Pictures- P.H

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Waaazzzzuuuuppp!!!!! Soooo this story is a request from slytheringirl12344 thank you sooo much for requesting and tanks for your patience! 🙏🏼 ON WITH DA STORY!!!!! 👊🏼
Authors POV

Y/n didn't really have friends, didn't really have attention from her parents and basically depended on herself.

Her parents and her moved everywhere, from America, to Germany, from Germany, to Paris. Finally that actually found a place that they actually wanted to live at.

Kingston upon Thames, U.K.

Finally the day has come. The day that Y/n would move into her new house.
Y/n got out of the moving truck and watched as the man opened up the back. She grabbed some of her boxes and headed to the house. As she walked by she saw a boy, red head, hazel eyes.

He stared at her, she noticed. She just brushed it off and headed inside.
Today is this first day of school, and the first day in high school (you're in 9th grade) she hopped out of the car. Not hearing a goodbye from her parents.

She walked up the steps and opened the doors. The hallways was filled with talking and feet hitting the ground. Y/n headed for the sign that said office.

She opened the door

"Hello" the lady behind the desk said

"Hi, I was wondering if I get my schedule and my locker combination?" Y/n asked

"Of course! Name?" She said while typing away

"Y/n Y/l" she said

"Uh-hu!" She said suddenly the printer started printing and the lady handed her the paper and wrote on a sticky note your combination

"Here you go, have a nice day" the lady said

"You too" Y/n said while walking out.
Finally the end of the day, Y/n walked down the hallway and held her camera close the her chest.

Suddenly something caught her eye.

It was a blossom tree, the petals carelessly fell down from the tree. Her heart melted at the sight, she quickly headed for the double doors and headed out.

She stood in front of the most beautiful tree she ever saw. Her heart was beating for its beauty. She held up the camera to her eye and snapped a picture. Each photo she took, was absolutely breathtaking.

She sat down and lay her back on another tree that was facing the blossom tree. The wind rush through the blossom tree, petals flew by her. She smiled at how beautiful it was.

Suddenly she saw a person sit next to her. She jumped a little bit, but then recognized him.

"Sorry if I scared you" he said in his British accent

"No it's okay" you said in a American accent mix a little bit with a German and French accent. (Wonder what it'll sound like lol 😂)

"You're new?" He asked not looking at her but staring at the blossom tree in front of them

"Yah, you?" You replied setting down your camera securely on the ground

"I've been here since the 6th grade" he said, then he turned his head to face you

"Paddy" he said holding out his hand

You smiled and shook his hand saying

"Y/n, nice to meet you"

You both pulled back at the same time

"You like photography?" He asked

"Yah, my parents are writers and kinda of a photographer as well" you said

"Where you from?" Paddy asks

"A lot a places actually" you said chuckling at the end

He smiled and said

"Tell me"

You sighed and said

"I was born in America, but later moved to Germany, THEN moved to Paris, THEN moved here in the U.K."

"Wow, that must've been fun" he replied

"Yah, I guess so" you answered back

Suddenly his phone goes off

"Shoot I gotta go but here" he said while standing up and handing a piece of paper with his number on it

"We can... hangout sometimes" he added smiling

You smiled back and took the piece of paper

"See you then Patrick" you said while standing up

"Darling- just call me Paddy" he smiled and left

You felt something, what is this? What do you call this? You thought

Paddy's POV

I opened the car door that revealed my brothers inside and Tom driving.

"Sooooo Paddy" Harry said while I close the door and buckle my seatbelt

"Who's the girl?" Harry asked

I blush at the thought of her

"Just a new student" I said while Tom driving off

"Really?" Sam asked

"Uhmmmm" I replied turning my head so they wouldn't see me blush

"What's her name?" Tom asks while stopping at the stop light and turns his head and smirks at me

"Y/n" I said

"Oooooooowwwoooooo" they all said it turned green and Tom started driving again

"We saw you, so called "talking" to her" Harry said doing the " " with his two fingers on both of his hands

"Mate, come on" I said trying not to blush

"We also, saw her holding a camera" Sam said

"She likes photography?" Tom asks

"Yah, but I never seen a picture from her yet" I said

"Maybe it'll be a picture of you" Harry said smirking

"SERIOUSLY?!" I said while blushing

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now