~ Chapter Seventeen ~

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As his alarm clock rudely interrupts him from sleep, blaring into the otherwise silent room, Jungkook sighs whilst rolling over to the edge of the bed.

He hadn't slept much last night; mind far too occupied with racing thoughts about a certain Min Yoongi. Why had he ditched the poor guy? He really didn't deserve such an intelligent, funny, sweet, mature, handsome guy...

Nonetheless, he wanted him. Admittedly, the idea of Yoongi being a father was pretty scary, and still a lot of responsibility, but it couldn't be that bad... could it? Maybe there was a way that he could make the situation better...

With another heavy sigh, he lifts himself up out of bed and rubs his face wearily before plodding to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead.


*Knock* *knock*

The loud sound startles Yoongi, who pulls off his headphones and gently hangs them on his monitor before beckoning whoever it was inside. The shock on his face was clearly visible when Jungkook popped his head around the door, sliding between the gap and closing it behind him. With a hesitant wave, he cleared his throat, "H-hey Yoongi" he coughs, "Jimin told me you'd be here, he said you've been working hard in the studio lately".

Yoongi, though still bewildered, gestures for him to sit down, "Yeh, I suppose... but what brings you here?" he fiddles with the wire of his headphones absentmindedly. Suddenly, Jungkook outstretches his hand from behind his back - had it been there this whole time? - and offers an innocent looking cup of coffee Yoongi's way. "I've been meaning to apologise properly to you for... well, you know what for... I thought a warm cup of coffee to keep you going would be a good start" he says shyly, making more eye contact with the ground than Yoongi's gaze.

There's a faint smile on Yoongi's lips as he accepts the cup, it smells divine, and he politely nods back in return: "Thank you, Jungkook, that's very kind...". Their small exchange, however, is now dwarfed by deafening silence; the small size of the room only perpetuating the awkward air between them. Neither party knew what to say or do next except dart their eyes around the room, as if the other would magically disappear.

Jungkook clears his throat before piping up with a quiet "Well, I better be going... don't work too hard!" as he reaches for the door handle - he misses the first time and awkwardly hits the door, making Yoongi stifle a laugh. "Uh sure, see you around" the elder waves him off, feeling his cheeks heat up a little at the tension in the room (either that or his teeny tiny feelings were unwillingly resurfacing).

"That was odd " he mumbles under his breath, shrugging his shoulders as if letting go of his nerves, before once again picking up his headphones and slipping them over his ears. Thankfully, Jungkook seemed to know his taste, and the warm coffee served to soothe him for a few more hours as he worked.


It became a sort of unspoken tradition that Jungkook would bring Yoongi something to drink, or sometimes eat, every few days or so. The elder admittedly quite liked the company, and the two were becoming quite good friends; though he'd never admit to actively anticipating his visits.

More surprisingly, they wouldn't merely pass small talk over their coffees anymore, Jungkook would actually sit down with Yoongi for half an hour at a time and they'd discuss the more intimate details of their lives. He was now in-the-know of Jungkook's family, had seen every picture of his pet dog back home, had seen some of his dance rehearsals, and learnt of his secret hobby in streaming gameplay. This Jungkook was a much more well-rounded, interesting, and funny person than the Jungkook he was acquainted with months ago.

Even if their potential for a romantic relationship had been cut short, he figured he'd be a good guy to be friends with - and that was saying something! Yoongi rarely befriends new people properly.

The younger had also spent time getting to know Yoongi: the elder was surprised by how willing he was to talk about his boring life. Jungkook himself had to admit that Seoyun was utterly adorable. Somehow, seeing a little human resembling Yoongi's cute features kickstarted his paternal instincts, making him coo over the little girl every time Yoongi showed him a new photo. He couldn't wait to meet her one day!


Yoongi was musing over the development in his and Jungkook's relationship - it occupied his mind quite frequently lately - when his brother interrupted him, laughing. "You're so distracted tonight! What's with you?" he smirks, leaning his arm on Namjoon's shoulder - who is also grinning.

The couple had asked Yoongi to dinner with them, in need of a proper catch up after so long, so he had accepted; Hoseok and his boyfriend, Tae, were (unsurprisingly) more than willing to babysit for the evening.

"Nothing... just, busy mind I guess" he smiled, a telltale sign for his knowing brother to pick up on. "Well, I heard from Namjoon's little brother that a certain Jeon Jungkook has been creeping into your life" Jin winks, "Yah! That was confidential information!" Namjoon groans, Yoongi simultaneously rolls his eyes.

"We're friends, okay! Thankfully things aren't awkward between us, or with his friends, everything's just nice right now... he's a good kid" he rambles, not realising the looks he's receiving from the other end of the table. "Someone definitely has a crush~" Jin sings, prodding at his younger brother's side. "Yah! Leave me alone" he blushes, embarrassed.

"For the record, Tae tells me that Jungkook never shuts up about you" adds Namjoon, "We all think it's so cute how you two are so blind to your feelings". Yoongi shakes his head at this, "You're ridiculous, what's so interesting about us being friends! The awkwardness is gone now, so what's the big deal!" he whines.

Jin knows his little brother better than he does himself, and - with his sneaky, insider knowledge - he had a feeling something good would turn up soon in Yoongi's life.

That something being perhaps Jeon Jungkook...

Yoongi awkwardly coughs a little before speaking up again: "Just in case though... you know, of any potential love relationships in the future... I'm kinda curious about how you guys balance the love stuff with the work stuff?" he asks quietly.

He was met with the most shit-eating grin when looking up once again at Seokjin.

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