3| Explanation

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He had a smirk plastered on his face. I could literally punch him. But I didn't. I just rolled my eyes, walking up the stairs to go to the nurse's office.

"You are quite something." Hyunjin said while laughing.

"I can say the same about you." I said in a murmur thinking he wouldn't hear me.

You see there is a good explanation of to why I hate him. He is that typical school popular badboy. One of those who probably slept with almost every girl in this school, he is rude and once you are on his bad sides then the school is against you.

I just hate the power he has, he can literally ruin you your school life if you are not carful.

This one time a boy transferred to another school just because of him. The poor guy accidentally fell over and his lunch fell on Hyunjin. And all of a sudden a random guy came up to the little boy and poured his whole drink over him. Not to mention that Hyunjin's shirt wasn't even ruined, only a few small stains of lunch on his shirt but literally no more.

Everyday the boy got bullied by the people around him. They would take his backpack and run all around the school with it and he just chased them, they would trip him over, they even made his nose bleed. And every time in lunch he would get any kind of food in his hair.

After a month he transferred to another school. The poor guy's school life was ruined that year.

I started to quicken my steps as I felt that Hyunjin was following me. Why was he following me? What was he planning?

I was almost at the nurse's office as I turned around and he was still behind me.

"Why are you following me?" I said starting to get pissed.

Hyunjin just laughed at this. "Don't get ahead of yourself, I also need to be here. I think Felix broke my fingers."  He said showing his left hand. And indeed his thumb, index finger and middle finger looked kinda... broken or at least something along the lines.

I didn't care what the reason was after I heard Felix's name. I didn't care in general. That little douche isn't any better then Hyunjin.

I just turned around to walk into the nurse's office saying what my situation was and she let me lay on one of the beds.

Hyunjin was sitting on the chair by the table in front of my bed getting some ice on his fingers.

"Just let the ice sit there and in about 10 minutes I will come back to put on some bandage. Its not broken, just bruised it should heal in no time." Said the nurse as she went up to me.

"Mai, have you eaten today? Because if you haven't your sickness might be because of that." The nurse said.

"No I haven't." I said.

"That's not quite healthy don't you think? Is there a reason you didn't?" The nurse asked writhing something on a paper.

"I was late in the morning so I couldn't eat any breakfast and at lunch I didn't have any money on me to buy something in the cafeteria. But I'm not really hungry so there shouldn't be any problem." I said, sitting a bit upright.

"Would you like us to contact your father so he can bring you some lunch." The nurse asked.

"No!" I said really quickly in a nervous way regretting it immediately." Uhm- he is not home he can't come now." I said nervously lying. He was home but I can't have him around here. Home was already enough, school was a way of escaping any moment just so I wouldn't be around him.

"Well okey then I will see if we have a little something for you to eat in the back." She said and I just nodded lightly.

I felt something falling on my lap after the nurse left me and Hyunjin here alone. I saw it was a biscuit. I saw Hyunjin at the table eating one and looking at me. Did he just give me a cookie?

"I don't need it I'm not hungry." I said taking the cookie and putting it on top of the nightstand next to the bed. My stomach told me otherwise as it started growling silently.

Hyunjin laughed at this and I felt my cheeks heat up out of embarrassment. "You sure you don't want to eat it? It looks like you do." He said with a smirk on his face munching on his cookie. That irritating smirk that I could rip open within seconds not even regretting it.

I took the cookie and bit out of it realising I actually was quite hungry. Well I wasn't really a person that ate much, not that I did it on purpose. I just never had the urge to eat. I heard from a few people I was really skinny, but I didn't see it myself. To me I just looked like a normal girl.

It was silent for a moment.

"Aren't you curious of to how Felix almost broke my fingers?" Hyunjin said breaking the silence. I could see the smirk on his face from the corner of my eyes. It only gives me rage, I only want to punch his face now more then ever.

"Not really interested in anything that involves both of you." I said in a not so caring tone.

"Well, too bad. I'm still gonna tel you. Because if you look at it in this way, you are the reason for this." He said in an irritating voice. "After the fight you had with Felix he came back to me asking what he did wrong and I said that you were probably mad at him for saying your little secret to me. He got confused and I told him he was stupid for saying your secrets. He was already frustrated and my comment probably made him even more mad and then he took my hand and almost broke my finger. The end."

I just sat there staring at him. Why was he so annoying? why did he have to work on my nerves this much? Just by looking at his face made me want to punch him.

"Don't blame him though. He's a good guy, he was just trying to help you." He said not looking at me.

"So you call revealing my secret, helping?" I said staring at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Well your so called secret was revealed because he asked me for advice. He asked if he said the right things to you or if he said something wrong. He wanted to know why you didn't want to say anything, thinking he said something wrong to you." He said while shrugging."But now you just admitted that the secret was true." He said, grinning.

Oh, I actually did. He was right, I just revealed my secret after telling him it was not true. Why was I so stupid?

"I said nothing. You didn't hear me say what secret, it could be anything." I lied knowing he wouldn't be convinced. All of a sudden he started walking up to me. He took my arm and pulled the sleeve of my hoodie up that I got back before going to lunch. He revealed all of my scars on my arms. My bruises, cuts, cigaret burns that Jason put there. I tried to take my arm back but his grip was strong. I kept pulling my arm away not wanting him to see all of that.

"I think this is convincing enough." He said giving me back my arm. Just as I wanted to say something the nurse came back in with some bandage and a sandwich for me. I quickly straightened my hoodie so my arm was covered again so that the nurse wouldn't see anything.

She gave me a plate with a sandwich on it and told me to eat it. After she gave me the plate she went to Hyunjin, removing the ice pack and covering his hand with bandage. "It should be good in a weak and if you still have pain maybe you should go to the hospital for an extra check up. You can go to your class now." The nurse smiling up at him.

With that he gave me one last glance and went out to go to his class. And I just sat there for the rest of the day thinking about what Hyunjin said about Felix. Okey, he is a nice guy but he still revealed my secret to Hyunjin. I got more and more confused the further I thought about the situation. What was going to happen next?

The bell rang and the nurse gave me permission to leave, so I did. When I walked out of the nurse's room I went to my locker. Just as I closed my locker I heard someone scream my name. I turned around to see Felix running at me. I didn't think for one bit and just walked out the doors of the school building. I just started running down the stairs almost tripping, when I got to the end of the stairs I felt someone grab my wrist with full force. Thinking it was Felix I turned around just to be greeted by the one and only Jason.


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