Visting pt.1

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In this one Paddy is 15

Me and Paddy has been friends for awhile, my mom met his mom when we were visiting London. After that we've been calling and texting each other, then his family came to America to visit us. We picked them up from the airport, and headed home.

"So how was your guys flight?" My mom asks. My dad was driving my mom next to him, Nikki, Dom, and Tom in front passenger seat, and Sam, Harry, Paddy and me was squished in the back.

"It's was okay, we got some sleep on the way here." Nikki said

Nikki was on the left, Dom in the middle and Tom on the other end.
Sam got the window seat, Harry next to him, Paddy next to him and me squished between him and the window.  The rest of the car ride was quiet, in a good way though. Once we got home, there jaws drop to see our house.

We had a 2 story house and a huge pool. Once the car stopped we all got out, stretching out legs.
"Hey Y/n! Here!" My dad he threw the keys to the house and I caught it. The Hollands followed me to the house, I opened the 2 giant doors and revealed the spacious house. They're jaws dropped even more,

"I'll show you guys you're room" I smiled and walked up the elegant stairs. Once we got to the top, Nikki and Dom had their own room together, Sam and Tom had their room together and lastly Harry and Paddy with their room together. Once they opened the doors they're jaws dropped EVEN MORE. I walked over to Paddy who froze at astonishment.

"You good Paddy?" I asked chuckling a bit.
"How did you afford all of this?" He asked while walking in and me following him.
"My parents are doctors, they're salary is pretty high"
"Wow!" Harry said as he opened the doors to their own personal balcony.
"You guys are rich!" Harry said

I chuckled and said,
"We are not that rich, but it's often lonely if your rich"

They both looked at me confused

"Y/n!" My dad called downstairs
I ran down the stairs and walked to him,

"Yeah Dad?"

"Me and your mom has a 3 day business trip that we HAVE to attend"

"That's okay, I'll be fine here with the Hollands" I said

"Okay, don't burn down the house" he said laughing

He then went upstairs and got his suitcase and left, Nikki and Dom went down following by the bois.

"Where did your parents go Y/n?" Nikki asked while sitting on the couch

"Oh- they have another 3 day business trip, most of the time it's more than 3 days..."

"Well, what do we do now?" Tom asks

"Don't worry I had everything planned for your stay here!" I said

"But how are we suppose go there? You can't drive?" Sam says

"Don't worry my fellow British friends! We have a Tesla" I said

"But who's gonna drive it?" Harry asks

"You can make it drive it's self"

They're jaws dropped once again,

"We just need someone to sit in the front just in case if goes bananas" I said

And they laughed lightly at my comment,

"Well, we have plans today if you guys are up to that?" I asked

"Yah, let's go!!" Paddy says while pulling Harry's arm.

We all got out of the house and got in my Tesla Model X (lol so exact). Dom got in the drivers seat and Nikki next to him, the twins sat behind them and Tom on one side, Paddy in the middle as usual me with space on the end.

"Ok, how do we start this thing?" Dom asks

"I have the keys, just press that button over there" I point to the huge IPad (?) in the middle and the button on it (btw I don't have a Tesla so don't hate me if I don't know how to work it 😅)

"Okay" he said

"Then say, nearest bowling alley" I said

And he repeated and it said

"Nearest bowling alley" it said and showed the options.

"Press the closet one" I said

And he did and asked

"What now?" Nikki asks

"Press the button on the steering wheel that has a self drive option" I said

And he found it and pressed it. The car started to back out of the drive way and started driving. The Holland boys was balling, Tom, Harry, and Sam was Instagramming it and Paddy just looked at me. I notice it and spoke up,

"You okay Padds?"

He then flashed out of his daydreaming and said

"Y-yah" he then turned the other way and trying to avoid eye contact.

Finally we got there and they car parked it self and we got out.

We got out and walked in. I went up the desk and took out the money my parents gave me. I payed and we got our bowling shoes. We all started playing and we had a good night. Sam won, I got second, Dom 3rd, Harry 4th, Nikki 5th, Paddy 6th and Tom last. We then went back home.


We got home and we all got out and I opened the doors to the house and they all went upstairs but I stayed on the 1st level siting on the couch looking up, that had a HUGE WINDOW CEILING. Paddy noticed me siting there and he decided sit next to me.

"You good Y/n?" He asked

"Not really, actually" he then turned his head to face me but I kept my eyes looking at the stars.

"Why?" He asked

"Well- I'm always alone, my parents all ways have meetings and I'm always alone at home."

"Well you can do anything when your here alone, you can invite friends-"

"My parents doesn't like really like people in the house"

"Well we're here"

"Yah, cuz they're okay with it, my parents think I'm not responsible enough."

A/n: I didn't intentionally wanted this to be this long so I'm making part 2. Also backstory about yourself, your parents they always leave you unsupervised at home. Even though they leave you alone at home, they don't trust you enough to bring your friends. So almost everyday you're alone at home.

𝙃𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙊𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 ★彡Where stories live. Discover now