~ Chapter Five ~

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"We're here, baby, wake up!" Yoongi mumbles, softly shaking his daughter awake. She groans, rubbing her eyes once they finally blink open, gazing about the view of strangely tall buildings around her. It was a long car drive - to say the least. Between Hoseok's music taste and his smelly feet being sat on the dashboard for the entire journey, Yoongi's glad to have finally arrived.

"Up you get!" Yoongi struggles to pull her out of her car seat - he refuses to acknowledge that it's because she's growing bigger now, but eventually she's situated on his hip again. "This not a house?" she frowns, glancing up at the apartment complex in front of them. "We're living in an apartment now, sweetheart, not a house like grandma and grandpa's" he smiles, placing her down on the floor with a grimace at her heaviness.

"I wanna see new house, daddy!" she squeals, struggling to get away from his grasp, his grip on her hand remaining firm. "Come on, what did I tell you about road safety?" he shakes his head as he gently tugs her by the hand across the street, up to the entrance.

It isn't the cleanest, nor the prettiest, but it seems safe and practical enough - at least the stairs are enclosed and not on the outside of the complex. Yoongi uses his new key to unlock the door, wearily pushing it open (you know, incase there's a monster inside or anything) where his eyes land upon the small - not overly furnished - main room of their new home.

"Doesn't seem so bad" Hoseok smiles, having caught up with him in the hallway, lugging a dozen bags at once (because Hoseok doesn't like to take two trips). "Move, these are heavy" he stumbles, near enough throwing his stuff all over the floor as he makes his way through. "You're tidying that up! Now, can you watch Seoyun for me while I get the rest of the stuff?" Yoongi ushers her forward, making sure she won't follow him before returning to the car.


Once all of their belongings are tidied away respectively in their bedrooms; with Hoseok taking the one closest to the kitchen, Yoongi opting for the one next to it and Seoyun having the cozy bedroom in the corner by the bathroom, they decide to go out shopping for some necessities. Though, Yoongi already anticipated that Seoyun would be sleeping with him for tonight, his precious girl would likely end up being scared sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings.

They'd only brought one car down with them; Hoseok's, so they limited themselves to only packing personal belongings in order to save space and weight when travelling. In hindsight, setting up in a new place with an agitated child and no food packed doesn't make for the best combination.

Luckily, the store is only a ten minute drive away, so they found themselves soon filing out of the car and into the store, following Yoongi's orders, of course. "Hoseok, please, you're setting a bad example for my Seoyunnie" Yoongi whines, noticing Hoseok had just thrown his fifth bag of junk food into the shopping cart. "What? I'm paying for them, I'll have a separate cupboard for my food, it's my apartment too! I need the carbs for my hardcore exercise routine!" he argues grumpily, already on the search for some fizzy beverages. "Ugh, fine" Yoongi sighs - they're all fed up from the long drive down here - and checks his shopping list as they near the vegetables.

"You're like a real dad, aren't you?" Hoseok grins, slapping Yoongi's back - who only growls in response. "What do you mean, I am a real dad, asswipe" he punches his shoulder, making his daughter gasp audibly (albeit, comically) at the violent action. Hoseok's red hair bounces as he skips along, "You know what I mean, I've always just seen you as my friend but, here you are with a properly written shopping list with planned meals for the week, and it's just... it's cute! It's endearing!" he smiles; Yoongi doesn't buy it.

Just as the trio turn the corner, Yoongi groans even louder as they come face to face with Namjoon and his little brother.

Seoyun will definitely be leaving with too much sugar if Taehyung is around.

"Hey guys! Glad you made it here safely" Namjoon smiles, bringing them both in for a fist bump. "SEOYUN-AH!" Taehyung downright screams, swooping her up from inside the shopping cart and into his arms, "Uncle Tae Tae!" she giggles, squealing as he blows raspberries on her tummy. "Let's not make a scene guys... I know this is an emotional reunion, but-" Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"Hey! I haven't seen Seoyun in like nearly a YEAR!" Taehyung shrieks (what can I say, he's always screaming) before sitting the girl on his hip. "Let's shop together!" he grins, all teeth and gums, and Yoongi doesn't have the heart to complain.

"So, settled in okay?" Namjoon asks Yoongi, ignoring Hoseok who's animatedly talking (flirting) with Taehyung further down the isle. From what he can make out, they're excitedly discussing something about how crazy it is that Hoseok built a large portion of his dance portfolio from Instagram, and how Taehyung is an up and coming photographer. Crazy right? He internally scoffs.

"Yeh thanks, it's not as bad as I thought it'd be, I'm just hoping our neighbours aren't noisy assholes" Namjoon laughs at the reply, patting him on the back. "I'm sure if you told them off anyway they'd be too frightened to even step too loudly again" Yoongi only hums, gazing back to where Taehyung is holding Seoyun.

"I can hear your thoughts racing! Stop worrying so much, you're going to do well at uni and Seoyun is going to be just fine" Namjoon smiles, even flashing his cute dimples for reassurance. "Stop reading my emotions, smartass" Yoongi huffs - though he means no harm by it. Namjoon just ruffles his hair, as if he were his Hyung, and carries on pushing the shopping cart which, by this point, they were all sharing.

It's only late at night, when Seoyun is fast asleep against his chest and Hoseok's snores amplify from the next room, that Yoongi feels some spark of personal hope, excitement even, within him. He hasn't felt like this in years, in fact, he can't remember the last time he had felt this sensation.

I've got a big day ahead of me tomorrow, he exhales, snuggling under the covers, kissing Seoyun's forehead, and finally letting himself succumb to sleep.

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