Squealing- P.H

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Requested by @hollander2006
"NIKKIIII!" Your mom yelled as the door opened

"Y/M/N!!!!!!!" Nikki yelled back hugging her

"It's been soooooo long!" Your mom said

"It has! Come in come in!" She responded

Both you and your mom walked in a BEAUTIFUL house.

"TOM, HARRY, SAM, PADDY!! We have guests!" Nikki yelled

Suddenly 4 boys came rushing down, 3 of them was waaaay older then me but the other was about my age

"Y/m/n, y/n, this Tom, Harry, Sam, and Paddy" Nikki said

We all said your "hi's" and "hello's"

"Y/n how about you talk to Paddy?" Your mom asked

You gave her the look saying "I don't know this kid, why should I even talk to him?!"

She gave you the look saying "if you don't imma spank you"

You gave up and said "sure"

"Paddy, show her your room" Nikki asked him

"Okay mum" he said

He began to walk upstairs so you followed

He opened his door which revealed a average room with a balcony. (idk if the Holland's house has a balcony) He opened the balcony door, and a cold breeze rushed in.

"Your Y/n right?" He said as he sat on the floor of the balcony

"Yah, Paddy right?" You responded siting next to him

"Yah" he replied

"Sooo what do you like to do?" He added

"Dance or I don't know. I don't participate in any activities" you said laughing a bit

"Haha, me too" he said

"How about you? What do you like to do?" You asked him

"Football" he said smiling

"Hahhahahaha, football boy" you said smiling and laughing

"What's so funny?" He asked laughing a bit

"At my old school, there's was kid that always love football and he would always show off to us. So one day he didn't go to school, and my classmate said "I hope football boy is okay" " you said dying of laughter

"I guess I'm the newest football boy" Paddy said opening his arms shrugging his shoulders, smiling

Both of you laugh really hard until you heard muffled giggles

You both turn around to see Harry, Sam and Tom duck down behind Paddy's bed

"I saw you already dimwits!" You yelled

The 3 of them raised theirs hands up in surrender.

"And what are you doing in my room?" Paddy asked

"Nothing" Sam said

Sam, Harry and Tom started looking around his room trying to avoid eye contact

"Y/n!!!" Your mom called

"Yes!" You responded

"We're leaving now!" She replied

"Ok" you answered back

Harry, Sam and Tom walked out and you followed behind. Your hand swinged back and Paddy quickly grabbed it

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now