How He Fell in Love- T.H

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Author's POV

After years and years for Y/n Y/l, chasing her dream to become a film director she finally got to direct a movie. She is taking over for Jon while he's out of state for a family emergency.


"I am really sorry you have to do this Y/n!" Jon said

"No, no. Don't be sorry! It's a honor to direct for you when your out of state!" You said

"Thank you sooo much!" He said while shaking your hand

"No need, you get ready to go to the airport"

He nodded his head and left

---Flashback Ends---

Days after he left, you began to direct the movie. It was fun when your slightly younger then almost everybody. Right now you're filming the SpiderMan: Homecoming. You're filming the part when Peter is getting ready for Homecoming.

"Ok! Places everybody!" You said through the speaker

Everybody got quickly in there places

"And..... ACTION!!"

"May..." Tom said while sliding into the kitchen

"I need your help"

She quickly stood up from her siting position staring at him.

"And.... CUT!" You said

"Everybody get ready for the next scene!"

Everybody nodded their head and got ready

-----time skip cuz I forgot the rest of the part! 😅 brought to you by Marvel Fan-----

After finishing the shoot they all went back to their trailers to get ready to sleep. You walk over to your desk, re-reading the script to see if it was perfect.
You finally finish reading and you get your phone out of your jacket pocket, you turned it on to see 12:30 pm. You rubber your eyes when you heard someone walking.

You quickly turn your head to see Tom wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

"You should go to sleep ya know" he says while siting next to you

"I'm the director" you said

"And I'm older than you" he replies

You let out a sigh and he said

"Come on, you look tired and most certainly feel tired"

"I have to make sure the script is prefect!" You said

"Understandable, but you have to sleep" he said while standing up

You sigh and said

"No" while standing front of him inches  away from each other's face

He lets out a smirk and says

"I have no other choice then"

You gave him a confused looked and he grabbed your legs and tossed you over his shoulder.

You let out another sigh while rubbing your eye. You gave up not even trying to fight back cuz you are tired. He opened your trailer door, and led you to your room.
Next Morning

You find yourself in your bed, you quickly shot up and looked under the covers to check that he didn't do anything to you.

It revealed the same clothes you wore last night

"Thank you Thor!" You said in your head

You got out of bed and got a pair of new clothes and started changing
Once you finished you smell something cooking... or was it something burning?

You quickly combed your hair and walked out of your bedroom and entering the kitchen. Tom was at the stove TRYING to make pancakes.

"The poor dude can't even flip the damn thing" you let out a small chuckle that caught his attention

He let out a nervous laugh and said
"Ha.ha I don't know how to cook pancakes" he said while scratching the back of his neck

"Do not worry dear friend! I will help you!" You gave him your signature smiles that you swore saw him blush

He nodded his head and stepped away from the pan and let you cook it.
"THESE ARE SO GOOD!" He said while stuffing another pancake in his mouth

"Thanks" you said as you smashed your fork on one of the pieces of pancake you cut

"I should go to your trailer more often during breakfast time and eat with you" he said he said

"You know what?" Tom added

"What?" You replied

"This is perfect!" He said while swinging his arms open

"How so?"

"You know, eating a delicious breakfast, a beautiful morning.... it feels like I can do this forever!" He said

"What do you mean 'I can do this forever' ?"

"Like this! I want to spend every morning with you-" he stopped talking

He began to blush and you noticed and you quickly but calmly said

"I would like this too. A amazing morning, eating breakfast that wasn't burnt, but most of all..."

He lifted his head up turning his gaze back to you

"Spending it all with you" you let out a smile that made him smile as well

"I know I haven't known you long but, you seem to be a ray of sunshine in my life" he said

"Wow, big move Holland" you replied

"And was that a.... pickup line?" You add and laughed a bit at the end

"Cheesy isn't it?" He said while scratching the back of his neck

"I rather say... cute" you said with a chuckle

He lets out a cute smile and said

"We should probably get ready to go to set, people might be waiting"

"You are sadly right" you said with a sigh

"Don't worry! We can go somewhere together.... if you don't mind!" He said nervously

"I would love that" you said while standing up and putting your plate in sink

He quickly stood up and put his arms around you then placed his plate in the sink. You quickly blush at his move, and turned to face him. You met his beautiful brown eyes, while he did the same to yours.

You leaned in and kissed cheek that left his cheeks turn bright pink. You walked back and smiled at him, and started to walk to the door. He quickly caught up and you both walk out of your trailer eager to reach the end of the day.

(Some part of this was edited if you noticed that 😉)

A/n: sorry if was short! I don't have any ideas for this series "How He Fell In Love" and you might have noticed how different stories pop up randomly cuz I save these stuff and finish writing them and I make a new story that isn't a finished (if you understood that) soooooo basically you might see new stories popping up randomly between stories 😅

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now