, "Oh! I love this one! This was when she was taking her first few steps!". Jimin grins as he casts his eyes over the photos; "She really resembles you, she has your eyes". Yoongi scoffs, "Don't say that! The poor girl doesn't want my genes" they both chuckle.

"Well, she's adorable! I'd love to meet her sometime, I wouldn't mind earning a bit as a part-time babysitter either..." he cheekily grins, making a quiet laugh bubble from Yoongi's throat. "I'm sure we could arrange a trip to the park or something, and Hobi would be more than willing to join if you and Tae come" he smirks, "Don't even get me started! Those two are so smitten!" Jimin points his finger accusingly at Yoongi, wagging it comically for extra effect.

"I wish they'd just admit it publicly to us all" Yoongi says, "Hoseok likes to think he's discrete, but our walls are too damn thin". Jimin flushes at this, outright giggling as he forms a response: "I know right!! They phone all the time, and so loud! It interrupts my own late night calls...", to which Yoongi's eyes slightly widen before creasing again in amusement. "Late night calls, ay?" he smirks, making Jimin blush a deeper shade of crimson, "Yah! So mean, Hyung" he settles on a pout.

"I'm only teasing, be as open with me about your love life as you like!" Yoongi winks, "And you!" Jimin grins, "I know things are a bit awkward right now but... I know Jungkook at heart, he's a good kid, I'm sure he'll come around" Jimin smiles in a way that weirdly reassures Yoongi - he's noticed the boy has quite an easygoing, genuinely kind atmosphere about him. Or maybe it's his pastel hair... either way, he likes it.

"We'll see, I suppose..." Yoongi nods, suddenly remembering where they were and glancing up at the clock above his desk, Jimin's eyes soon follow his trail. "Shoot, I don't wanna be late for dance practice... I'll see you around? Thanks for entertaining my company" Jimin says bashfully, "Any time, kid, this was nice" Yoongi admits, albeit a little awkwardly, but either Jimin doesn't notice or he chooses not to, only waving to him enthusiastically before leaving.

"Hm..." Yoongi muses, sitting back down in his somewhat-comfortable desk chair. "Shit, this is where I left off??" he groans, already picking up on more mistakes and misplacements in the piece than before. More frustration and headaches for Yoongi it shall be, he thought bitterly, situating himself ready for the monstrous task.

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