2| Nurse's Office

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(Friday October 5)

Another painful morning. Yesterday was nothing different then any other day when Jason was home. My body hurt, everywhere.

I headed to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. A mess. That is what I looked like. A girl with bruises all over her body.

My face was untouched but I still had the yellowness of a bruise on my eye what meant it would be healing soon.

A quick shower would do it. After showering i got dressed for school wearing my go to outfit for these kinds of moments. A black jeans, T-shirt and hoodie to cover up every possible sign of injury. The basic.

I blow dried my hair and straightened it leaving it loose. I looked at the time and almost panicked. I was almost going to miss my bus so I just ran down the stairs took my keys and backpack and ran out of house to catch my bus.

Thank god I made it on time, I was now breathing heavily as I got in the bus, driving to school.

I walked to my locker when I arrived at school taking out the books I needed. I sat myself down on one of the chairs near my locker because there was still some time left before first period would start.

"Mai!" I heard a familiar deep voice. I turned around and saw Felix walking up to me with a big smile on his face. But that smile soon faded and turned into a confused and worried look.

What was it? Did I have something on my face? Why was he looking like that to me? And then I remembered. i didn't put any make up on. How stupid was I, I turned my face away from Felix hoping that he wasn't looking like that because of the bruise on my eye. Even though it was fading it wasn't completely gone.

I heard his steps clearer within every second making me nervous. How was I going to explain it. Think Mai, think.

"Mai?" He said in confusion, I still didn't look though. "What happened to your eye, it's bruised." I could hear he was worried.

I turned around and faked a smile. "Well my stupidity, I hit my eye on the edge of my desk pretty hard." I lied to him, I had no other choice he can't know what really happened. He can't know what Jason did.

"It looks like its healing but that means you should have had a purplish eye yesterday, how did I not notice?" Felix was just staring at me in confusion.

"The power of Make Up." I said

"Be careful next time we do no want something like that to happen again do we?" Felix said with sympathy,"did you care for it? Did you put some ointment on your eye or at least an ice pack?" He asked worried.

"Felix calm it's just a little bruise you don't have to freak out, it doesn't even hurt any more." I said obviously lying, it did hurt. A lot.

Felix was a bit like that. Even though we just got to know each other for two weeks, I could already tell a few of his characteristics. He was a worrying type, a caring even if he doesn't really look like it. He was quite funny if I say so myself and my lunches weren't as boring as they used to be. Most of the time he spent his time with me but mostly after school we wouldn't really have anything to do with each other. He did ask for my number but it isn't as if we texted everyday. Just sometimes when both of us would have time.

The bell rang and I hoped that Felix wouldn't ask any more questions. And he didn't. I stood up and wanted to go to class, but all of a sudden my body felt really heavy. I reached my hand and touched Felix's shoulder for support. I could see his lips moving but I heard no sound and I couldn't react, I tried to catch my breath as my legs gave up on me. And in one moment everything went dark.

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