When The Seconds Count

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"Are you as terrified as I am right now?" Mindy asks, running up to me. I don't respond, continuing to stand on my toes, trying to see into the audience.
"C, C? Who are you looking for?" Mindy asks, waving her hand in front of my face. I quickly bat her hand away.
"It's no one," I lie.
"Ohh, is it that boy V was telling me about? The one from our red riding hood group? He was cute!" Mindy asks.
"What? No! No boy," I lie again.
"What's this? Is there tea being spilled?" Sasha asks sliding in next to us.
"Sasha? What are you doing here?" I ask.
"What, I can't say good luck to my two favorite Primas?" He asks.
"Not according to Helsweel," Mindy replies.
"Minor details. Now what's this I hear about a boy? Is it Miles? V says she and Beckett think you two have a thing," Sasha whispers excitedly.
"Miles! That was his name!" Mindy exclaims. I roll my eyes, silently cursing V. Of course if she can't be here to constantly bother me, she'd find someone who could.
"I, might have mentioned to him yesterday that we have a competition today," I tell them.
"So what I'm hearing is, you invited him to the competition," Sasha says.
"Oooo, C's got a boy friend" Mindy teases.
"Shut up," I snap.
"Mr. Roy, I don't remember you you being a part of the Primas," Ms. Helsweel observes, coming to stand next to us. Not needing to be told twice, Sasha scurries off into the audience.
"You have to admire his dedication," Ms. Helsweel grumbles, walking away. Mindy and I look at each other, forcing ourselves to hold in our laughter.
"Ms. Dobson and Ms. Cato, you're on in fifteen. Do try and stay on task," Ms. Helsweel says over her shoulder before disappearing from sight. Mindy let's out a breath.
"Okay, we have to do good," she tells me, shaking out her arms.
"Yeah, I do not want to feel the wrath of Helsweel again," I reply. We quickly rush to the stage wings and wait for the rest of the team to find us. The performance goes really well and I don't know what motivated us all more, our natural competitiveness, or the fear of Helsweel's wrath if we don't win this competition. After the performance, Mindy and I escape into the audience in search of Sasha.
"Hey C." I turn around to see Miles walking up behind me.
"I'll see you later C," Mindy says, prancing off, but not before throwing an over exaggerated wink over her shoulder at us.
"Um. I wasn't really sure if I was supposed to bring anything, so I brought these for you," Miles says, awkwardly holding out a bouquet of sunflowers. I break out into a grin.
"Thanks, they're my favorite!" I say happily.
"Yeah, V told me," Miles replies.
"You asked V what kind of flowers to get me?" I ask with a grin. Miles blushes.
"I probably didn't need to tell you that," he says, rubbing his neck. I laugh.
"It's sweet," I assure him, giving him a hug. I follow him into the audience and we watch the rest of the teams perform. I have to stop myself from laughing at Miles' utter confusion for some of the performances a few times. Right before the last team performs, I turn to Miles.
"I gotta head backstage for awards, do you want to meet up after?" I ask carefully. Miles smiles.
"Yeah, I'll text you," He replies. I smile again before sneaking out of the audience and into the hallway.
"No way, he got you flowers?" Mindy asks, catching up to me. I blush.
"Yeah, he's so sweet," I reply.
"So you two are dating right?" She asks, causing me to falter.
"Um, I mean, no? Neither one of us has really asked out the other? And we've never been on an official date I guess," I respond lamely.
"Well, you better get on that before someone else gets him, cause he's def a keeper," Mindy tells me, looking at the sunflowers one last time.

Word Count: 692

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