See You Later?- P.H

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Tanks lynn_iva for requesting!
"PADDY HURRY!!!!!" Tom yelled as Sam and Harry ran past him and headed to the car

"IM COMING!!!" Paddy yelled back

He ran down the stairs and fixed his hair and ran to the car
"Don't do anything stupid Padster!" Tom yelled from the car

Paddy walked up the steps of the school and opened the huge doors. He continue to walk confident until he bump into someone

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry!" Paddy said as he picked up the scattered paper

"It's fine, I was the one who didn't pay attention to my surroundings" you said back

You both stood up holding the scattered papers, Paddy took the moment to observe you. You did the same until you guys heard the bell.

"Oh shit, I gotta get to class" you said as you stuffed the papers in your bag

"Y-yah, I'll see you later?" Paddy said blushing

"Yah sure" you then ran as fast as you can to class
After school came and Paddy was walking out of class, hoping to see you again. As he walk past a room he heard music. He quickly turned around and headed to that room.

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Paddy's POV

I quietly peek my head inside the room, as my head pass the door then my eyes widened.

It was her?


The beautiful music echoed throughout the room.

It sent calming vibes through my whole body

How she moved with the music was graceful

My eyes glued onto her

It was beautiful as you might say

The harmony with the piano and the flute was everything

I felt so drawn by it

I walked closer to one of the chairs there and sat listening to her

It started to slow down, but it didn't lose my interest at all.

I continued to listen to her intensely

A few minutes past, and I was on the edge of my seat

I didn't even think, my brain didn't connect with him body. I stood up and began walking to her. I stepped again and it let out a loud creak.

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Her eyes shot up so did mine

Authors POV

"Uuuuuuh...." Paddy said nervously

"Hi again?" You said back as you set your flute back at it's case

"I see we met again" Paddy said scratching the back of his neck

"And so we have" you said as you closed the case

"I like the song....." Paddy said

"You're making it more awkward ya know?" You said chuckling at the end

"Yah I know" he chuckled back

"What's your name?" Paddy asked again

"Y/n, you?"


"Nice to meet you again Patrick" You said holding out your hand

"Patrick is to formal, just call me Paddy" he replied while shaking your hand

You both pulled back and started walking out

"My ride is here but, see you later?" You asked blushing

His cheeks burned red and said

"Y-yah see you later"

You smiled and you left

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now