~ Chapter Twenty ~

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*A couple of years later*

Yoongi had barely slept. He desperately hoped now that a dash of makeup would fix his tired appearance - at least his hair was easily fixable.

The apartment was quite bare now, since both Hoseok and Yoongi would be moving out soon and finding their own places. Yoongi had decided on staying in the city to produce, having grown accustomed to the hustle and bustle of life there, whereas Hoseok was likely to be touring with his dance recruits in the near future. He was the type of person to naturally want to move around a lot, with the eventual dream to one day open his own dance company; he'd already successfully trained a few dancers who had been scouted by various different idol agencies!

Yoongi smiles as he thinks back to Hoseok's first few days as a dance teacher, and how far his hard-working friend had come. All of them had! Jimin could now be considered a professional dancer, having already succeeded in performing as part of a back-up team for various famous k-pop groups, whilst Taehyung was working hard at getting his name out there as a worldwide famous actor, his agent able to secure him only small parts so far in various k-dramas. They are both very talented performers, that much is for sure.

As for the man still fast asleep and half-naked in Yoongi's bed?

Jungkook was a very sought after solo-idol, though most of his work was produced solely by his partner in crime. It was kind of a group effort: Taehyung was his official photographer (as well as Hoseok's, of course), Jimin often stepped in as a back-up dancer, Hoseok willingly offered choreography advice, and Yoongi shared the burden of the music creation process, as well as producing Jungkook's - aka JK's - work officially. Jungkook was slowly becoming famous outside of the realms of Instagram and YouTube, often recognised in the city, but he secretly loved the attention - even if it did make him a shy baby in public.

Yoongi finishes patting on his foundation, hoping it clears the bags under his eyes, as his boyfriend groggily emerges from under the covers. "Shit!" he curses, flinging the cover one way and his body the other, "Why didn't you wake me??" he groans, immediately running to the bathroom. "You looked adorable, how could I wake you?" Yoongi shouts down the hallway, smirking to himself briefly before hauling himself up to wake Seoyun.


"So! Graduation! Though, you look a little old next to these kids, Yoongi" Namjoon teases, "Yeh! Don't think dying your hair a bright colour makes you look younger!" his older brother joins in with the assault, ruffling Yoongi's freshly- dyed, mint green hair. "Yah! I like it" he grumbles, "Gah! Stop being so cute!" Jungkook smiles, kissing away his lover's pout, just as a little voice pipes up: "I like your hair, Dad!" Seoyun - now 7 years old - smiles up at him.

"Why thank you, sweetie, I'm glad someone is being nice to me on my big day" Yoongi sighs self-pitifully, giving his daughter a quick squeeze hug. His precious girl had taken days to pick the 'perfect' outfit for her dad's celebratory day, and she looked beautiful - especially with the way Jungkook had braided her hair to the side.

"Hey guys!" Jimin joins the party, late, with Taehyung on his heels: "BABY!" he squeals, running to Hoseok without much consideration for anyone else within his vicinity. "I told you you'd make it! I'm so proud of my baby boy!" Hoseok squeals, kissing Tae all over his face in an obscene manner; even Jimin had to turn away from his best friend in second-hand embarrassment.

"Knock it off you two" Yoongi huffs, shielding his poor daughter's eyes from such a lewd display of affection. Hoseok laughs, letting go of his cute boyfriend for a brief minute to exclaim: "Don't act like I haven't caught you and our precious Jungkookie all up on eachother in the hallway! Your neck alone often speaks for itself", making Yoongi blush slightly. "Yah! At least we keep it indoors" Jungkook furrows his brows, looping an arm around Yoongi's waist protectively.

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