~ Chapter Six ~

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"Yoongi! Quick! You're going to be late!" Hoseok shouts with a face of worry, his panic aided by Seoyun who begins pulling the covers off of her father and prodding his cheeks. "What?! Shi- Sugar!" he groans, flinging upwards and checking his phone; only to see that his alarm hasn't even gone off yet.

"You-" he growls, "Watch what you say! I didn't know any other way to wake you up! Um... It was Seoyun's idea!" Hoseok blabbers, clearly not sounding very convincing. "Daddy! We need get ready! First day!" Seoyun exclaims all of a sudden, sitting on top of Yoongi's chest. He groans at the weight, but smiles anyway; "Of course my little munchkin, are you excited for your first day at school?" "Yeh!" she grins, front teeth sticking out so adorably that it makes Yoongi audibly coo.

"I'm looking forward to starting at my new job too, thanks for the support guys!" Hoseok claps his hands together sarcastically before throwing his slipper at Yoongi "Now come on, get up!".


Seoyun has the earliest start time, so Hoseok drives her and Yoongi down to the school first. "You getting out?" Yoongi asks as he unbuckles Seoyun from her seat, "Sure" Hoseok smiles, turning off the ignition and stepping out of his car. He knew Yoongi would struggle a little more with his anxieties today, so if he could help even a little bit by assisting him now, he knew Yoongi would surely appreciate it.

"E-excuse me, which classroom should I be going to?" Yoongi kindly asks the receptionist as they reach the rather colourful building. She smiles at him, finding his daughter's name by register and directing them to a classroom down the hall. "Daddy... there's lots of people" Seoyun tugs on his shirt, suddenly nervous for the first time since she found out she'd be going to school.

Yoongi sighs gently before crouching down to her height; the bubble of hope that he hadn't passed on his social anxiety to her had just popped. "Baby, I know it seems overwhelming and scary, but you'll have fun! I'm sure of it" he smushes her cheek, "You'll make plenty of friends, and anyone who doesn't want to make friends with you is dumb, so just enjoy today, okay? You can do it!" Seoyun nods hesitantly, but still manages a smile as her dad pats her head in reassurance.

"I love you, daddy!" she runs over, winding her arms tightly around Yoongi's neck as he hugs her back just as warmly. "I love you too, sweetie, now off you go" he nudges her towards the classroom, "Your lunch is in your bag, have a wonderful day, Yunnie~". Seoyun giggles, taking her backpack before kissing her father on the cheek, an action which he reciprocates, then she turns and enters the classroom with such eagerness and bravery that it makes Yoongi's heart swell with pride.

He makes sure she gets in safely, the teacher guiding her to a seat, before finally turning around to Hoseok; albeit with small tears in his eyes. "You did so well" Hoseok smiles gently, taking Yoongi's hand, "Do you need a moment?", "N-no, that's okay, we better get going" Yoongi breathes in, softly squeezing Hoseok's hand to let him know that he appreciates the gesture. Hoseok gladly pulls him along, back to the car where they finally head off to the start of Yoongi's new life at university.


When they arrive at the campus, Taehyung is already stood waiting for Yoongi. He waves exaggeratedly to Hoseok with a grin, who (sadly) really has to leave for work or he'll be late, before ushering Yoongi over.

"I'm a grown man, I don't need you to chaperone me around" he groans, pushing away Taehyung's open palm. "It's okay to be nervous, I understand, but we both have our introduction to music class together first thing, so it'll all be alright!" he smiles at him warmly. Taehyung is just too sweet to turn away, even for someone as grumpy as Min Yoongi. After signing in, handing over all the necessary documents, and receiving a much larger stack of sheets for their subjects, among which were timetables and such, they both head to their first lecture.

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