~ Chapter Eighteen ~

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"Guysss~ I'm so nervous" Jungkook whines, doing up the last few buttons on his shirt as he slowly plods out of the bathroom. "Are you sure this is even going to work?" he asks no one in particular; there are so many people walking through his shared apartment these days.

"Trust me, I know Yoongi like he's my soulmate, he will definitely like it" Hoseok grins, looping his arm around Taehyung's chest as they flop onto the couch. "You're lucky that Jimin knows Jihoon, otherwise we could've never pulled this off" Hoseok further comments, making Tae laugh: "Of course Jimin knows him! Jimin knows all the gays on campus".

"What can I say? Everyone wants a piece of this" he grins, standing in front of Taehyung and performing a few body rolls before being pushed away from him, the two quickly getting into a not-so-serious play fight. Jungkook combs through his hair one more time, knowing it would get messy anyway, and sighs in frustration, "I haven't had long to practice! What if it's awful!".

"Jungkookie! It'll all be okay! Trust me, it's personal but not too soppy, just what Yoongi likes!" Jimin cheers, poking his cheek, "Yeh, Yoongi really appreciates gestures that aren't public too, so you'll be just fine even if something does go wrong..." Hoseok offers a smile.

Jungkook tries to calm down, the worst that could happen is a private rejection, that's all! They'd still be friends nonetheless... right?

"Yah! It's nearly 10! Go, go!" Taehyung shoos him, kicking his shoes towards him and ignoring his splutters, "Stop stressing, just be yourself! He likes you" he says assuringly. Everyone stands around the door frame like proud parents when Jungkook finally leaves the apartment, rushing with his practice bag and coat in hand. "Fingers crossed everyone!" Jimin smiles.


Jihoon meets Jungkook in one of the dance practice rooms, thankfully with the USB necessary for this whole mission, and the two hurry about setting up the room. "Thank you so much for the help, though this is kind of embarrassing" Jungkook says quietly, making Jihoon chuckle, "Really it's no problem, man! Any friend of Jimin's is a friend of mine... Plus, Yoongi really is a great guy, I wanna see him hooked up to someone he cares about" he smiles easily.

Jihoon leaves for class as Jungkook locks up the studio and runs to the nearest coffee shop - he had to make this just right. With a thumping heart and shaky hands, he finds his feet carrying him to Yoongi's studio door - a place as familiar, by now, as the back of his hand. He places the two drinks down first before lifting a fist to the door, gently tapping so as to not startle the boy on the other side. As if by cue, he hears the faint 'come in' and pulls the handle down, toeing the door open with his foot and picking up the two drinks again - one in each hand - then nudges the door shut behind him.

"Good morning" he smiles brightly, making Yoongi chuckle, "Good morning to you too" he nods, outstretching his palm in request of his drink. "So rude, Min Yoongi" he huffs, handing over the coffee nonetheless, and cups his hands around his own drink once his hand is free. "You know me, I'm a busy man, Jungkookie" he winks playfully, though still slips off his headphones in order to talk to him properly - they had these little breaks often, after all.

Their conversation over the coffee allows Jungkook to relax, easing his way into the foundations of his plan. "-so yeh! It's pretty awesome" Yoongi cuts into his thoughts, thankfully interrupting his mental focus and ruminating worries. "Cool!" he responds plainly, clearly preoccupied - and Yoongi seems to notice, "Everything okay? You seem a little... distracted?" he says gently, not wanting to cause offence.

"Ah no, everything's fine, I-I was just thinking actually... you always let me see your work, I'd love for you to see what I do sometime" he scratches the back of his neck, "Well sure! I mean, I'm no dance expert, but I'm sure I could tell you if you're floundering around or not" he grins. "Great! How about right now?" Jungkook says a little too eagerly, making Yoongi's eyes widen slightly.

"Now?" he chuckles sheepishly, inwardly cooing when Jungkook quickly nods his head like a little bunny, "I mean, I have the key to one of the practice rooms, I needed to go there today anyway, fancy accompanying me for a little while?". Yoongi takes a glance back to his computer; it is still early in the morning, and he wouldn't get far behind by leaving the studio for just half an hour or so...

