~ Chapter Eight ~

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Yoongi wakes up feeling content and, after a small yawn, stretches out his body, all the way from wiggling his toes to cracking his knuckles. "Sweet" he grins to himself, feeling so warm and comfortable; until of course Hoseok barges into his room, yelling about him being late.

"I'm so glad it's Friday" Yoongi groans, kicking Hoseok away only to accidentally kick him somewhere... delicate. "Shit man! I'm sorry!" he calls out, suddenly much more awake; Hoseok manages a laugh through the pain. "You'd better be making breakfast this morning, asshole" he grimaces, slightly hunched over as he leaves the room to get himself ready for work.

"Morning, pumpkin!" Yoongi smiles upon entering the kitchen, seeing Seoyun half asleep at the breakfast bar. Perking up at his voice, she giggles before sliding off her chair and running over to him, exclaiming "Daddy!" with her arms outstretched. "You didn't read me my bedtime story last night, uncle Hobi did" she pouts, clinging tightly to Yoongi's neck.

Squirming slightly at the tight grip, he kisses the side of her head before gesturing back towards her breakfast. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'll read to you tonight... Now come on, you've got school soon" she sighs "But, Dadda~" Yoongi sits her down before saying "I promise we'll play together later, okay? I finish school early today, so we can read loads of books and watch movies and play dolls and everything, okay?".

Seoyun is finally satisfied with that, nodding happily before locking pinkies with her dad, sealing the promise indefinitely. "I want waffles, please" Hoseok butts in, finally dressed in his dance sweats with his hair pulled into a ridiculously short pigtail. "I feel sorry for your class having to see you like that" Yoongi chuckles, though inwardly groaning; he'd have barely any time to get himself ready now.


"Hey, Jungkook!" Yoongi greets cheerfully, wondering why he's loitering around the halls this morning. Yoongi wasn't a stalker, but Jungkook had made a point last night of telling him that he and his friends had the day free, so why would he be walking near Yoongi's lecture hall? "Oh, um, hi" he says nonchalantly, staring beady-eyed at his phone.

"My eyes are up here, kid" Yoongi snickers, though finds his chest weirdly unsettle when Jungkook doesn't laugh along with him, not even putting his phone away, he merely continues pacing. "What're you doing here?" he eventually says, trying to keep up with Jungkook's fast-walking pace. "Not much, wanted to see your handsome face before dance practice" he winks greasily.

"Stop being an ass, Jungkook, I'm serious, what're you up to this morning? Is everything okay?" Yoongi asks with a frown, he thought Jungkook had finally opened up last night... Hadn't he? He seemed to be much more down to earth like his nerdy friends when the two had finally talked properly...

"The only ass here is yours" Jungkook smirks, leaning back to smack Yoongi's behind - an action which the elder did not appreciate one bit. "Don't fucking touch me, how dare you?!" he shouts angrily, ignoring the judgemental glares from other students; he wasn't some play toy.

"Talk to me when you've got your senses back, you jerk" Yoongi grits his teeth, calming his anger enough to barge past the younger in search of his first class.

Jungkook could do nothing but blush heavily under the numerous strong gazes pointed at him.


"What the hell did you do that for?!" Jimin gasps, smacking Jungkook's arm without a single hint of playfulness. The boy had come home suspiciously early, bolting straight to his room; but Jimin had stopped him from closing the door and demanded to know what was wrong. "I thought you were going to confess to him? You know, after last night? From what you told me?" he prompts (pretending, of course, that he could remember much of the previous evening).

Jungkook keeps his gaze towards his scuffed-up shoes, as if they were even mildly interesting, taking in a deep breath before actually answering. "I wanted to... but I was embarrassed, okay! I didn't want him to think of me as a weak, afraid guy who hid behind a 'bad boy act' as he put it, so I just carried it on! I didn't mean to escalate things, but I was frustrated! He just sees me as a dumb kid, not a man-" he throws his arms up in the air for extra emphasis.

"Well, you are hiding, right? Why not just be yourself? You said that he actually talked to you yesterday... is there any chance that, perhaps, that was because you were just being you?" Jimin sighs, rolling his eyes. His friends could be really dense sometimes.

"I don't know, maybe... but I can't face him now! I've definitely screwed things up..." he groans, smacking his cheeks as if it'll help the situation. Risen from his pit of despair, a grumpy Tae emerges into their living room, smacking Jungkook upside the head. "I have the worst fricken' headache right now so, Jungkook, I'll take you to Yoongi's place tomorrow where you can ask him out properly, and apologise! Hoseok told me that he came home in a really good mood last night, so you might have a chance unless you've blown it already" he rushes out, almost panting by the time he's finished.

"Since when were you talking to Hoseok, huh?" Jimin cheekily grins, earning himself a shove from Tae as well. "We just snapchat occasionally, alright? And we hype up eachother's Instagrams... But that's not the issue here! You really shouldn't treat anyone like that, Jungkook" he sighs, feeling ashamed in his brother-like friend, especially knowing Yoongi's history with dating.

"I know, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, I'll make it up to him, I promise" he bows his head, childishly locking pinkies with Tae to seal the promise.


"Okay Seoyun, one more game and then we have to get ready for bed" Yoongi smiles, grabbing a handful of popcorn before loading up the last round of Wii bowling. "Can I play this time?" Hoseok pouts from where he's been exiled on the couch, though Seoyun is quick to interject: "No, Hobi! You cheated!" she giggles, poking accusingly at his cheeks.

"I think Hobi has had a long enough time out now, shall we let him play?" Yoongi asks, already passing a remote to his friend. "Hmm... okay!" she easily agrees, jumping onto the sofa to sit on Yoongi's lap as they all start the game together.

They both took pity on Seoyun, purposely missing pins so that she wouldn't feel as bad for not yet perfecting the skill of Wii bowling at such a young age. It's still a great laugh though, and as the game ends with Yoongi's victory (of course, he is genius Min Yoongi after all), Seoyun is half asleep on his shoulder.

"Come on, baby, let's get you to bed" he whispers, scooping her up whilst asking Hoseok to switch off the console and tidy up a little. "Okay, Mom" Hoseok groans, stretching his limbs. Yoongi disappears off down the hall, quickly putting Seoyun in her pjs and brushing her teeth, just as someone knocks on their front door.

"I've got it!" Hoseok says to himself more than anyone, retrieving his keys and opening the door. "Jungkook? T-Tae?" he coughs awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck and tidying his shirt, "What're you guys doing here? Especially you, Jungkook, Yoongi told me all about what happened" he frowns, about to slam the door on him, when nimble fingers push it back open.

"Please, I came to apologise, I really didn't mean it..." his forlorn expression is enough to convince Hoseok's weak heart - that and the fact that cutie Taehyung was practically begging him with his eyes - and (with a huff) he lets them both inside, shyly bowing to Taehyung. "Yoongi! Come here" he shouts - not too loud as to disturb Seoyun of course - and the elder soon stumbles down the hallway.

His tired eyes glance up, immediately sharpening as he exhales:


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