Skim The Surface

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I swing open the heavy door leading into the dance studio and am immediately hit with the blaring music coming from the speakers. V and Beckett are dancing in the middle of the studio, while C stands off to the side, occasionally mimicking their movements.
"Hey Miles!" V says with a bright smile once the music stops. I smile and wave, setting my guitar down on the bench.
"We're just teaching C the choreography for her audition," V tells me.
"Cool. What part you trying out for?" I ask.
"Clara," she replies with a nervous smile.
"Nice. So what did you need me for exactly?" I ask, turning back to V.
"Okay, so they haven't announced it yet, but the music department is going to collab with the dancers for our winter recital this year, and I want you to write the music for a few specific scenes," V explains.
"So, basically, we wanted to show you some of the choreography so you could get a feel for the kind of music we can integrate into the routine," Beckett adds. Beckett, V, and C proceed to show me the choreo for the snow scene and the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy when the doors to the studio open again.
"Morita, Bradstreet, with me," Durani orders. Beckett looks at V who just shrugs, running over to the benches to grab their bags.
"I guess we'll see you guys later?" V says before she and Beckett disappear with Durani. I look back at C who's now standing alone in the middle of the studio staring at the floor.
"You Okay?" I ask. C looks up and smiles.
"Of coarse. Why wouldn't I be?" She responds. I can tell she's lying, her smile looks forced.
"No you're not. V told me you answer questions with another question when you're lying," I tell her. She frowns.
"They've been leaving me behind a lot lately. Sometimes I don't think they even notice," She admits. I can relate to that. Hanging out with Jax and Kit is fun, but also super awkward.
"Well, I don't have anything to do anymore, so I guess you're stuck with me," I tell her. C smiles.
"I suppose I can live with that," she jokes, "But now that you've said that, no take backs. We're going to get ice cream."
"Is that like, a thing with you dance people. Do you all like ice cream. Wait. Is that the secret to being a good dancer?" I ask mockingly.
"Haha. Very funny. No, you just happen to be friends with a particular group of dancers who are obsessed with ice cream," C retorts.
"Fair. I guess the music department is all obsessed with coffee. But not all of us participate in active programs, where we can eat as much ice cream as we want without getting fat," I reply. C rolls her eyes at me and glances at me skeptically.
"I really don't think you have to worry about that. Also, aren't you the one who stole an entire cake from Julie freshman year?" She asks.
"Minor details," I retort. Stopping in my tracks.
"How did you manage to get me half way to the ice cream shop without me even noticing?" I ask in shock. C shrugs.
"You're very easily distracted," she replies as she continues to walk down the sidewalk.
"You have to come with me now. It'll be on your conscious if I get kidnapped and die," she calls back to me. I have to laugh at that and shake my head, jogging now to catch up.
"I can tell why you and V are friends. You're actually the same person. Hey can you guys read each other's minds? Or do that creepy thing where you finish each other's sentences?" C laughs.
"No and yes," she replies as we walk into the shop.
"Wait let me guess. You're getting cotton candy ice cream?" I ask.
"Pft no," C scoffs. I raise an eyebrow.

Word Count: 667

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