How He Fell In Love- P.H

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A/n: sooooo sorry for the late update!!! I got home late and I had homework to do, then I had to update my Avenger's fan account both on Insta and Twitter. So u might except late night updates 😅😅😅

Paddy's POV

Sam, Harry, and I was staying at Tom's apartment, which is not to far from home.
The 4 of us plus Haz walks in his apartment. I set my backpack down and jumped and sat on the couch

"You wanna play the new SpiderMan game?" I asked them

"I'm down you?" Harry said to Sam, Tom, Haz

"Yeah" the 3 said and sat on the couch starting up the game.
-----4 hours Later-----

After taking turns playing the game Tom spoke up.

"So Paddy, what happened at school yesterday?" (Its Saturday and yesterday was Friday)

He blush and said


"UH-UH!!!!" Sam said

They all look at him confused

"My friends little brother told me that you're class has a new foreign exchange student!" Sam adds

"Who?!" They all asked

Sam gave a evil smirk at me and said


"Stop" I said

"Y/l" Sam finished

I sighed and rest my head and my hand

"Oooooooowwwwwoooooooo!!!!" They all said

"What she look like?" Tom asks Sam

He pulls out his phone and shows a picture of her

I let out a sigh again cover my face with the pillow next to me

"Oooowwwoooo!!" They all said again

"Look Paddy! Isn't she cute?" Harry says while grabbing Sam's phone and sticking it up my face.

It was a picture of her dancing in the rain she did earlier this week. I blush at remembering her beautiful face when the droplets hit it.

Harry smirks and then suddenly we heard a knock. I turn my head to see Tom stand up and walk to the door

Authors POV

Tom opens the door to reveal Y/n. Standing there with a box. Paddy's face turns red and turns his head that is now facing Harry, Sam, and Haz. The 3 quietly squeal,

"Hello" She says in a American accent

"Hello, do you need anything?" Tom asks

"Well, no. The guy downstairs says that he couldn't bring it to you cuz he was in a rush, so he gave me this box and told me your apartment number" she says while handing the box to Tom

"Thank you" he said

Suddenly Y/n saw Paddy and blushed

"Ya know I can see you Paddy" she said

The 4 of them almost laughed but held it in

"Hey Y/n" he said while turning around waving at her

"Welp, I'll see you guys next time. See ya at school Monday Paddy" she says

Paddy stares at her with his eyes twinkling, she winked and left. Tom close the door and all 4 of them jump up and down squealing

"Oh my gosh" Paddy says

Harry and Tom shakes him while squealing even more.

"I predict!" Haz says everybody stops and stares at him

"They will be together and have 3 babies!!!!" He says everybody laughs and Paddy's face turns the shade of a tomato and hides his face in the pillow.

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