~ Chapter Two ~

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[ Three Years Ago ]

A mere year later, and the clumsy, moody, immature teenager that Yoongi once was had been completely replaced by someone almost as soft as his brother.

"Seoyun! Well done, baby!" he grinned, clapping his hands excitedly as she lifted herself up off the floor and onto her legs - with the help of the couch of course. His gummy smile only grew wider once she began gurgling, grinning cheekily as she made a few tentative steps towards him. Of course, she fell right back onto her bottom afterwards, but Yoongi couldn't have possibly felt prouder.

"You are the cleverest little baby! Yes you are!" he cooed, rubbing noses with her just to hear her laugh louder. "I don't think I've ever heard you this happy before" Yoongi's friend, Hoseok, chimed in from his spot on the couch. "Well... you know" Yoongi scratched his neck awkwardly.

Of course he was happy - over the moon in fact! His baby girl had become the centre of his life and happiness, showing him that there was so much more to appreciate about life than he had ever known. Maybe it was fate that all of the unfortunate events occurred, because she had definitely allowed him to mature into the gentleman he was today.

Though, he couldn't lie, it did hurt knowing that he was stuck in a dead end job now whilst all of his classmates were off at university instead. His best friend, Namjoon, had already moved away to study teaching at a prestigious university in Seoul (no shock there, he was always the clever one), and Hoseok had been offered an apprenticeship at the local dance academy he used to be enrolled in. Even Seokjin, who was in his last year of university now, wasn't home and would be moving away permanently soon once he found a job in the city.

There were no classes to keep Yoongi occupied in the day, no course he was taking in order to build a career, not even a college degree where he could go and meet people and have nights out like everyone else his age.

He was stuck at home; cleaning, cooking, caring for his daughter and working all night at a convenience store while she slept.

Some life.

But at least one of his few friends, Hoseok, hadn't actually moved far away from home (due to his local apprenticeship of course), so he wasn't completely alone.

He was so glad that he had decided to keep his little girl though, she really meant the world to him.

"I'm proud of you, you know?" Hoseok said with a smile, stroking the baby's back. He could always tell when his friend was overthinking. "I mean you've done all of this on your own, you didn't chicken out, and I honestly think you've become a better person" he continued, "So don't ever feel guilty for what you did or feel sad that you're not studying yet, just give it time, you've more than redeemed yourself" he grinned, pulling Yoongi into a side hug.

"Thanks, I really do appreciate it" Yoongi smiled shyly, playfully ruffling his friend's hair. "Plus, you can cook for me now!" Hoseok smirked, eliciting a slap to the back of his head. "I've become a single housewife, not your housewife!". Hoseok only laughed further.


"Goodnight my princess" Yoongi murmured softly some hours later, gently placing the sleeping baby into her cot. He turned on the 'white noise baby calmer' before tending to her blankets - pulling them over her small yet chubby body, and tucking her in, right up to her little chin. "Sweet dreams" he gently kissed her cheeks, nose and forehead before leaving the room, only to flush out of natural shyness when he noticed his parents were stood there.

"We heard Hoseok before, sweetie, and it's true, what he said... we should've said something sooner but, we're so proud of you for doing such a good job at this, even if you did make a silly decision" his mother smiled. "It's in the past now, so know that we're not mad okay? We're supporting you all the way" his father added, and they both awkwardly hugged him as unshed tears clouded his eyesight.

"I mean, what can I do? She's my daughter, I just want the best for her, even if it's not ideal for me... it's nothing that I should be applauded for, I don't even know if I'm a good father yet" he frowned, and his mother almost slapped the pout off of his face for speaking such nonsense. "You're the best father she could ever ask for, please believe that, you're doing so well" she reprimanded, with a firm yet gentle tone.

"Now... we just wanted to talk with you about schooling... since you can't work nights forever" his father said, tugging on his arm in order to hint that he wanted to discuss the matter further in the kitchen.

Sitting down at their dining table, Yoongi assured them that he wasn't desperate to study right now - though he was partially lying, he did have his own dreams after all.

"How about when she starts preschool? You'll have time in the day then, I'm sure we can work something out, I mean you've saved a lot of your wages so far anyway" Yoongi's mother comments, his father nodding in affirmation. "Maybe..." Yoongi hesitated, "I'll think about it okay? I'd still have to work, and I'm sure you want me to move out soon as well, let's not dwell on the future just yet" he forced a smile - despite the voice in the back of his head screaming: 'but you wanted to be a music producer!'.

"Alright then, well... you need to be getting ready for your shift soon" his mother sighed, noticing the time. "Thank you..." he barely whispered, hoping they'd understand. "Don't worry, we'll see you tomorrow" she kissed his forehead, his father opting to pat him on the back instead.

And so, Yoongi returned to his boring night job - slipping in a few 15 minute naps here and there, already feeling tired for tomorrow. Yet, also quite excited for what the new day would bring.

Hopefully, a stroke of luck.

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