Love Strings- H.H

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Authors POV

I bet you guys heard about love strings, if you haven't I'll tell you what it is (or at least what I think it is). (Btw most of this I made up since it was so intriguing already) For me I like to think that, they're red strings connected to your wrist (or finger idk which one it was) that was dangling. In this world, everybody has a string. Some have it connected, some not.

When you have met the "one" it'll then grow it self to the others string, making it connect. You obviously have a string, but that is not connected. You have been so anxious to meet the "one" but when you think you met him, it's really not. If your heart doesn't love the person your connected to, it'll instantly break.

Sometimes when you have no love in your heart or lost love in your heart, the color red will fade away making it gray. Enough of me talking, now let's begin the actual story......

Your POV

Throughout the years my heart has been broken a lot. I then gave up, I stopped thinking that I was going to find the one. One night, I couldn't sleep. So I sneaked out my window and climbed to the roof of my apartment. Once I got to the top, I saw the lights of the city sparkling brightly.

I sat on of the flower beds, my back resting on it. As I was admiring the beauty, I heard to roof door open. I quickly duck my head so the person wouldn't see me. Eventually like the person I am, I peeked up to see how it was. And it was my friend Harry. Me and Harry was friends but he was always so distant from me after that day. That day meaning the day I tried to break my string.


He found me on this very roof trying to break it. He quickly ran to me and told me if I did break it, I would die. So he was with me on the roof, the entire night. He was so worried about me that he thought he might cause more damage if he was still my best friend. So he distant himself. But that made it even worse, I grew more depress about my string and that made me hide away from the world. We still talked, but not as much as we did before.

*Flashback Ends*

I stood up and he saw me wiping his tears away. He dropped his head trying to make me think that I didn't see anything. I crouched in front of him and lifted his head, to reveal the eyes that was once filled with joy.... gone. I then felt another tear drop from his face.

"Harry.... what's wrong?"

He then lifted his wrist and showed his string fading into the color gray. I looked at him and he continued to cry. I instantly gave him hug trying to make him feel better.

"W-what happened?" I asked

It took him awhile to have the courage to say it,

"Why parents got in a car accident, Tom broke his nose again, Sam left to France, and Paddy is sick"

I slowly pull back, and held his face.

"I am so sorry... I'll help you with anything" I said

"Y-y/n.... its to late it's fading already. I'll be broken if it completely fade."

"N-no Harry- I'll do anything for you to be happy. Even though we don't talk that much as we used to, I still love you..."

The last part I accidentally blurted it out, he looked at me. Confirming what I just said, his eyes sparkled for the first time. I can feel his face leaning in. Sooner or later, I felt his soft lips against mine. I kissed back but I had back out for air. I looked at him and he looked at me then, I feel a shiver down my spine.

We both looked at our string, the color on his string turned back to red and was connected to mine. I look back at him and he said

"I love you y/n, I always had. And I'm sorry when I didn't really talk to you"

"It's okay now, I have the one I was looking for. And it appears to be with me this whole time" I said chuckling a bit.

He smiled and I smile back. He puts his  arms around my waist while my arms around his neck pulling each other closer together. We kissed again and he said

"You are my joy, my life, my love, mine. And I'll never ever leave you"

I smiled and said,

"I'll never ever leave you too"

He smiled back and kissed me again.

A/n: sorry if this was really cheesy or short! 😅😅😅

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now