11| Mom

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Hyunjin's POV

"Hyunjin, is that you?"

As I heard it wasn't Mai I shot my gaze to my mom seeing that she was trying to open her eyes.

"Mom are you alright? Are you hurt somewhere?" I said, immediately standing up and touching her shoulders lightly.

"I'm okey, I just felt really sick all of a sudden but nothing to worry about. I'm all better now." Mom said looking into my eyes. Her eyes darted towards Mai now, when I looked at her she started to sit upright a bit. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh, that is Mai. A friend from school." I now turned back to Mai. "Mai, this is my mom."

"Nice to meet you missis..." Mai said waiting for my mom to finish her sentence.

"Miss. Miss Hwang. The same as Hyunjin. He got my last name." She said looking at Mai smiling and she just returned the smile.

I got my moms last name when she divorced my dad. I didn't want his last name anymore, I wanted the last name of the person that really took care of me.

"Well it's a pleasure meeting you miss Hwang. I hope you get well soon." She said smiling at my mom.

It was really nice of her but I don't think she really knows that mom has breast cancer. My mom thanked her and smiled at her as Mai smiled back innocently.

"She is really nice and pretty. Is she your girlfriend?" My mom asked me. She always wanted me to have girlfriend, a girl I would take care of. She would be happy to have a daughter-in-law but I never saw the point in it yet. I've dated before but they were no serious relationships.

"No, she is just a friend, mom. How desperately do you want me to get a girlfriend." I said looking from her to Mai. I could see she was a bit uneasy. She probably heard what my mom said. "Besides she doesn't really like me." I said in a whisper so Mai wouldn't hear.

"But why look at you, you're so handsome and nice. Did you treat her wrongly? That is not how I raised you mister" oh god please make her stop. Mom was always against me when it comes to girls, every girlfriend I ever had, she told me I didn't treat them nicely. But she was right, I probably didn't, I never actually liked the girls I dated they liked me and I would just except it. That's how it goes when you're popular, but I didn't like the popularity. I don't like being the centre of attention. But it just happened. People will assume you're a different person then you actually are, no one ever wanted to know the real me.

"Mom you're embarrassing me in front of a girl I barely know. She already doesn't like me this is not going to make it any better." I said to her praying that Mai wasn't listening.

"So you do want to get to know her?" My mom said looking at me with a small smirk. "Mai, darling, does Hyunjin treat you right? Does he need some extra lecture?"

Mai was laughing at that. "Well Miss Hwang you have probably given him enough lecture, but if he uses sit is another story." Even though she said it jokingly, mom gave me a smack on the shoulder.

"Mom! Was that necessary?" I asked her trying to hold my laugh. This was a really funny and weird situation.

"I am just a sick old woman trying to educate my child in the right way. But if he listens is another matter." She said the last in a more funny tone. I loved how my mom was so open and fun to be around with. She just knew what to do and how to act to make the atmosphere more fun.

"Mai if this boy ever breaks your heart let me be the first woman you come to, to tell me what kind of lecture I should give him. Of course your mother first and then me. Is that a deal?" She said looking at Mai and pointing a finger at me. This woman really just wants to embarrass me in front of everyone.

I don't know what really happened but her face changed really fast into a sad expression. And then it hit me. Mai's mom wasn't here anymore, she had passed away two years ago. How could I forget?

"Mom-" But before I could even finish my sentence Mai talked leaving me in shock.

"My mother isn't here anymore. She passed away two years ago." Mai said looking at the ground not looking up at all.

"Oh sweetie, I am so sorry. I didn't know, otherwise I wouldn't have said anything." My mom said with a sad expression.

"Don't mind, it was a long time ago so I don't get emotional by it as easily anymore. At least not like I used to, in the beginning." Mai said looking at my mom now, she had this smile on her face. The smile you get when praising someone. This smile wasn't fake at all, it was a smile that made me see that she loved her mom more then anything in the world.

"If it isn't inappropriate to ask but how has your mom passed away?" I bumped my arm a bit on my mom's shoulder trying to tell her that she shouldn't have asked that. She just shook her head a bit at me, waiting for Mai to talk.

"Cancer." She said a whisper. "Blood cancer. Leukaemia."

"Oh my." My mom said with sympathy in her eyes.

"When I noticed that you were here, it felt like I was being pulled back in time to when my mom was in hospital. It was as if I was reliving that moment. I hesitated to come in but Hyunjin told me to come. At the time my mom was in hospital she didn't look like you, miss. She looked more sick, more tired, breakable, as if any moment she could shatter. She had already given up on life, but when I saw you I saw a more healthy, strong person. I saw the life in your eyes, the smile on your face when you saw Hyunjin. I could feel that you were fighting for your life. I hope to see you well and healthier the next time we see each other." Mai said finally looking up at me and my mom, smiling softly. she paled a bit after all the talking, maybe it was too much for her.

"It looks like she doesn't seem that well, take her out for a few minutes. I will wait here for you guys to come back." My mom said half in a whisper. I just nodded my head. "Oh and, she is really nice. Maybe you should hold on to this one." I just rolled my eyes at her statement, but to be honest, Mai wasn't a bad person.

"Mai if you want we can go get some fresh air, you look a little bit nauseous." I said.

"Yeah." She said in a whisper as her voice cracked a bit. Even though she said that she didn't get emotional so easily anymore I could definitely tell that she was now.

Both of us got up now walking to the door. Mom waved us goodbye and told us to come back fast because she didn't actually want to be left alone. She told me to go with her to make sure nothing happened to her.

We were outside now sitting in silence on a bench near the entrance. I wanted to start a conversation but no subject came in my mind.

"Your mom is really sweet." Mai said breaking the silence. "She really cares for you."

"That's how my mom is, always looking out for me but never herself. I always tell her that I will take care of her but she never wants my help. She wants to show me that she is strong but I know that she is actually struggling really hard at the moment." I don't know why I am actually telling Mai all of this, it's just the certain vibe she gives me that makes me want to talk. Maybe because we share the same problem at the moment, she would definitely understand me.

There was a silence, not one of those awkward ones. The ones that make you comfortable. Being with her wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but of course I don't know how she feels at this point. It could be that she still didn't like me much but I can see progress.

"She is really strong. Your mom." She said looking in front of her. She was slightly shivering, it was cold because it was still morning. "Mine sadly wasn't."


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