~ Chapter Twelve ~

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It's a new day. A fresh new start, Yoongi thinks to himself, trying desperately to haul himself out of bed with a positive attitude. I will move past this, it was just a crappy date...

"Dada!" a cheerful voice, much more awake than himself, interrupts Yoongi's thoughts - which seem to melt away at the sight of his precious daughter clambering onto the bed, limbs as heavy as bricks as they plonk themselves carelessly down onto his sheets. "Good morning my princess! Are you ready for another day at big girl school?" he smiles, scooping up her weight onto his chest. "Yeh! but Uncle Hobi is still sleeping..." Seoyun pouts, prompting Yoongi to tickle the frowny face away; she immediately bursts into a fit of giggles.

"Miss Lee said we craft today!! Can I take my crayons to school, Dada? Pleaseee" Seoyun lightly hits her father's shoulders, her tiny fists making it too difficult, too adorable to say no to. "You have to look after them though, okay sweetie? Share them, but don't let anybody try to take them off of you, okay?" he held out his hand, extending a pinky for her to join with in promise. "I'll look after crayons! Pwomise!" she giggles, sealing the secret promise, before jumping up and down again: "Want bweakfast!".

Yoongi huffs before lifting the small child, toeing on his slippers, and carrying her to the kitchen, her size awfully deceiving for her ever growing weight - or maybe Yoongi's arms were just getting weaker... no, that couldn't be it!

"Lets see... pancakes, waffles, or cereal today?" Yoongi mumbles, startled when another male voice loudly chimes: "Pancakes please!". "Hoseok! You're such a-", "Watch what you say!" he motions to Seoyun, grinning as he slips on his shirt, ready for another day at the dance studio. "How're you feeling though man? I told Tae not to make things awkward today in class" he half smiles. The two hadn't really mentioned the elephant in the room, though there wasn't much point in having a lengthy discussion about it, Yoongi just wanted to move on.

"I'm fine... I get to start using the private studios this week anyway, so that'll be exciting" says Yoongi, rolling his eyes when Hoseok begins squealing, "Ah! My best friend, the world's next best music producer!" he jumps around, and Seoyun joins in too by clapping her hands. "Alright alright, calm down, I'm awake now!" Yoongi groans, covering his ears almost comically as the three sit down to eat breakfast together.


"Hi Yoongs!" Tae immediately greets his Hyung, motioning to the seat next to him in their lecture hall for the morning. "Hey..." he awkwardly coughs in response, waving to Jimin shyly and offering a polite nod Jungkook's way. He wasn't going to act like they were in highschool and cause arguments or shoot glares, he'd just pretend nothing happened and he'd soon forget about it. Nevertheless, seeing Jungkook sat there in his cool, black clothes and wearing his signature smirk as if nothing at all was wrong, did hurt.

Why does Jungkook have to be so damn attractive-

"So! I heard you're upgrading to the private studios soon!" Tae smiles, trying to dissipate the awkwardness lingering around in the air like a foul stench. "Yeh... starting from this week I'm allowed to work on individual music projects" answers Yoongi, unwillingly smiling at the thought of his dreams slowly becoming a reality. He'd worked hard on his assignments so far, taking in all of the advanced information about producing that, years earlier, he'd only been able to dabble in by himself online.

"That sounds awesome! You'll have to let us listen when you've created something!" Jimin grins toothily, and there's something about his aura that allows Yoongi's nerves to finally settle. He's still glad, nonetheless, to be pulled from awkward small-talk when their professor enters the lecture hall, occupying his mind for the next couple of hours.


"The studio is amazing! It's so clean and modern and... I just love it!" Yoongi happily rants into his webcam, his animated expressions even shocking his brother from the other side of the screen. "I'm so glad you're enjoying your studies, Yoongs. You look good! You look happy" says Jin, quickly motioning for Namjoon to join their call.

"Hey Yoongi! Good to see you man" Namjoon says coolly, sitting down next to Jin - on what Yoongi can just about make out as their bed, through the pixels. "Hey" Yoongi waves, turning down his volume slightly in fear of waking Seoyun, realising that they might've been talking too loud. "Well, I'm glad to see you so studious! Just don't become too sucked into your new projects, you gotta balance the life stuff as well" his older brother notes, making a point of gesturing to his boyfriend with a sneaky expression.

"Pft, what life stuff?" he scoffs, "I always make time for Seoyun, we're just fine" he says somewhat defensively, and Jin notices. "I know you do, and as your big brother I'm very proud of you for that, you're very good at time management. I'm just saying, don't forget to socialise with people your own age too!" he smiles kindly; even through the crappy webcam quality, Yoongi can tell just by his expression that he's being sincere.

"Yeh I mean... I know things with Jungkook are a bit awkward right now, but Jimin and Tae for sure enjoy your company, he told me!" Namjoon adds, talking about his little brother of course who always keeps him in the loop of 'university goss', sometimes he even shares too much for his liking: Namjoon does NOT need to know about Jimin's late night booty calls. "I guess" Yoongi shrugs, "But I'm not like you guys, you've been together since like...forever! The only people I really talk to are you two and Hoseok, and that's enough upkeep for me" he chuckles quietly.

"Yah! Min Yoongi! My little brother will not die a lonely bachelor! Keep your social options open!" he laughs, "I mean, yeh, it's hard work, me and Joon aren't all sunshine and roses, we had to work at it and make time for eachother... Friendship is only like a fifth of the effort of a romantic relationship! So don't close yourself off, yeh? I know its hard to balance everything, so just work at it in your pace, okay?".

Yoongi sat nodding, taking it all in. For years it had just been him and Seoyun - he dearly appreciated his few close friends, and he didn't mean to take them for granted, but they had become such a staple of his life that their relationships didn't feel like work anymore. Searching for a romantic relationship, however, appeared much more tiring, scary, daunting, and he wasn't experienced. Even just new friendships ticked his anxiety. He knew he'd have to open up more eventually, his new life as a university student already helping his social anxiety greatly, but he'd always been quite a private person, and didn't feel the need to involve anyone else so closely, intimately, into his private life.

"I'll think about it" he eventually settles on, pleasing his brother and making Namjoon chuckle slightly. "One day you'll be like your big bro, Yoongs, totally smitten" Jin giggles, kissing Namjoon's cheek too loudly, making Yoongi cringe. "Very funny, very funny" he quietly sighs, a smile nonetheless showing as he waves goodbye to the webcam.

He really was quite a lucky man, really. His life was just starting to fall into place, he was happy, and he knew he had a lot to be grateful for. He'd continue to work harder, to study ruthlessly for his degree and, hopefully, a promising future. Friends and potential relationships could wait, he thought. This was Min Yoongi's life, he was going to try and put Seoyun and himself first, always.

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