~ Chapter Sixteen ~

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About a week or so had passed, and for the most part, Yoongi's day follows the same order: wake up, get himself and Seoyun ready for school, drop her off at school, take himself to his lectures, spend hours in the studio, return home with Seoyun, and finally: rest until bedtime. Though repetitive, the schedule worked out well for the father-daughter duo, and he was finding it very fulfilling being able to work on his craft and spend quality time with his daughter, simultaneously.

He'd been in his studio for a fair few hours now, though recently interrupted by one of his fellow students. He was a nice enough kid named Jihoon, though he'd already claimed his producer name to be 'Woozi', and the two got along quite well during class because of their shared knowledge and experience with classical instruments, as well as both dabbling in sound-mixing of course.

They'd been discussing their solo projects, and it was clear that Jihoon was after some tips from his Hyung - Yoongi wasn't exactly sure why he seemed so fond of him, he was no expert! Nonetheless, he found himself ease into the conversation, and had even been able to edit parts of the track that he wasn't completely satisfied with, thanks to the additional, unbiased perspective in the room.

"How about we go get a coffee? You look like you've been in here for hours, and I could sure do with a chilled-out break" the younger offered, keen for a bit of company this afternoon on the university campus. "Well..." Yoongi sighs, thinking, I have completed a lot of work today, and I guess it couldn't hurt...

He speculates for a few more moments before accepting defeat, and offering a kind smile, "I wouldn't mind going for a quick coffee". "Great!" Jihoon grins, picking up his coat and bag from behind the door while Yoongi sets about shutting everything down. "After you" he smiles, switching off the lights and leaving the little room as tidy as it was that morning.


The two converse over music, how boring that one professor is, what it's like living away from home, and Yoongi finds himself opening up about his daughter too. He's proud of her isn't he? Why should it be such a big deal to tell people about her like she's some secret?

"You should bring her to class one day! Everyone would love her, she's so cute!" Jihoon grinned as Yoongi showed him photos. Staring at the screen, however, he also caught a glimpse of the time at the top of his phone, "Shit, I gotta get going, time really flies when you're having fun!" he says sheepishly.

"Damn, I didn't notice the time" Yoongi gasps, not used to holding any sort of social interaction for much longer than 2 minutes. "Sorry I gotta shoot but, let's hang out again sometime? I had fun!" the younger smiles, and Yoongi can't help but mirror his expression, "Sure, I'd like that".

Jihoon offers a polite nod before leaving the warm coffee shop, and Yoongi is stood awkwardly hovering over their table for a moment as he decides what to do now. It would be at least half an hour or so before he could pick up Seoyun, but he had no other business at the university to attend to for the day...

"Hey!" he's suddenly interrupted by a foreign face. "Jungkook?" Yoongi asks rhetorically, sitting back down at the table as Jungkook automatically decides to put his take-out cup down. "Fancy seeing you here" the younger grins, somewhat flirtatiously, making Yoongi slightly uncomfortable. "Yeh... I was just with a friend" he says shortly, wondering if Jungkook was just here to hurt him, bother him, play some cruel trick on him. Nonetheless, he wasn't going to let some kid ruin his good mood.

"I'm going back to the dance studio in a minute, hence my cup" Jungkook gestures towards his take-out cup of something frothy, deciding to try his luck. "So... how's things?" he asks, a little sheepishly - Jimin had told him that Yoongi was devastated and really cared about him, but that didn't seem to be the case. He seemed just fine...

"Quite good actually, my work is coming along well, I've got my classmates all sharing ideas and personal knowledge from their experiences... producing music really is something" he smiles dreamily to himself, "Of course, there's Seoyun as well; she's settling into school just fine, I'm so proud of her! Everything really is coming along nicely right now".

Jungkook stills for a moment, not really knowing what to say. He'd expected just a simple: 'I'm good, what about you?', not to hear that his (small) crush wasn't even noticing his lack of presence in his life; in fact, he was doing much better off without him!

"Uh... well, that's awesome! Uh yeh... great" he mumbles, taking a sip of his coffee and tapping the cup anxiously with his shaking fingers afterwards. "Well, I better get going... It was nice um seeing you" he mutters, giving a polite nod before slipping off and out through the door. Yoongi remains seated for a moment, that was weird, he thinks briefly, shrugging it off as he slips on his coat and heads off to pick up Seoyun.


"So~ I hear someone ran into Jungkookie today" Hoseok squeals at his usual, high-pitched, tone. Yoongi squints his eyes in pain at such a noise, answering begrudgingly; "And? He was just passing by me in the coffee store... he wasn't rude to me or anything don't worry".

Hoseok smiles widely as he jumps next to Yoongi on the couch, "I know! Tae told me on the phone that Jungkook is devastated! I just know he has a HUGE crush on you, it's no wonder he usually acts so rude and cocky! I think your confidence must've scared him off today..." he rambles, more-so to himself, but Yoongi chimes in nonetheless.

"Really? But, that doesn't make sense" he muses, immediately interrupted by his friend, "I'm for real! Tae tells me that him and Jimin have been counselling him all evening! He really regrets what he did to you in that restaurant" he pouts. Yoongi scoffs, picking up the remote control, "He's just feeling self-guilt, I really don't need him to be that close to me, acquaintances is fine for me" he exhales. "Still..." Hoseok offers quietly, not really knowing what else to say.

"How are you and Tae though? Ready to come out as official yet?" Yoongi smirks as Hoseok's face flushes, "Yah! We've only had a few dates!" he whines. Yoongi laughs, nudging his shoulder, "You two are cute, so just call him your boyfriend already!". Hoseok smiles at the thought, "He really is something special... but, wouldn't it be weird to outright ask him to be mine? Like, maybe he thinks we already are official" he twiddles his thumbs shyly.

Yoongi knows that despite his loud appearance, Hoseok also has his insecurities, and so gently squeezes his arm to reassure him; "I'm sure he'd absolutely love it if you took him out on a special date, and asked him to be exclusively yours, he's definitely in love with you already, plus he's younger... he's probably expecting you to make the big move". "Thanks man... you know what? I'll do it" he grins, eager to make the younger man his.

The two soon wish eachother goodnight after such a long day, both with completely different thoughts about their love lives swimming around in dizzying thoughts.

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