8| Good Night

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Mai's POV

I never actually thought that I would be showering in Hwang Hyunjin's bathroom. I never thought that I would be in Hwang Hyunjin's house in general.

"I- uhm. I'll put some extra clothes in front of the door. I'll be in the kitchen so if you want you can go to dress in my room. I will wait in the kitchen so you can be at ease." Hyunjin said in an uncertain voice from behind the door.

"Yeah just leave them in front of the door I'll go to your room to get dressed." I said back to Hyunjin.

"Right, I'll be in the kitchen." He said and I could heer him move to the kitchen.

I came out of the bathroom with a towel around me and a towel around my hair. I took the clothes that Hyunjin choose out for me from the ground. I went to Hyunjin's room to get dressed. It was quite small. Just big enough to fit a bed, wardrobe and a desk. It was very neat, his bed that was seated in the corner opposite the door, it could fit just one person. His desk was at the end of the bed, there was a window with a view on the street. And his wardrobe was next to the door.

I put the clothes on his bed now. Well I'll just have to reuse my underwear and bra because obviously he doesn't have spare ones looking at the fact he is a guy. Sounds logic to me.

The clothes he gave me were a jogging pants that was kinda big and an oversized T-shirt. I just let my hair loose so it could dry quickly. I took the towels and came out of the room. I went up to the kitchen. My arms were still kinda damp so I dried them of with the towel.

"Mai?" Hyunjin said looking worried. What's up with him and Felix, always looking so worried. He pointed at me but I didn't get the message. "You're arm. It's bleeding."He said still pointing at my arm.

"What?" I said in confusion and when I looked at my arm, it was actually bleeding. "Oh. Ooh I think I just went over it too harshly with the towel or something." I said looking at the towel that was stained with a little bid of blood.

Hyunjin took the aid kit and walked to the sitting room gesturing me to come too. I sat down as he took my wrist cleaning it up a bit and putting some bandage on it. He took my other wrist that wasn't bleeding and put bandage on it too.

"Just for safety." He said while looking at my throat. "Do you want some there too?" He said pointing at my throat. I took the bandage off of my throat because I had to shower but didn't bother to put it back on as it felt quite uncomfortable and itchy.

"No I'm good, thanks." I said back to him.

And there it was again, our good old friend. Silence.

"I know its maybe a little early, but if you want you can get some rest." He said to me.

"At the moment I'm not really tired." I answered hesitantly. Maybe he was tired and he wanted to sleep, but honestly sleep was the last thing I wanted right now.

"Do you want to watch a movie then? I can put on whatever you want." He said looking at me.

"Sounds good to me, anything's fine." I said.

So we ended up watching the newest Spider Man. I do enjoy watching marvel movies so I didn't really mind.

After an hour my eyes started to feel heavy and they closed now and the, I felt my head get heavy and hit Hyunjin's shoulder quite sometime. And afterward it was just fully dark as I drifted into a night sleep.

Jason was now looking at me from the opening of the door, I stood on the beginning of the steps. I took a stair one by one as Jason started to come close to me, tears rolling of of my face. I started to run on the stairs up to my room as Jason took faster steps catching on my leg. I screamed and kicked his face as he fell from the stairs. I ran up to my room locking the door breathing really heavy.

A hard knock made me jump in the air.

"Open the door you stupid bitch before I break it open!" Jason screamed from outside.

"NO!" I screamed back at him. A hard bang came from my door again. There it was again. And I could hear that my door could break any moment. There it was, the loud "boom" sound that came from the door falling on the ground. There was nothing in between me an Jason now. I was an easy target.

And he just walked up to me taking me from my throat. He pushed me on the bed with his hands still on my throat. I couldn't breath. I tried my best to get out of his grip by punching everywhere but it wouldn't help. I screamed to him to stop, but he didn't listen at all and came hovering over me.

"Jason don't do this. Please you're hurting me." Not that he actually cared.

I knew what was going to happen next.

"I'm gonna make you feel the pain you gave me by killing your mom, Mai." He said and I just screamed.

"Mai." He said



I bolted upright screaming hard now as tears left my eyes. Two arms went to my shoulder as Hyunjin shook me trying to calm me down.

"Hey, calm down. There is no Jason here." He said as I slowly calmed down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Hyunjin said letting go of my shoulders.

I shook my head. "Can I just go to sleep?"

"Of course. I'll bring you to my room." Hyunjin said standing up.

"I'll sleep on the couch, really it doesn't matter." I said to Hyunjin trying to convince him.

"No its okey, I like to sleep on the sofa anyway." He said.

I nodded my head and followed him to his room. I sat on the bed as he took out an extra pillow and blanket for himself. He was now standing in front of the door.

"If there is anything you want just say so." He said leaving me alone in the room now with the last word: "Good night."

I couldn't even answer him because he was gone so fast. To be fair it was really nice of him to let me stay here and even though he knew I didn't really like him he still cared for me.

I laid myself in his bed pulling the blanket over me. The bed really smelled like Hyunjin. I couldn't quite explain the smell. It wasn't that bad and maybe he wasn't so bad of a person either.

I closed my eyes praying for a good night sleep. And so I just drifted into another universe as I fell asleep.


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