~ Chapter Ten ~

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"Okay, so I know it's already her bedtime, but just to make sure... she definitely washed her face and brushed her teeth, right? Oh, and make sure she keeps her warm pyjamas on, it's getting cold!" Yoongi lists off to Hoseok, though more to himself than the other, who stands looking bored despite trying to be attentive.

"Seoyun, let me give you a kiss goodnight, baby" Yoongi lifts the pitch of his voice slightly, into the cutest of cooing. "Night, Daddy" she slurs, kissing his cheek before laying back down in bed. Yoongi stares down at her for a moment from the side of her little bed, tucking the blanket tightly up to her chin, smoothing it down, and tentatively stroking her cheek before pushing himself up off of his knees.

"He's here!" Hoseok yells down the hall, to which Yoongi reprimands him for disturbing his precious Seoyun. "Calm down, it's just a date!" he smacks the over-excitable Hoseok, confused as to why he's literally bouncing on the couch - his legs are way too long to be hopping on the cushions and holding onto the back of the couch at the same time.

"Did you forget?? I invited Tae over to help babysit! I picked out a movie and his favourite snacks and...everything!" he smiles dreamily, sliding onto the floor. "That's lovely, just please don't make too much noise with Seoyun around" he winks, making Hoseok's cheeks flush. "Hey! I don't even know if he actually likes me yet!" he pouts, and Yoongi shushes him, reprimanding his best friend about how attractive and what a catch he is, as he unlocks the door.

"Hello!" Taehyung giggles, nudging Jungkook forward 'accidentally' whilst making his way into the cozy apartment. "H-Hi Tae" Hoseok blushes, "Thanks for coming over...". Yoongi and Jungkook both roll their eyes at the sight of the pair, acting like clueless children, though they themselves began smiling bashfully upon glancing at one another. The younger suddenly retrieves his hands from behind his back, scratching nervously at the back of his neck with one hand out of habit.

"Um... I didn't know what to bring you but I saw these flowers and thought that they were nice... I'm sorry if it's dumb" Jungkook outstretches his palm, purposely avoiding eye contact. Yoongi feels his heart warm at the action, pushing the soppy feeling down as he accepts the token with a soft 'thank you'.

"We'd better be going then, take care of... things" Yoongi looks to Hoseok, who only nods in understanding. "Don't worry! We'll tidy the place and everything!" Tae smiles, much to Hoseok's dismay who groans, but still sends the other two out of the apartment with a bright smile.

"Where are we off to then, handsome?" Yoongi asks with a smirk; he just loves flustering the younger man. "I was t-thinking of this nice little diner? I don't have a lot of money as a broke college student, you know" he laughs, unlocking his car whilst gesturing to how rundown it was. Yoongi didn't mind though, straightening out his jacket before slipping into the car, immediately teasing Jungkook about wearing tidy clothes and sneakers at the same time. "I told you I'm broke!" he groans - at least he had a smart shirt and tie on!


"So... what else do you do in your spare time?" Yoongi asks after swallowing a mouthful of fries, feeling himself loosen up as the minutes tick by. Jungkook leans on his palms, "I dance a lot with Jimin, I switch from different sports teams a lot too since I'm pretty good all-round, and I play video games with Tae, pretty dumb stuff really" he chuckles, "What about you?".

Yoongi scratches his neck in thought before answering, "Not much, I dabble in writing, I used to play basketball quite a lot too actually now that you mention it, but I'm usually just working or looking after... things" he swallows down some Pepsi, nervous. "Things? What kind of things?" Jungkook asks, thinking back to how Tae and Hoseok were 'looking after' the apartment tonight, did he have a secret safe or something? Maybe he's a secret millionaire's son, like in fanfiction! He thought amusingly.

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