How They Met- T.H

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I am visiting London with my older cousin Kayla and my younger cousin Alana. We were amazed by the scenery there, later that day Kayla and Alana decided to go back to the house they rented. I said
"Ok, I'll be walking around the area"
"Ok Y/n, but make sure you don't do anything stupid" Kayla said
"I know I know, I'll call you when I'm heading home" she and Alana smiled and walked back to the house, while I walked somewhere.

Eventually I found myself outside a comic book store and decided to go in. I walked in and saw Marvel posters and other franchises posters. I wondered off to the Marvel section (like the fan gurl I am) and started look through the comics. The one comic that caught my eye was, The Amazing SpiderMan- jk it was Captain Marvel.

I picked up and it said Captain Marvel issue 1. I began to read through the comic before I heard someone open the store door, which I didn't even bother to look to see who it was. I continued reading and then soon got to the end. I put it back and began to take issue 2 before I hand accidentally bumped into mine. I look up to see THE Tom Holland.

I am a Tom Holland fan, but not as like fan-fan kind. I just appreciated his acting as Peter Parker, I pulled back and said,
He then looked at me and said
"It's okay darling, you can get it."
"Yah, I just wanted to get one again"
"Uh- thanks(?)"
I grabbed the comic and started reading it, then all of a sudden he spoke to me again.

"You marvel fan?" He asked
"Yah, you?" I said while not taking my eyes off the book
"Cool" I said awkwardly
As soon as I finished reading it, I turned around to look out the window to see a dog limping. I quickly placed the comic back on the shelf and headed out. Tom was standing at the shelf next to the one I was at and saw me dash out and go to the dog. As soon as I opened the door, I heard it crying. I crouched down and to examine the poor thing.

It tried to walk but failed in attempt and end up falling to the ground. As soon as it fell, I patted its head so it can know I wasn't going to harm it. Then the store door opened revealing Tom,
"What happened to it?" He asked

"I dunno, I want to take it to the animal clinic but I don't know where it is" I said while standing up.

"Well, I live here I can help you take the dog there"

"Sure, I'll do anything to help the poor dog."

He nod his head and gently carried the dog and me following next to him. The few minuets was awkward so he spoke up,

"I'm guessing you're not from here?" He said in his thick British accent.

"Yeah, I'm here with my cousins. I was looking for a college or a opportunity here"

He smiled and said

"What's your name?" He asked

"Y/n, you?" I pretend to not know who he is

"Tom" he said not making it obvious

"Nice to meet you Tom!" I gave him my signature beautiful smile and he smiled back, wait is that? Is he blushing? THE Tom Holland is blushing cuz of me? Wooooah.

"You seem so caring" he said while turning to the right,

"I get that a lot, I just received a lot of negativity in the past and I don't anybody or anything to go through hatred in life"

He then turned his head and said
"May I ask, what do you mean negativity in the past?"

"Well, ummm- my parents would often fight with each other, and sooner or later they filed for a divorce. By the time I was only 6 and then my mom took me with her and around 13 my mom had received caner. And in that same year, she passed away, leaving me alone."

"I'm sorry to hear that" he said

"Yah, 13 to 17 I was in and out of family's. Then last year my cousins found enough space in they're house in L.A. for me to live with them until I get into college."

"You must had a hard time with that" he stopped in front of the Animal Clinic. And I stopped as well.

"Yeah, but I guess I'm happy now?" I said chuckling a bit.

As soon as we walked in we dropped off the dog and told them what happened. So the doctor decided that they'll keep the dog here until someone adopts him. And I of course I couldn't even if I wanted too. So me and Tom walked out and he suddenly stopped.

"You okay Tom?"

"Yah- I just feel something weird"

"Don't puke on me!" I cover my face with my arms.

"No, no, I don't know what it is?"

"Well, I hope you get better. I should probably get going, my cousins are probably wondering where I am."

"Of course, nice meeting you Y/n" he held out his hand and I shook it and said,

"You too Tom" I smiled and he smiled back and he began to walk the opposite way as me. I began to notice where I was going and started walking, but felt something in my hand. I opened my hand and revealed a note.

"I really hope we could meet again, I enjoyed being with you even though we don't know each other that well. I hope you'll text me :)" she read the phone phone number and put it her contacts and texted him saying,

Y/n 😊
Smooth Tom, Smooth

Tom 😇
Anytime darling 😉

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now