19| Police Station

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(Saturday November 3, Sunday November 11)

"Goodbye, take care of yourselves."

Felix and I told our goodbyes to Mai and Chan. when I closed the door behind them I turned around to see Felix staring at me with an odd look, almost sympathy. But I knew exactly what that look meant.

"I know what you're going to say." I told Felix as I walked passed him, not looking back at him.

He came in to the living room, following me. "Explain what that was."

"Nothing just forget it." I said acting as if it was nothing.

"Come on, what was that even? Running of like that, I know this is all weird and stuff but maybe this is more then just a crush. Look at you."

"Felix, that is impossible. And you know that. I know her for like a month maybe two." I said clarifying that it was no more than a small crush.

"You should have seen your face. You completely blanked out. You ran to the bathroom and when you came back you looked pale. So tell me, is this really just a small crush." Felix asked as he looked at me.

Is it? Is it really just a small crush? Being around Mai does make me comfortable, but comfortable enough to like her? When she hugs me, I don't see or feel anything, only her. Does that mean... that I like her? A lot more than I should?

I hate how right Felix is at the moment. "I hate you."

"That's it, you either confess or die in despair." As if Felix reached in my mind and heard everything I said to myself.

Confessing was no option. She was already dating Chan. "I can't, and you damn well know that. I can't just all of a sudden tell her how I feel about her. One, that will break our friendship and two it can break theirs."

Felix just nodded, it was also hard for him. His two best friends like the same girl, how nice.

"Then we try to get rid of them." Felix said breaking the silence that was slowly forming.


"There are a few options for that. You either take your distance from her, like try not to make too much contact with her or you could be a bit rude to her and ignore her so she takes the distance herself. Uhm- or you can just tell her that you like her. That can cause some problems but at least you can get it off your chest." He for sure is one of the worst at giving advice.

I just stared at him not saying anything. The least can be scrapped, I am not going to confess. I'll probably do a mix of the other ones. Ignore her and probably be rude to her. She will definitely take distance from me and my feelings will fade away. Problem solved.

"I'll go with the first two. The least is a bit... fast forward? Don't you think? So mission ignore Mai starts now." I said seating myself on the sofa next to Felix.

"But I don't want any problems within your friendship keep that in mind, please make sure not to hurt anyone while doing this. If that's what you want, I'm not going to stop you. But know, this may also hurt you in some ways." Felix was now half lying on the sofa staring with half closed eye lids at me.

It was already kinda late and it looked as if Felix was tired. I guess I'll just head home and let Felix rest. "Well I guess that's it for today. Imma head home cause it looks like you are about to fall asleep."

"You have no idea how tired I am." We stood up and went to the door saying our goodbyes. "Take care of yourself and don't  think too much about it all."

I nodded and left the house, I walked to my car and got in driving off to my house.

I walked in my house and was greeted with Chan's loud laugh. He didn't turn when I walked in which means he probably didn't hear me.

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