~ Chapter Nine ~

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"I'm so sorry I'm late, work was crazy!" Jin pants, sliding into the empty, waiting chair opposite Namjoon after finally locating him in the restaurant. His boyfriend looks up, naturally somewhat annoyed, but that fades as soon as they lock eyes.

Call them lovesick, smitten, head-over-heels.

"How can you look so beautiful after a 10 hour shift? My god" Namjoon smiles, grasping his lover's hand only to place a chaste kiss on the back of it.

"I look awful, I rushed straight here from the doctors office, I'm so sorry, I know we've planned this all week-" Jin rambles, but then Namjoon is kissing him so lovingly, with such care, that his thoughts completely disperse. "Don't worry, baby, you're here now... you work so hard, don't beat yourself up about it" he smiles - that cute dimply smile that Jin first fell in love with - before they're interrupted by the waiter.

"We'll each have the steak please, and extra fries for the table" Namjoon says suavely, linking fingers with Jin. The waiter looks attentively at his notepad, the affectionate couple obviously making him feel awkward, before saying he'll bring their order as soon as possible.

"Here, you can have my jacket, you look cold in your nursing shirt" Jin is about to protest, already feeling awful for turning up to their first date in weeks in his work uniform, but Namjoon is already standing up. He carefully drapes his suit jacket around Jin's broad shoulders, thinking briefly about how he'd lovingly marked them with his fingernails just a few passionate nights before, and then kisses his temple.

"Here, take a picture with me, handsome" Jin pulls out his phone, one arm around Namjoon's neck as they both squeeze into frame. "Let's use a cute filter!" Namjoon smiles, protruding his dimples as Jin's camera flash blinds them both into a wonderful evening of fine wine and feeding each other. 



"Um... we'll give you guys some privacy, let's go, Tae" Hoseok awkwardly pipes up after a long while of silent glances. Tae nods, cheeks flushing as the two make their way quietly down the hallway and into Seoyun's room to keep her entertained, closing the door behind them.

The two remaining men stand a good distance away from each other in the living room, until Yoongi gestures to the couch. "Let's sit" he clears his throat, Jungkook can only nod.

It's another few minutes before either of them says anything again, and it's only once Yoongi remembers that Seoyun is around, still awake, that he kickstarts into action. "So... what'd you need?" he scratches his neck awkwardly, "Oh... well, I just wanted to... apologise?" Jungkook mutters, keeps his eyes on the floor. "Yeh? You don't sound too sure about that..." Yoongi huffs under his breath, but Jungkook still hears it.

Feeling even more guilty at the look on Yoongi's face - disappointment - Jungkook finally speaks up properly. "Look, I'm really sorry for... touching you, and treating you so rudely... I was just embarrassed. I-I really like you and I didn't want you to think of me as a 'little kid' so I put a front up, like you already figured out... but I'll stop, because I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, so I'm sorry" he heaves out a breath of short relief.

The elder looks up with a slightly more relaxed heart, he likes me?? "Oh... well, uh- thank you, Jungkook" he nods, not really knowing what to say. "I know I've been a jerk but, give me a chance? Hoseok may have told Tae, and Tae may have told me that you were interested...?", Yoongi's cheeks flush at that. "Goddamn, my best friend's a bastard" he breathes out a laugh, "Just 'cause he has a crush on Tae" he whines, spilling his 'secret' since with Yoongi, it's always tit for tat.

"I know, he's all that Tae ever talks about" Jungkook rolls his eyes, finding that as they bond over sabotaging their best friends, they've gradually gravitated closer towards one another. Now Jungkook is only an arm's length away; and Yoongi wouldn't mind scooting a bit closer either.

"Hey... so, would you let me take you out for dinner tomorrow night? I want to apologise properly" Jungkook says gently, heart thumping at the thought that Yoongi might reject him there and then once and for all. But Yoongi's only sat contemplating; Seoyun will want to spend time with him tomorrow, but a late night dinner might not be so bad...

"Yoongi...?" he presses after a few moments of the elder staring silently at the carpet, whose cheeks blush as he coughs out "I-I'd like that". Jungkook smiles in relief, feeling like his heart was hanging loosely on his sleeve, and looks around at the apartment for a moment before deciding he should probably get going. "Well I'll uh... pick you up tomorrow? Say... 9 o' clock?" he affirms, and Yoongi agrees, standing up to call for Tae so that the two can get home. "Little ones need a good night's sleep" Yoongi teases, patting Jungkook and Taehyung's backs. "Yah! You're only a little older than me~" Jungkook whines, not willing to ever admit that he somewhat likes the teasing...


"Wait, so neither of them actually know that Yoongi has a daughter?" Hoseok gapes at Taehyung, who reprimands him for speaking so loudly when Seoyun is fast asleep next to them. "No, my brother told me to keep it to myself so that Yoongi didn't get any unwanted attention" Tae sighs, leaning on his palm (out of tiredness, definitely not to get a better look at Hoseok).

"I can imagine Namjoon being like that... but they'll find out eventually right? Especially if he and Jungkook get together..." Hoseok muses, sneaking a glance at the younger boy in front of him. They're sat cross legged on the carpet after having spent a while coddling over the tucked up little girl, and playing absentmindedly with the toys strewn about the floor.

"You think they'll get together?" Tae asks, glancing up at the beautiful, chocolate-coloured, almond-shaped eyes of Jung Hoseok- get yourself together Taehyung! "I think so, Yoongi's never really been interested in anyone since... her, and from what you've told me Jungkook's been out of character as well, it's as if a spell has taken over them!" Hoseok laughs, catching Taehyung's eyes at the same time.

"Do you... think we'll ever get together?" Tae asks with a cheeky grin; if Hoseok's flirtatious messages were anything to go by, he at least had a chance! "Hmm... that depends on whether you want us to" he playfully retorts, slowly leaning in. Taehyung takes the hint, licking his own lips before peeking at Hoseok's plump, heart shaped ones. He can feel his heart thundering in his chest, can smell Hoseok's scent near him everywhere-

"Tae! Let's go!" Jungkook's shout resonates down the hall, making the two spring apart almost instantly, looking down at the floor bashfully. "Um... I better get going" Tae mutters, momentarily wondering whether a hug would be acceptable when he decides to just move towards the door instead. Hoseok follows him through the hallway, feelings all over the place and cheeks reddened, but as the two leave and Yoongi begins begging him to suddenly babysit Seoyun tomorrow night, Hoseok finds himself grinning giddily once again.

"Of course, Hyung, anytime!" he smiles, hugging him briefly as they say goodnight. I might need some assistance babysitting though... and I'm sure Taehyung has nothing better to do! He smiles to himself dreamily.

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