Visting Pt. 2

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I turn my head to look at him, he was a bit disappointed about it, so I having a reassuring smile at him and he smiled back. Then we heard a click, we both turned around to see Harry, Sam and Tom fangirling behind the kitchen island.

I laughed and said to them,

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing" Harry says standing up and casually walking away with his camera behind him, followed by Tom and Sam doing the same thing. I laughed a bit and looked over to Paddy that gave them the death glare and they all ran upstairs like little girls.

"I better go to sleep now, you to Paddy"

He looked at me with a bit red on his cheeks and nodded and walked up the stairs and headed to own room so did Paddy.

Paddy's POV

I quickly walked in my room and opened it revealing Tom, Harry and Sam laughing and rolling around the bed and floor. I closed the door and said

"What the bloody hell was that?!"

"Language young man" Tom said pointing at me.

"Paddy, we all know you like Y/n!" Sam said

My cheeks turned ever more red,

"AHA!" Harry said pointing at me

"HE DOES LIKE HER!!" He said

"Shut up Harry" I said while jumping on him

"If you don't like her, then why are you mad?" Tom said

"Shut up Thomas!" I punched his arm

"Hehehehe! He does!" Sam said

I ran up to Sam and punched his arm, then it became war. I grabbed a pillow and started hitting him it. Then Harry and Tom did the same to each other.

Your POV

I wore shorts and a oversized sweatshirt and before I could get comfy in my bed, I heard yelling and hitting. I got up and opened my door to hear it from Paddy and Harry's room. I rolled my eyes and slam the door opened. They saw me and I said

"I knew you mother frickers wouldn't go to sleep right away!" I said my hands on my hips.

They dropped the pillows and Harry, Sam, and Tom said at the same time.


I looked at him and saw him stuff his face in one of the pillows.

"What's so bad about that?" I asked

"So you don't care if he likes you?" Sam asks

"I don't necessarily care if he does or not"

"So you're okay with him liking you?" Tom asks

"Yah, if he doesn't it won't do any damaged to me."

"Well okay then, he likes you and yah!" Harry says

I felt bad for Paddy so I just rolled my eyes and said

"You guys better go to sleep!" I said closing the door.

I walked over to my room and closed the door. I sat next to my door and said quietly

"He likes me..."

Paddy's POV

Once she left, I flopped down at my bed. Tom, Sam and Harry was fangirling so hard. They started to quietly squeel.

"Paddy, you got a shot!" Harry says while pushing my shoulder

"She doesn't like me back...." I said

"You never know! She might like you!" Tom says.

"Probably not..." I said all depressed

"It's getting late mates, we should go to our own room." Sam says

Authors POV

Sam gestured Harry and Tom to come to him and whispered to them,

"We should find away to see if Y/n likes Paddy back"

"Yah, but how?" Harry said

"How about we ask her stuff about Paddy and see if she has that spark in her eyes" Tom says

They all nod and say

"Brother Hooker Uppers forever" Sam says

They all fist bump each other and Sam and Tom left.


The next day Y/n woke up early to make them all breakfast. She made regular pancakes and chocolate chip pancakes, eggs and bacons. It was around 9 when Nikki and Dom came down and saw her cooking.

"Y/n, you know how to cook?" Nikki asks

"Yah, I'm almost done"

"Who taught you?" Dom asks

"Myself" She said while pouring out the egg from the pan,

"Done!" She placed it next to the pancakes and bacons. She went to the refrigerator and took out the pitcher of orange juice and the pitcher of water.

She got out the cups and placed it on the table. She took out the tea stuff on the table as well. Then the boys ran down and quickly sat in the table while she was washing the dishes.

"You won't you eat Y/n?" Tom asks

"I ate already" She said while washing out the soap on the pan.

"What did you eat?" Harry asked while eating his pancake


Sam choked on his tea and said
"That's it?!"

"Yeah why?"

"Come on and eat!" Dom says

"I made breakfast for you, not for me. Besides I'm not hungry" she said while placing the pan on the side and wiping her hands on the kitchen towel.

"You really need to eat" Nikki said

"I insist, I'll eat later" she said while walking up the stairs.

They all looked at each other and continued eating.

Later when everybody was done eating, you went back down to wash their dishes. Once you got to the kitchen you saw Paddy washing them. You quickly went up to him and said,

"Paddy, I'll take care of this! You go ahead and get ready for the day!" I was about to grab the sponge but he grabbed my hand and looked at me and said in the British accent,

"You still have to eat missy"

"You're not that older than me Patrick"

You knew that he hates being called Patrick, so he gripped on my hand tighter and said

"First I am and Eat" he said in a "tough" voice

"Fine Patrick" I said while pulling my hand away from his grasp.

"You are going to get it"

"Try me Beyoncé!"

After eating a bit, I washed my dishes and flopped down on the couch. Nikki and Dom came down and said,

"We are just going around the area! We'll back later" I nodded and they left, later Tom and Sam came down and said

"We'll be going to the coffee shop!" Tom says

"If we can find one" I was still siting on the couch and nodded and they left

Later Harry came down and said

"I'll be hanging out in the pool if your wondering" I nodded and thought

"Why is everybody leaving??"

A/n: making part 3 as well

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now