30| Family

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(Friday 29th March)

Mai's POV

A normal spring day. Flowers on trees, sky a bright blue colour, the sun shining and the yet cold wind sending shivers down my spine as me and Hyunjin walked home from school.

"And what about college application, did they send anything back to you? You should've checked the mail yesterday, I told you to check the mail." I said.

After so long he decided to 'legally' take me in until I would find a place on my own but both of us hadn't had any problem with me living there. or at least none that were talked about.

"I know but I didn't dare. I just hope we got accepted to the same college." He said pouting.

"Will there ever be a moment that you can live without me?" I said jokingly.

We hadn't confirmed ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend yet but we were quite close to it. We both knew that what was going on between us was definitely more then just friendship. I don't know what Hyunjin was waiting for to be honest.

"Never." He said opening the lock of the door going inside.

"By the way how is your mom feeling?" I asked placing my backpack next to the couch.

After the surgery Hyunjin's mom recovered quickly and was able to go home fast, or at least to his grandmother's home. His father had left after paying for the surgery.

"Much better, she even wants to go on a vacation since she has gotten better. Something has gotten into her." He said slumping down on the couch.

He opened his arm making place for me to sit next to him and he wrapped and arm around my shoulder.

"Let the poor woman live a little, for so long she wasn't able to do anything. Now she can." I said.

"Well that's true but she still needs to recover a little- never mind. Let's go get a milkshake." Hyunjin said.

That was just our thing. Drinking milkshakes every Friday after school.
"I would love to, but first open your mail."

He hesitated for a second but stood up to look if he had received any letters from any college he had applied to.

It was funny actually how he had turned 19 already and still wasn't in college. Same goes to Felix, but Felix had to repeat a grade back in his first year of high school whilst Hyunjin just started school a year later then all the other students and that's why he was in the same grade as me now.

Hyunjin was holding 3 letters, among which was my college. I had applied to a few colleges a long time ago and got accepted to the one I wanted but now I was waiting to see if Hyunjin had the same college as me.

He opened the letter and read it as his eyes widened. He stood in front of me and in a fraction of seconds he pulled me up and hugged me and started jumping around like crazy.

"We're going to the same college!" He said enthusiastic. "Now to celebrate, let's get a milkshake!"

He pointed his finger to the door as he had talked in a child-like way. My heart just beats faster every time a smile appears on his face which makes me fall for him more and more everyday.

The things you do to me.

By foot was the best way to go in this beautiful weather. We walked in and ordered a milkshake, a chocolate one for him and a strawberry for me, our usual order.

"Listen." Hyunjin said, but he wasn't smiling anymore. He looked really serious yet still a little nervous. "I have been wanting  to say this to you for a long time but I never dared. It's just that- how do I put it? Your attempt to uhm- you know."

There it is.

"Just say it don't hesitate that much." I said knowing what was coming.

"Right. So your attempt for suicide, " he said in a whisper so that nobody would hear him, "it's just that I felt like I haven't talked about it properly with you back then. It was just because I was scared to ask you thinking, knowing it was a sensitive topic that you didn't want to talk about. So now I think is the best time to ask you and talk about it with you." He said with a mixed face of nervous and relief. "Have you had any thoughts like that again?"

"I have. Not anymore though. Back then I- I had thought a lot about it back when Jason was still not found, that was kind of my downhill, I had lost a lot of weight mainly because I had no appetite anymore and I hadn't had a proper night sleep. Just knowing that he was around and alive just made me scared and think 'what if he finds me when I'm alone?'. I never talked about it because back then I wasn't used to talking to people and keeping all of that inside it just made me lose my mind, I thought I was going crazy, but I knew it wasn't worth it. When you, all of you came in my life that is when I realised it wasn't worth it anymore, it wasn't worth risking my life. I had found the meaning of family again, because of you guys I wasn't a pathetic girl. With you I could be who I wanted to be, my true self. because of you I am the person that I am today, healthy and feeling pretty amazing. And I am grateful to have people like you, Felix, Chan and Diana in my life. Without you guys, I would probably not have been here anymore. Thank you for saving me, thank you for showing me I was important. Thank you for not letting me jump from that building. Thank you." I said giving him a soft smile.

I am grateful to have a person like you in my life Hwang Hyunjin.

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