~ Chapter Seven ~

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It's been roughly a fortnight since starting university, and Yoongi hasn't really found any major qualms with it; until now.

"It'll be fun! Come on, just food and a few drinks out!" Taehyung tries to convince Yoongi on the way to their first lecture for the day. Apparently Jungkook and Jimin were already planning on hanging out after classes, and once Taehyung had found out, he just had to invite Yoongi along.

Long answer: Yoongi does not like socialising and has a precious daughter to get home to. Short answer: no.

"I think I'll pass, I mean who else will pick up Seoyun?" he declines politely, readjusting his bag strap on his shoulder. Taehyung is quick to interject though, and vehemently exclaims that Hoseok's work schedule means he gets off early today. "How do you know Hoseok's work hours off by heart?" Yoongi asks with a sly grin to which Taehyung's face flames up in heat.

He stamps his foot childishly, "Look, I know Hoseok can cover for you, so why not? It'll be good to have a small break from school! Plus, my friends barely know you yet..." Tae reasons, and as they enter the lecture theatre together, Yoongi knows he has no time to argue; it'd be much easier to just accept his doom at this point. "Fine, but I'm not staying out late" he pouts, "Cute~, keep that up and even Jimin might fall for you" Tae laughs, slapping his shoulder playfully.

"Hey, handsome" Jungkook winks the second Yoongi sits down, making him inwardly groan. His flirting and not-so-subtle advances haven't ceased yet. "Hey, kid" the elder retorts, taking out his books and inwardly groaning at the thought of breaking his arm again, making tedious notes that he knows he'll never revisit. Jungkook scoffs, trying not to show his obvious disappointment, and instead attempts on focusing on the class instead. Just wait till tonight, he thinks triumphantly.


Unlike the rest of his friends who had early finishes, Yoongi had lectures all day, and so he was left with no choice but to meet them at the venue still dressed as he was this morning - and more annoyingly, with his heavy ass bag. "It's a good thing I brought my wallet today" he mutters to himself, shivering slightly from the brisk walk to the restaurant.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Jimin shouts from all the way across the room, stumbling over only to fling his arms around Yoongi. The elder stands stiff and awkward, not knowing what to do or say. "Excuse him, he's gotten a bit tipsy already" Taehyung chuckles, "Only a bit?" Yoongi side-eyes him.

"You're so cute when you're angry~" Jimin slurs, his flushed cheeks and goofy smile an instant telltale of the alcohol swimming through his system. "Come on, Jungkook is holding a table for us" Tae nudges Jimin, pulling him along as Yoongi trails behind them.

It was going to be a long night...

"So, Yoongi, what've you been doing for the last few years? Too busy partying to study?" Jungkook is leaning so far across the table to Yoongi that the elder is surprised he hasn't fallen over yet. "None of your business" he sighs agitated, sipping on his beer. "Come on, lighten up, I'm just trying to get to know you" he huffs in exasperation, sitting back down in his rightful place before taking a swig of his drink.

"At least let me know one thing... are you gay?" Jungkook asks sloppily around his glass, eyes blinking up innocently like a deer caught in headlights. Somewhat flabbergasted, Yoongi mumbles back; "That's a little personal, don't you think?". He takes a moment to look away from those doe eyes, feeling a funny flutter in his chest. Now that he's looking around, his attention is suddenly alerted by the fact that both Tae and Jimin have been gone for a while... The pair had disappeared off somewhere; probably buying more food and drink, despite the fact they've already eaten barbecue meat together.

He's about to search around for them when Jungkook nudges his foot, suddenly brave enough to speak again. "I'm just asking... Don't worry, I fully support anyone's lifestyle, especially since I like men myself" he states with a smirk, so proud of himself that Yoongi almost feels bad for the sarcastic tone in his reply: "Do you think I'd give a shit if someone didn't support my lifestyle? I'm still gonna live how I want to".

"A-ah, yeh, I suppose..." he shrugs, somewhat defeated this time - a kicked puppy. Yoongi decides to take a proper look at Jungkook; he is very handsome now that he thinks about it (though maybe it's the alcohol telling him that) and for whatever strange reason, he seems to be really trying. He settles on cutting the boy some slack, patting his shoulder awkwardly to get his attention again, "T-to answer your question, I'm bisexual", "Hi bisexual, I'm Jimin!" another giddy voice suddenly sounds, making Jungkook blush - his time alone with Yoongi coming to an abrupt end.

"You're sooo adorable, chimmy! But Hoseok is cuter~" Tae chuckles, far beyond tipsy, as Jimin begins whining. "Nooo! I'm cutest!" he squeezes his cheeks in a poor display of aegyo, and Tae bursts out laughing. As the two best friends fawn over eachother like toddlers, stupidly drunk, Jungkook and Yoongi for once share a smile. "At least we can handle our drink" the elder shakes his head, leading the two out of the restaurant after begrudgingly paying for everything.

"I can take Jimin back to our dorm, Namjoon will have to pick up Tae, you probably have stuff to do..." Jungkook smiles in a genuinely friendly manner, which soon turns into a grimace upon seeing Tae and Jimin run off to pet a nearby bush. "You sure?" Yoongi scratches his head awkwardly, "Yep, I mean... us three are free tomorrow but you still have a couple classes right? You should get a good night's sleep".

Yoongi can't help but ignore the warm feeling in his stomach at those words; the kindest Jungkook has ever said to him. How does he know my schedule...? "Well um, thanks, Jungkook" he kicks at the pavement, "You're alright, you know that? That is, when you're not acting like a playboy" he chuckles, reaching up to ruffle Jungkook's hair. "Hey! I've never had an... act" he blushes, suddenly embarrassed of his previous actions.

"I'll see you at school soon, yeh? And thanks again..." Yoongi bows awkwardly, hoping he can find a cab at this hour to sweep him home as soon as possible, away from this social situation. "N-no problem!" Jungkook smiles, more to himself than anyone - and suddenly, taking care of his two drunk best friends didn't seem so bad... when it was for Yoongi's sake.

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