How He Fell In Love- H.O

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Y/n's POV

After a long day of being alone (lmfao 😂) I walked home.... alone per usual. It's not like I didn't mind, but it does get lonely when your alone. As I walked down the street, 3 dudes came walking up to me.

There was people around me so I naturally assumed that they weren't looking at me. But then, one of them grabbed my arm

"Why don't you come with me pretty lady?" He said, I can smell the alcohol wreaking out

I gaged a bit and said "no", the 3 dudes started intimidating me, so for a brief second I tried to pull my arm out of the strangers grasp. It obviously didn't work, I saw the anger in his eyes.

He dragged me and the 2 others following behind us

"I really hope somebody saves me" I said to myself

I try to pull and pull out of his grasp but it only tightened his grip on me

They smack me down on the floor and started kicking me

"HEY!!!" Somebody said

All of us revert our eyes to the speaker, it was a dirt blonde and beautiful blue eyes boy.


The attacker rolled his eyes and kicked me again, the boy immediately ran to us and SuperMan Punched him right in this face. Luckily the other 2 were easily scared and they ran off, carrying their hurt friend.

I sat up and began to touch my face to see if I had bruises. I felt blood dripping down my forehead. The boy quickly sat down next to me and ripped apart of his shirt and started wiping the blood.

He looked familiar.

He looked down at me, straight in my eye. Those blue eyes. I know them....


"Do I know you?" I asked him

His eyes soften

"I don't know..... you look familiar though" he replied

"H-Harrison?" I asked

Author's POV

Harrison was shocked that she remembered her,

"You remember me?" He asked

Suddenly memories flooded back in
Y/n's head


"You're it!!!" Little Y/n said

"Imma get you Teddy Bear!!" Little Haz replied

"Aye! We do not talk about my old Teddy Bear!!" She laughed

The two 10 year olds, started running around the yard. Suddenly Haz tackled Y/n, the both landed on top of each other.

"Hahahaha!!" Both of them said

"Y/n!" Y/n's Mom said

"Yes Mom?" Y/n asked

"We have to go now!!" She said and left

"Ok....." Y/n mumbled

She got up and started to walk back inside

"Wait!" Haz said

She turned around

"Will you ever comeback?" He asked

"I dunno" she said

He walked up to her and held out his pinky and said

"I promise to find you" he said

She rapped her pinky around his and said

"Deal, bye Haz"

And she left

--Flashback Ends--

"I remember you" Y/n said

He smiled and hugged her

"Ouch, ouch, ouch" she said

He pulled back and said

"Sorry!" He smiled which made Y/n blush

"D-do you remember me?" She asked

"Of course I do! Teddy Bear...." he said

"You did find me" Y/n replied laughing, remembering his promise

"I guess I did" he said

And he ever so gently hugged her not wanting to hurt her

"And I'll never ever lose you again" he whispered in her ear

A/n: SOOOO!!!!!!! Next Thursday I'm posting the requested story so stay tuned for that! Comment in my conversations your request!

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now