Chapter 24- Conversations

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Katie Mitchell *POV*

     Shawn had left in the morning to secure a talk show date; the first he's accepted in two weeks. I'd have to find a way to occupy my time without him.

Me: Miss you already! How do I occupy my time when I'd rather be with you?
Rise-and-Shawn: Aww, that's sweet. Maybe go shopping for Saturday :)
Me: No I miss you too? :'(
You're breaking my heart.
Umm, what's happening Saturday?
Rise-and-Shawn: I do miss you, I didn't think I'd have to say it for you to know. And Saturday is when we're going to the beach together :)
Me: Well, the missing you thing, not to seem like a sissy or anything, I need to hear regardless of whether I know you're missing me or not.
And that sounds fun!
Rise-and-Shawn: Aww, well, you'd never be a sissy in my mind, but I think that's sweet. Does that go for saying I love you, too?
Me: What do you think?
Rise-and-Shawn: You'll never tire of hearing it.
Me: Nope.
Rise-and-Shawn: Okay, well, I love you, sunshine.
Me: Sunshine. Aww, I'm blushing...
Rise-and-Shawn: Hey, it's my job :)
Me: Why Sunshine?
Rise-and-Shawn: Don't forget that you were the one who asked--
The sun is the center of the universe, similar to the role you play in my life because you're the center of it.
The sun is essential to life, and my life without you in it would crush my means of survival.
The sun shines and sheds light; you're the light of my life.
I could go on... :)
Me: Well, you could've at least warned me to have a tissue box ready. That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Alright, you ready for mine?
Rise-and-Shawn: I'm holding my breath... ;)
Me: Angel Eyes. Cheesy, I know. But it states the obvious. Don't even ask about my contact name for you, haha. I thought it was actually clever, though.
Rise-and-Shawn: I'm sure it is. Please tell me... I'll exchange mine for yours.
Me: Fine. Rise-and-Shawn-- because you're as essential to me as breathing. Sleeping in your arms is the most comforting thing. Ugh, I'm going to regret saying that.
Rise-and-Shawn: I, for one, think that's adorable. I'll be sure to hold you like that more often ;)
Your contact name is Sleeping Beauty. I changed it yesterday.
Me: From what?
Rise-and-Shawn: A question for a question; trade.
Me: Ugh, fine.
Rise-and-Shawn: What was running through your mind last night when I gave you a massage?
Me: Oh, that's just killer! Especially since I refuse to lie. Can you revoke the question?
Rise-and-Shawn: Nope! Haha, sorry!
Me: Well...
Rise-and-Shawn: ...
Me: Long version or short version?
Rise-and-Shawn: Incredibly detailed, please.

     I paused. Really?

Me: I thought of how I didn't want it to end. I...
Rise-and-Shawn: Go on...
Me: I'm going to regret this so much. I wanted you. As embarrassed as I was, your touch was something I hungered for. I thought of the smell of your cologne and loved being surrounded by it. I'm just going to admit that I didn't watch as little as a second of that movie. And now you've thoroughly embarrassed me.
Rise-and-Shawn: That was heartfelt. I don't think I've ever had someone be that honest. And that was all for me to tell you that my original contact name for you was Sweet<3. I'll be a gentleman and let you ask me anything.
Me: Anything?
Rise-and-Shawn: Oh no, you're making me regret my decision.
Me: I plan to. Hm... what ran through your mind when I told you to pull over and kissed you?
Rise-and-Shawn: I was shocked really, but happy. I thought that one thing about you had never changed.
Me: What was that?
Rise-and-Shawn: You could persuade a prince to give you his kingdom with the slightest hint of a kiss.
Me: I should try that sometime...
Rise-and-Shawn: Too bad your kisses are mine to claim.
Me: Too bad I don't think any hand-fed prince would have near the brawn that you do.
Rise-and-Shawn: So you admit it!
Me: Admit what?
Rise-and-Shawn: I'm built strongly!
Me: Did I say I was referring to you?
Rise-and-Shawn: You know you are!
Me: This gets under your skin doesn't it?
Rise-and-Shawn: I don't know what you're talking about.
Me: You're JEALOUS.
Rise-and-Shawn: Am not.
Me: What if I told you I was talking about Cameron?
Rise-and-Shawn: You wouldn't. You came out crying when he kissed you!
Me: Doesn't mean I can't admire his figure.
Rise-and-Shawn: Just admit it, you were talking about me.
Me: Whatever gives you wings, Angel Eyes.
Rise-and-Shawn: Knew it. Now, go find yourself something to wear at the beach.
Me: Are we swimming in the ocean?
Rise-and-Shawn: You bet.
Me: Should I go shopping for swimwear then, or settle for something old?
Rise-and-Shawn: Whichever, sunshine.
Me: Any preference, style-wise?
Rise-and-Shawn: A two-piece?
Me: Ooh, how devilish of you!
Rise-and-Shawn: I'll drop by the house later tonight-- see you then.

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