How he fell in love- H.H

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A/n: I'll be doing this to every single one of them btw 🤗

Authors POV

Y/n Y/l, a young girl who likes to take chances. She's been trough a lot. Her singing career was shut down, her parents got divorced, some of her friends turned on her besides y/b/f/n. (your best friends name)

But that didn't stop her to do the thing she loved. After senior graduation, her parents a loud her and her y/b/f/n to go on a trip for a few months. You and y/b/f/n agreed to go to London.

Finally you guys got to the airport and took off.


Then they arrived at the airport in London. While getting off the plane you and y/b/f/n got separated. Once they were fully out of the plane, you couldn't find her. You looked and looked, until you accidentally bumped into a person.

You drop your carry on and your music book ( a book where you right your songs) and other stuff fell out. You and the person quickly bent down and picked the things up. The person grabbed your interesting look book and opened it and read the first half of the song.

Once you noticed that the person was reading it, you shot up and said,

"Can I have that back?" You asked a bit worried and shyly

The person which is a he, looked at you and said

"Your a songwriter?" He said still reading it

"U-uh yes! And can I please have it back?" You asked shyly again

"O-oh sorry!"

He handed it back and you quickly stuffed it in your bag and walked away, while he said,

" I'm! H-Harry...." he said disappointed that you left quick


You tried calling y/b/f/n but she didn't answer. You got worried and headed out the airport and sat at the benches outside of it. You sat at a bench that was far from the entrance of the airport.

You put you knees to your chest and put your chin on it. You then started to sing Candlelight by Zhavia ( I love that song ❤️)

Burn Burn Burn Burn

Dark space
I'm slipping into dangerous ways?
Looking for a familiar face
Not too far from home

You began to sing a bit louder

And its all
It's all, all, to much
When you can't see the shiny under the rust
So hide away, sheltered from the rain

You closed your eyes to avoid any eye contact people make while passing by

And I've been getting tired of these letters
I see your writing on the walls
And I've been walking through my own disaster
Thinking it's time too move on

I don't wanna run from a bullet
Gotta keep my candlelight burning
If it goes out, I will lose it
Gotta keep my candlelight burn, burn, burn, burn

Then you felt someone sit next to you, you opened your eyes to see y/b/f/n. You quickly hugged her and said,

"Where were you?!"

She then backed out and said,

"Well, first I got out luggages"

She said pointing at them.

"Oh my bananas! I totally forgot about my luggage! Thanks!"

"No problem and I can hear from all the way to the entrance!"

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now