~ Chapter Fourteen ~

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Jimin and Taehyung were walking back from their class, the evening still nigh despite their mental exhaustion from the past week. "You doing anything tonight?" Tae says, briefly glancing around the halls before his eyes fall back on his best friend. Jimin sighs before answering, "Nothing much, I feel like hibernating to be honest, no one's after the jibooty tonight" he winks.

"Oh my god dude" Taehyung snorts, rolling his eyes, "I'm probably just gonna bother my brother all night when I get home, got nothing else to do".

"Why don't you just crash at mine? We can watch anime or something" Jimin muses, which seems to lift Taehyung's spirits up a little, "That would be a lot better than doing nothing" he smiles, nodding his head in appreciation before the two notice Jungkook a few steps ahead.

He's circled by about 5 girls, some of them possibly a year or two older than him, and they're all batting their eyelashes wildly as if participating in some weird mating ritual. "So you're a dance major?" one of them drools, flirtatiously running her glossy fingers over his chest, "Yeh, main dancer, JK" he chuckles, deepening his voice to a tone which makes Jimin and Taehyung audibly burst out laughing.

"Ah... looks like I gotta go, see you around ladies" he winks at them, cockily turning around - though only after noticeably checking the girls out. He continues his 'masculine walk' up until he's face to face with his friends, and then his demeanour falters as they promptly laugh at him.

"What in the hell was that!" Jimin giggles as Tae begins acting out the scene; he's brushing up against Jungkook, overly-exaggerating his hand movements across his chest and using a high pitched voice to mimic the girls flattery. "Oh Jungkookie~ so handsome" he squeals, squeezing at his biceps before Jungkook throws him off. "Shut up! Just 'cause I've got more game than y'all" he rolls his eyes, smirking as a random guy walks past and catches his eye.

"What is with you!" Jimin groans, tugging at Jungkook's sleeve, "Come on, Tae's staying over tonight, we all need to talk".


Although Jungkook and Jimin already share their accommodation as roommates, they still treated the evening like a childhood sleepover, especially since Tae was there with them. The trio had rigged up an excellent blanket fort in the dingy living room, using their soft mattresses as the main seating arrangement, and pillows were strewn everywhere. It looked awfully cozy, they just couldn't help but jump into their makeshift bed - though not without forgetting to grab some snacks of course.

"So, anime?" Tae says excitedly, already reaching for the remote when Jungkook suddenly scoffs, "Guys, we're not 12 anymore... let's do some tinder swiping!" he whips out his phone. "Really?" Jimin sighs, switching off the television almost immediately and turning to his two friends; they're sitting in a messy triangle-ish shape as they awkwardly stare at one another.

"Jungkook..." Jimin begins, being rudely cut off by said friend, "I know you have Tinder, Jimin, don't act like such a prude, you're always hooking up, why can't I?" he huffs, closing the app nonetheless before switching off his phone. "Let's not ignore the elephant in the room" says Jimin gently, prompted by Tae's warm, reassuring smile.

Jungkook waits for a moment, trying to read the faces of both of his best friends, before ultimately surrendering to their kind eyes, "What is it?" he groans loudly. "Jimin had a talk with Yoongi the other day..." Tae began, looking across at Jimin for him to continue, "Yeh... and well, he's such a nice guy Jungkook, he still cares about you, we really want you to give him another chance" he faintly smiles.

Jungkook rolls his eyes before answering, "Look, guys, I have nothing against the guy, he's attractive, kind, quick-witted, and we lowkey share the same sarcasm... it's just that-" he stops, thinking cautiously about how to best word his thoughts. "I know he's a few years older than you" Taehyung begins, "...And he's clearly maturer, but is it really so bad that he has a kid? She's adorable! And, if anything, it just proves what a good and committed father he is! How loyal and caring of a person he is!" Taehyung's voice gradually raises in volume, clearly passionate about respecting both Yoongi and his little girl, Seoyun.

"Dude chill, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being a single dad... it's just that-" he pauses again, "I'm only 19, you know? And, Yoongi's not the kind of guy I'd just have a fling with... I do care about him, and I've imagined a serious relationship with him, but with a child in the mix... I don't know man, the idea of being his boyfriend is really scary and serious, I don't know if I'm ready to be that serious over some guy I've only recently met" he sighs, casting his eyes down to the floor in embarrassment.

"We understand that, Jungkookie, we're not entirely blaming you for what happened" Jimin pats his arm, scooting closer to his friend, "Yeh... when you put it like that, it is a pretty big thing" Tae bites his lip, somewhat regretful of his previous outburst. "It's just... Yoongi really is a great guy, and it's not exactly his fault that his prom date suddenly turned up in his life, leaving a child and walking out, he's been through a lot! Isn't he worthy of love?" Jimin reasons, having always been the more rational, albeit romantic, friend.

"That really happened?" Jungkook's eyes bulge comically, like an innocent bunny's, "Yeh..." Taehyung nods, "He really has suffered a lot, I mean he put the past 4 years of his life on hold to take care of Seoyun, doesn't that tell you what kind of person he is? And I know he's more than interested in you, it's super obvious, he's never been interested in anyone else since I've known him" he chuckles quietly.

The three exchange a few sparing glances before anyone speaks up again, the tension in the room growing insufferable. "I'll think about it, okay? But this is still a huge deal to me, I mean... for all I know, we might not even get along romantically! I wouldn't want to get involved in a man's life who has a daughter to worry about too, and then walk out if it doesn't work out!" he gasps, mind racing with anxiety and fear, he really didn't want to cause horrendous relationship issues over a small crush.

"There's the spirit!" Taehyung smiles his box smile, Jimin joins in too, smiling with ease, "We're only asking that you consider it, you never know what love you'll find!" he winks. "Okay, okay" Jungkook's resolve crumbles, grinning unwillingly, "But you gotta drop the fuckboy act, seeing you in the hall was embarrassing as hell!" Taehyung snorts, smacking Jungkook on the arm.

"Ow! Yah! You rat!" he retorts, moving into a wrestle with the boy, "Hey! Don't leave me out on this action!" Jimin yells, jumping onto the other two in a messy pile.

The anime could wait.

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