6| Coffee Shop

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Hyunjin's POV

Everything moved in slow motion, I didn't think, I lunged forward and put my arms around Mai's waist and pulled her back with full force, both of us falling back on the ground behind us.

I sat upright trying to get her attention but she wouldn't look at me. She slowly started to cry and before I knew it she was crying a little louder.

"Why did you do that?" Mai screamed at me. I don't even know if she knew it was me. I turned her around making her face me, still sitting. Her eyes were full and tears kept coming as she cried out.

"Look at me!" I screamed at her to get her attention as she was basically having a panic attack.

"Why did you do that?" Mai said repeating it a few times more, but more silent every time.

"Look at me." I said again as her gaze fell on me.

She placed her hands on her eyes crying again mumbling things that I couldn't understand. But I just let her. I just let her calm down.

I saw the paper, that she wrote something on in the park, on the ground next to her and took it making sure she wasn't seeing what I was doing. I unfolded it trying to read the smudge ink, wetness from her tear was on the paper and made the ink leak a bit. Not much though. And I read.

Hello to whoever that is reading this now,

If you find me I may as well be gone now, or maybe just in the hospital. You may now ask why I did this, well here is my explanation.
I am sick of life, I was only unlucky in this life and I just wanted it all to end. All because of my Stepfather, Jason Clarckson. He is a filthy man. All the bruises now on my body is all his fault. The only ones that aren't are the cuts on my wrist and legs.
But in the end it's my own fault. I was weak, I couldn't resist any of it anymore and saw no point in living if I couldn't even protect myself.
I didn't have anyone to comfort me, the only person I ever trusted and loved is gone. My mom. And I miss her so much. It has been 2 years now since she passed away from cancer, and I was left alone with that nasty man.
Today was my limit, I couldn't help it anymore and saw this as the best option. They say you are loved by the people that surround you but the only person in my life is Jason, and he has shown nothing of love.
Recently I met this new guy in school, Felix, if anyone of you reading this now knows him tell him that I forgive him and that I appreciate how he cared about me even though I only got to know him for a few weeks. He made me feel less lonely. It felt like there was actually hope for me. But then Jason ruined it again.
Jason did awful things to me. Please, please make him go to jail. Don't give him an opportunity to do this to any other girl.
This was my last goodbye.
Mai Holland October 5 2018

I couldn't believe what I just read. It was a suicide note in which she said that this Jason dude beat her like this. Her own stepdad.

"Hyunjin?" Mai said looking at me with confusion in her eyes. Her face was just horrible looking from crying. Eyes puffy and her face bruised. "Is that you?"

"Yeah." I said in a small voice trying not to scare her. She didn't see that I read the letter and I unnoticeably put it in inside my pocket.

"Why did you do that?" She said in a whisper. "Why the fuck did you do that?" She said saying it in a more louder voice.

"Because no one deserves to die." I said as I stood up.

"It was my own damn choice, why did you stop me?" Mai blurted out looking down again. I just picked her up throwing her over my shoulder and going down the stairs to leave the building. She wouldn't be leaving with me if asked her to so this was my option.

She was punching my back screaming to let her go.

"Suicide is never an option. Never." I said whispering. She probably didn't even hear me.

"Felix, open the car." I said as Felix ran to me holding the car door open for me while I put Mai in the backseat.

We drove for a while, Mai saying absolutely nothing. She was just staring outside the window, spacing out. She stopped crying after being in the car for 10 minutes. She wasn't crying loud though, she cried in herself making almost no sound. But I could still hear her sniff and I could see her wipe away some tears on her face. I don't know how but Felix didn't notice her crying, he was probably too fixed on the road.

We were now in the parking lot of a small coffee shop that was open till 12 a.m., currently is was 8:30 p.m.

Me and Felix got out of the car, I went to Mai opening the door. "Come on Mai, were gonna get you a drink."

She got out of the car carefully trying not to trip. Her face was facing down not looking up at me or Felix. We entered the coffee shop going up to the worker. We ordered 3 iced coffees and one cheesecake for in the middle. We sat down in our seats after we paid for everything.

Our drinks came and we thanked the worker who brought it to us. Now Felix and I were just looking at Mai who was just stirring her iced coffee, not looking up at us at all.

"Mai, are you alright?" Felix said breaking the silence. "What happened to you? You can tell us you know. Or me. We are friends, Mai. Friends. I know almost nothing of you and you barely talk. Most of the time its just me ranting about my annoying sisters. But no information of you. I want you to trust me."

Mai just turned her head around that she was now facing the window looking outside and not answering anything of what Felix just said. I was thinking about giving Felix the suicide note but ended up not giving it to him, thinking she wouldn't want him to read it. I think I wasn't even meant to be reading it, but I just did.

She faced us now, I could see the sadness in her eyes. And there it was. Something that was plastered on her face everyday. A smile. But fake. She was just smiling at us. How could she though, in this situation. How? What is she going to tell us now? Another lie?

"Felix don't worry, I'm okey. I just felt really dizzy and went up to go get some fresh air." She said, acting as if she wasn't hurt. Acting as if she just didn't try to kill herself.

"And what explains all of that on your face? That doesn't look like dizziness to me." Felix said worrying as if he himself could fall into pieces any moment.

"Well that's a long story." She whispered. "It's hard to explain."

"Well we got the time." Felix said looking at her with hopeful eyes.

It was silent for a long time. She had no intention to say anything so I wanted to tell Felix now what she was trying to on the building.

She saw me opening my mouth but before I could even say anything she interrupted me.

"No!" She said with a higher tone with wide eyes facing me. Her face softened slowly as she now got the attention of me, Felix and the rest of the people here. When the people in the coffee shop minded their own business she carried on talking.

"I- I'll just tell him you don't have to say anything" she said looking at me shaking her head and closing her eyes taking a deep breath.

She was trying to hide the situation on the building from Felix. But why?

"You see, I have a stepfather, Jason. And we aren't quite on good terms. What you see now on my face and what you saw on my arms except for the cuts." She said now looking down on her hands that were on the table, playing with her fingernails. "H-he did that."


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