Head Starts Ringing

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@Jasmineblain15 : ) Season 2 Episode 21, 14:07

I trudge into pre-calc and collapse into my seat, dreading the class.
"Morning grumpy," Miles says sitting down next to me. I turn to him with a glare.
"I am delightful. I'm a ray of sunshine," I snap. Miles snorts.
"Okay. Whatever you say sunshine," he replies mockingly. I'm about to snap back when the teacher walks into the classroom. Halfway through the lecture I'm about ready to hit my head repeatedly on my desk. Mrs. Nelson finally decides to have mercy on us all and hands our homework assignment. I finish the assignment in record time and shove everything into my backpack just as the bell rings.
"I don't understand how you and V can figure out math so easily," Miles mutters, walking out of the classroom with me.
"If it makes you feel better, I'm awful at English. V isn't though, she's one of those annoying people who are good at literally everything," I reply.
"Sounds about right. If I help you with English at lunch, will you help me with math?" Miles asks. I nod, sounds good to me.
"Okay, see ya at lunch then," I agree as we part ways.

"I could do math all day, but I can't write an essay for shit," I decide as Miles reviews my paper.
"I can write an essay in two hours, but can't do math for shit," Miles replies.
"I can't do math or write an essay, but I have to do both by tomorrow," Sasha announces, sitting down with us at our picnic tables.
"What category does geography fall into?" Jenna asks joining us.
"Don't even get me started," I groan.
"Okay, how are the Primas doing then?" Sasha asks.
"I don't want to talk about it," I respond. At our last competition we took second by five points. Thus Helsweel was not in the best mood for about a week because we never took anything but first when Cassandra or V danced in the large group. Now we have another competition this weekend and I'm honestly scared to see what will happen if we take anything other than first.
"How's the winter recital going?" Sasha tries again.
"You're in the winter recital. You should know," I reply.
"I don't care for your attitude C." Sasha retorts. I roll my eyes at him.
"It's going very well in the music department," Miles says, cutting in.
"Thank you Miles!" Sasha says.  Jenna laughs and Miles and I go back to our homework while Jenna and Sasha pull out their own work. Forty agonizing minutes later, I'm finally done with my English essay.
"Miles you're actually the best," I say happily.
"I thought I was the best," Sasha complains jokingly.
"Did you help her pass English class?" Miles asks. Sasha rolls his eyes at Miles with a grin.
"Whatever pretty boy," he replies as he and Jenna get up to leave for class.
"Hey, before you go, Park gave us an out of class assignment to go see a musical for extra credit. Bianca and Alya are going together cause they're friends and Jax is bringing Kit. Do you wanna come?" Miles asks.
"A musical? I don't know, it sounds like a music program exclusive thing," I say uncertainly.
"Please? My friends all like you and Kit doesn't even go to Keaton anymore," Miles argues.
"Yeah but she used to be in the music program and all your friends know her," I reply.
"All my friends know you too, and it's the Lion King. We can even get ice cream afterwards," Miles says. I laugh.
"You had me at Lion King, but I will except the ice cream offer," I tell him. Miles smiles.
"Okay it's tonight at six, I'm driving everyone there, so do you want me to pick you up too?" He asks.
"Sure, I'll text you my address," I tell him.
"Okay, see ya later," he replies.

Word Count: 660

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