~ Chapter Four ~

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"It's been too long since we've slept here" Jin exhales softly, stroking Namjoon's tan chest as he lies curled up next to him under the covers.

Of course they sleep together in their shared apartment, but a wave of nostalgia overwhelms him from being able to once again wake up in the bedroom of Namjoon's parent's house. Too many times had the pair been caught snuggled up in Namjoon's bed - but Jin was just so loveable that eventually Namjoon's parents themselves invited him over for 'sleepovers'.

"Well... it's a miracle you've managed to finally get a vacation this summer! You're normally stuck with a crappy holiday in October or something" Namjoon smiles, kissing his head. He wouldn't admit it, but Seokjin looks breathtakingly beautiful in this dewy light of the early morning; his hair crisp yet pliant against the pillows. Seokjin's blonde strands look strikingly funny tangled up with his own jet-black mop of hair.

"Yeh well it's fine for you, you're a teacher so you get a ton of holidays!" he whines, making Namjoon chuckle like a child, "Okay! That's a perk... but I always have a ton of paperwork instead!". At this, familiar with their married-couple-like-squabbles, Jin shifts to stare hard at his boyfriend, "Namjoon, I'm a doctor, I have long hours and a shit ton of paperwork, 24/7" he frowns. "Alright, fair enough... but you help so many little kids everyday, brightening their day, you literally save people!" he smiles, and a laugh begins bubbling out of Jin's throat almost as a natural reflex to his fiancé's philosophical crap.

"I'm a paediatrician, not a surgeon, Joon" he slaps his shoulder gently, "But I guess it is pretty rewarding sometimes...". He thinks back to last week where a little girl had been so thankful to him for giving her some lotion for the evil, itchy chicken pox virus! She had insisted that her mother bring her back to the clinic just to give him a handmade 'thank you' card - it was now stuck proudly on their refrigerator.

Namjoon doesn't say anything, afraid to break the loving atmosphere, instead he simply smiles to himself and strokes Jin's hair - he may or may not have also taken a sniff at the adorable, apple scented shampoo which he's recently begun using.

Jin, of course, hears the sharp intake of breath, and silently smirks to himself knowing how smitten Namjoon is for him. He places a soft kiss on his torso, then another, each peck becoming wetter and harder against his skin; trailing up to his neck. Namjoon bites his lip, moving his hands swiftly in order to grip Jin's hips, mouth diving straight to his neck - just as his bedroom door slams open.

"Jesus- fuck, Taehyung" Namjoon groans, sitting up and tidying the covers around them a little. "Yah, I'm going to be living with you guys soon, better get used to it, lovebirds" he smirks, plopping himself down on the end of Namjoon's bed. "What do you want anyway?" Namjoon whines, Jin taps the back of his head lightly and reprimands him for not talking to his little brother nicely.

"Sorry" the (whipped) younger man pouts.

"Well, I was just going to warn you that Jiminnie and Jungkookie are coming over soon, so don't start... doing stuff" Tae grimaces, just a glance over Namjoon's bedside table told him all he needed to know.

"Alright, no need to worry, we'll just cuddle for a bit longer and then we're heading out to town, Taehyungie~" Jin smiles, placing a kiss on Joon's cheek cutely. Just as Taehyung turns to leave, bolting from the awkwardness of his brother's love nest, Namjoon adds: "Oh, before you go", forcing him to sit back down with a loud huff. "We just wanted to let you know that Yoongi is going to be joining the same uni as you in September, he's moving into an apartment with Hoseok", "Is he bringing Seoyun too?" Taehyung's smile widens as Namjoon nods.

"Well that's awesome! I'm glad he's not given up on studying" he grins, seeing as Yoongi had always been a great shoulder for him to lean on. Even if he was just his older brother's friend, the thought of seeing him going back into education was wonderful. Yoongi had always been hanging around with Namjoon for as long as he could remember, and the guy meant a lot to him - whether he knew it or not.

"Yeh, we're pretty glad he still has his dreams... but that means I want you and your friends to be respectful and kind to him alright? Help him around since he's not a big social butterfly" Namjoon points his finger firmly at his younger brother, wagging it in a warning manner. "Of course, we'll be there for him! No worries!" he grins, patting the bed before standing up again, only to hear Namjoon clearing his throat. Stopped, again.

"I'm trusting that you won't go shouting around that he has a daughter though, Alright? I'm sure he'd appreciate not having that kind of attention" his stare is almost menacing, but holds the fondness of a father's care for his son, pleading almost.

'What? B-but-" Taehyung is cut off before he even begins, Namjoon instantly shaking his head at him; a clear warning to drop the subject. "Alright fineee, but I don't get the big deal, Seoyun is adorable" he shrugs, finally able to step away from the overbearing couple, and leaves the room.

"He could've shut the door, the little brat" Namjoon chuckles lowly, "Now, where were we, baby?" Jin blushes, tugging Namjoon back towards his lips.


"So, you guys cool with that?" Tae asks casually, slurping a mouthful of instant noodles afterwards. "I mean sure, isn't he a bit old to be just starting uni though?" Jimin asks, taking a sip of his soda. "I guess he just didn't know what to do with his life before" Taehyung easily lies, and Jungkook is only made interested in the conversation once Taehyung shows his friends a picture of Yoongi and Namjoon together.

"Wow! He's hot! Like goddamn" Jungkook grins, literally grins as he stares at the still image. "I wouldn't get your hopes up, Jungkookie, he's very antisocial... and I don't even know what team he bats for" Tae says, putting down his cup in favour of picking up the controller again, ready to play another round. "I bet I can talk his sweet ass into my bed though... just you watch" he smirks, trying not to falter from his playboy act when Jimin suddenly bursts out laughing.

"Alright, Kookie, lower your ego" he chuckles, slapping his back. "Hey, if Taehyung thinks he can get with Namjoon's friend, that Hoseok guy, he's the Instagram dancer guy... right? Then surely I can get into Yoongi's pants!" Jungkook whines. "Alright then... you're on" Tae shakes his hand, then presses start before either of the other two are even ready. "What! So not fair!" Jimin splutters, trying not to spill his soda as he grabs hastily for his controller.

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