"Sure, I'd love to see you practice" he finally settles on, already reaching over to shut down his computer. Min Yoongi definitely wasn't eager though...


Once in the practice room, Yoongi's shocked to see Jungkook slip off his comfy hoodie, only to reveal an attractive, smart shirt underneath. Come to think of it, he was even wearing tight jeans today instead of his usual baggy sweatpants...

"What's the occasion?" he toothily grins, taking a seat on one of the benches next to the wall. "Oh, nothing" Jungkook smirks to himself while he's turned around, plugging in the speakers with his heart hammering in his ears - surely no music could be louder than this? "This is a n-new piece I've been working on, so if it's a little scruffy, just ignore it" the younger takes a shallow breath as he presses play.

Suddenly, the air is filled with grace as Jungkook takes the centre stage - and Yoongi's ears prick up as a familiar beat surrounds him. It couldn't be... He thinks, bewildered at the scene in front of him. Jungkook is dancing fluidly on the wooden floor, yet also popping his limbs to each heavy beat of the music. It's as if the melody has consumed his body; switching off his mind and allowing his limbs to take on the rhythm. This is my piece...

Yoongi feels his face flush as his brain recognises every beat, each instrument in perfect order. He had produced this piece, had shown Jungkook this specific piece whilst explaining his troubling past, but how did he have access to it now?

The melody gradually ceases as Jungkook's feet are planted firmly back on the ground, striking an ending pose right in front of him. He finds his eyes too shy to move on their own, forcing them to look upwards into Jungkook's own glistening pair. "So... what do you think?" Jungkook says, barely above a whisper, "Uh... well, you're very um, talented" Yoongi scratches at the back of his neck.

"Where the hell did you get my track from? You little sneak" he gasps, playfully of course, prompting Jungkook to laugh a little. "I had to make it special... you are pretty special after all" he grins, "Yah! You're making me cringe" whines Yoongi, nudging him away slightly. "Well, now that we're here..." Jungkook reaches behind him, pulling out a single black rose from his back pocket and clearing his throat.

"I know I screwed things up the first time, but I think we really needed this time to get to know each other, you know? It's been a pleasure becoming your friend, but what I'd really love is to call you mine", Yoongi takes the rose as Jungkook pauses for a moment, "I'm infatuated with everything about you Yoongi, and I'd like to think I've matured in the time that we've talked into someone who could be worth your affection... I know I'm asking for a lot but, it would mean the world to me if you'd give me a second chance" he finishes, almost sweating out of nerves.

Yoongi sits baffled, not knowing what to say nor how to process what has already been said; confessions aren't really his forte. He coughs a little to the side, clearing his throat, before looking up again at those bright eyes, "Well... you've got me stuck now, Jungkook!" he snickers to himself. Jungkook allows himself to smile as he sits down next to Yoongi, "I know it's a lot, perhaps a little eccentric even for me, but I wanted to show I was serious" he admits, lightly kicking his shoes at the scuffed-up floor.

Finally lifting his head, Yoongi meets Jungkook's eyes with certainty and smiles warmly at him, "How about you take me out to dinner and we'll go from there?". Jungkook almost squeals in delight, reaching his arms out and stopping short- "Uh... is a hug appropriate?" he sheepishly says, chuckling when Yoongi rolls his eyes "Fineeee".

They share a quick embrace, the warmth between them radiating, before pulling back all too soon. "Hm... how about a peck on the cheek?" Jungkook grins, "You're really pushing it now, Kook" Yoongi feigns annoyance, smiling like a madman when Jungkook actually leans over and places a wet kiss on his cheek, running away out of shyness immediately afterwards.


When they both came home to Yoongi's apartment after going out to eat together, everyone was there waiting. Literally, everyone - even Jin and Joon. The new couple were met with screams of 'FINALLY!'  like crazy the second they entered.

What else are friends for?

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