18| Nauseous

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(Saturday November 3)

Hyunjin's POV

"I can't. Really, this shouldn't be happening." I was at Felix's house waiting for Chan and Mai to arrive. I came earlier because I needed to speak to Felix about something important.

"Dude calm down, are you sure this isn't just something small?" Felix said trying to reassure me, not that it helped.

"Even if it's small, this is still a big problem. Why her? Why Mai? Oh god, help me. How do I get rid of them?" I panicked walking back and forth while Felix was sitting on the couch.

"You can't get rid of feelings, Hyunjin. You like her and there is nothing to deny about that. But seriously, this is fucked up."

"You think I don't know." I pinched the area between my eyes, closing them.

Yes, you guessed it right, I, Hwang Hyunjin, got feelings for Mai Holland. And what exactly is wrong with that? Well, my dear friend Chan also has feelings for Mai and they are kind of going out.

"When did this even start? Like has it been long, or not?" Felix asked curious. To be honest I have no clue, but just small occasions that happened between us made me realize that I liked her, more then a friend.

"I don't know, just some small things that happen that make me feel some kinda way."

"like what."

"Like, she hugs me but I feel some kinda way when she does that, I just don't want to let her go. This is so frustrating. Or when we were at Jason's I took her hand and we ran away so that Jason wouldn't find us and she clearly got effected by it as much as I was." I said, rubbing my temples. "Or in the car on the way to the beach I had a nose bleed from my fight with Jason, and she cleaned my nose, but we were standing so close, I looked at her lips and she probably noticed that and turned around so that she wasn't facing me anymore. But I had no clue why I even looked at her lips. Other occasions too, like small gestures that just made my heart beat faster. I told her about my dad and she took a hold of my hand to comfort me. Dude let me tell you how much that affected me, but I just didn't show it. She really has no clue what she does to me."

"This is more serious then I thought, mate." Felix said. all of a sudden a smirk appeared on his face. "I told you you liked her."

"Felix I'm gonna rip your tongue out of it's place and put it up your nose." I said reaching for a pillow and throwing it hard on his face.

The bell made Felix pull back from throwing a pillow back at me. He went to open the door and came back with Mai and Chan behind him.

"Hello." Mai said coming in with a smile. Chan gave me his hand and bumped shoulders with me. When Mai came she gave me a small hug and went to sit next to Chan. These kinds of things are not really making the situation any better. Why does she keep doing this to me.

"Dude, It's amazing here." Chan said looking a bit around. He looked extremely happy today, he never looked this happy.

"Then you haven't seen my room. Let's go." We walked up to his room, I already saw it because I came a bit earlier. It was really big, the house in general was really big. His room had dark blue walls and a grey floor. A queen size bed was placed in the center against the wall. The closet was quite big and placed against the wall next to the bed. His desk was opposite of the bed with a laptop on top. A small couch was behind the desk, against the wall under the window. There was even a piano in his room, for real does this guy poop money.

"Wow Felix this is another level of amazing." Chan said as he sat on the couch, Mai settling herself next to Chan. Felix sat himself on the bed and I walked to his desk and sat on the chair facing the others.

"Thanks, it really took some time placing and sorting all of this." Felix said puffing the hair out of his face.

"Can I offer you guys something to drink? Something cold, warm?" We all shook our heads, telling Felix he should just sit and talk with us.

"So I made a planning for next week Sunday and I hope it works for everyone." Mai said looking at all of us. "I'm going to the police station, to sue Jason. I want everyone to come with me. That's possible right?"

"Yeah of course we'll come. It's something important for you so why not?" Chan said smiling like an idiot. He was overly excited today. Felix just nodded at what Mai said and was looking suspicious at Chan.

"Chan you look extremely happy, don't you think Hyunjin? Care to explain?" Felix said. I looked at Mai and saw a smile appear on her face. What exactly is going on?

"Do I?" He said cheekily. "Well, this boy is happy because..." He took a hold of Mai's hand and she started blushing lightly not looking up. "he has a girlfriend."

I just stared blankly at them not knowing how I should react. I should have seen this coming, but not so fast. I didn't prepare myself for this. "Oh, well I'm happy for you guys. Can y'all excuse me for a bit."

I stood up and went to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror and held the corner of the sink, my knuckles turning white. Were Chan and Mai crazy, how can they take such a decision so fast? How did Mai accept this, after all it would be her first boyfriend. It doesn't make any sense.

Why was I so worked up? Was I just overreacting? Is this more than just a crush? Impossible, but this is bad.

A knock on the door made me jump a little. "Hey, is everything alright?"


"Uhm- yeah, everything is fine. I just felt uhm- " Fast, I have to come up with something. "I felt a little nauseous. Sorry for worrying you guys."

I swear this is not good.

"Oh, well I hope you will feel better in no time. You need anything?"

"No, no. I'm- I'm okey. Don't worry about me." I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"If you need anything just call for us." I could hear her footsteps and with every second the sound became softer and softer, till I heard nothing anymore.

Why did I even run off like that? This is really going to make things obvious, I should be more careful.

I need to mentally prepare myself before going back to everyone. I took a last glance at myself in the mirror and washed my face to refresh.

I walked back to Felix's room and saw them all looking at me. "Are you okey?" Chan said. "You look a little pale"

Did I?

"I just felt a bit sick, nothing to worry about." I gave them a small smile and went to sit again. "So, you and Mai huh?"

"Yeah." Chan said while smiling.

"I'm happy for you guys." And I think I may have given one of the most fake smiles I could ever give. I shouldn't be feeling this way. I should be happy for my best friend, but I just couldn't help it. This was even worse then I thought.

I gave a glance at Felix and I saw the sympathy in his face, he knew exactly what was going on.

I'm sorry Chan.



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