9| Dad

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(Saturday October 20 )

Hyunjin's POV

It has been two weeks now, since Mai lived with me. But I had no clue on what terms we were. Did she still hate me, did she think of me as a friend? I had no clue. And mostly because we just wouldn't communicate.

Yes, we would talk because obviously we live in the same house but I couldn't understand her just yet. She would leave for school earlier then I did and when I asked her if she wanted a ride she would decline.

She talked to Felix quite often but she wouldn't open up to me. To be honest, I'm curious. Curios about her. I wanted to know more. I don't know why or what made me attracted to her but I just wanted to know more about her.

I didn't know what to do, really. She had been in a depressing mood, I could tell. But I didn't know how to cheer her up or at least make her less depressed.

I didn't even know what kind of a person she was, I didn't know what I could particularly do to make her feel better.

She wasn't making it easy for me, because on one side I wanted to keep her company but she would just push me away.

Frustration went through my head and all that because I couldn't sleep. Every time when I can't fall asleep, my own thoughts make it worse. I start to overthink even though there is not much to overthink about.

A buzz that came from my phone pulled me out of my own thoughts.

Dad: I am out of prison.

W-what? This can't be true. He should be in for at least another 6 months.

Dad: Hyunjin, I know that you probably don't want to see me right now, but I swear I have changed.

How did he expect me to believe him after all that he's done to my mom. He is the reason my mom laid in hospital for a full month needing surgery and treatment.

Don't get me wrong, my dad had always been a great dad. He paid for the rent, he made sure we had food to eat, he made sure I could go to school, but the only problem was that he was an alcoholic. And when he was drunk, it could get wild. Really wild.

He would always hit my mom and scream at her, ever since I was 10, he one time got home drunk with a gun in his hand, I was 16, almost 17 at that time. It happened one and a half year ago, he came home drunk screaming and he fired the gun at my mom's stomach. He ran away and left me and my mom alone there. I brought my mom to the hospital as fast as I could. She had to undergo a risky surgery and the doctors told me that I should prepare myself for any kind of news.

In the end everything went well even the surgeries and she recovered really fast but sadly since recently she has been in the hospital again. She got diagnosed with cancer, thank god the doctors had found it so soon. She was still in the first stages and she could still make it out alive.

So, I tried to look at everything on the positive side. Everything happens for a reason and I knew that if I struggled now something good would happen in the future.

After the incident I of course called the cops on my dad, we've been to court and in the end he got charged for 2 years prison. My mom finally divorced my dad and we went to live with my grandmother until I would get a stable job to pay for an apartment. My mom would have done it but she is too weak at the moment, I cannot put her in such a situation.

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