Party Girl

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"Only one hundred days until V and Beckett come back! Somebody throw a party!" I exclaim as I enter the studio.
"On it, Jenna you're on food, I got decorations, Jax can get people here," Sasha jokes.
"Sasha, you're the best," I tell him with a grin.
"I know, you would all be lost without me," he replies.
"Alright, let's go! Only a month left and you all need work desperately!" Helsweel snaps, walking into the studio, her usual clipboard in hand.
"I wish V was here, she always softens Helsweel up," Jenna whispers.
"Ms. Cristinziano! You will be working with Mr. Lennox today on the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Get it done. Mr. Roy with Mr. Gardner on the battle scene. And Ms. Cato will be working on the party scene with Ms. Blackwell and Ms. Dunn. Everyone else, disperse. Now!" Helsweel orders. We all split off and I head to studio B in search of Bianca and Scarlett. When I arrive, a group of year nine and tens are already gathered with the two singers.
"Okay guys, let's go! You all know the choreo right?" Scarlett asks. I sigh. Great. IMADs part two, here we go again. I quickly get all of the dancers into position to rehearse the scene.
"Okay in the second verse, I need the girls to work on those transitions, you need to turn more to the front because your arms are being hidden, like this," I demonstrate. We restart for the hundredth time and this time it's definitely better.
"Good, let's take five," Scarlett decides. All the dancers rush over to the benches and gulp down their water.
"This scene is actually looking really good," Scarlett says walking over to me.
"Yeah, the freshman and sophomores are a lot easier to work with then I thought they'd be," I agree.
"Right?" Bianca agrees.
"So what's been going on since IMADs?" Scarlett asks me. I shrug.
"Not much, V and Beckett are touring in the US and I have to focus on leading the Primas and having the lead in the recital. Doesn't leave a lot of extra time," I reply. Bianca raises an eyebrow at me.
"Really? I heard Miles has been teaching you how to play guitar," Bianca says.
"He has, not very often though, we're kind of busy working on the recital," I repeat. Bianca doesn't look convinced.
"Look. I'm not saying anything is going on between you two, that's your business, not mine. But be careful, you don't want to get hurt," Bianca warns. I laugh nervously.
"Don't worry, I was in his CAMDAS group when he exploded his whole thing with Julie last year," I tell her. Bianca grins.
"Yeah I remember that. That was good," she says.
"Okay guys, I think that's a long enough break," Scarlett interrupts.
"Let's go again guys!" She yells.
"Okay we need to work on that off balanced pirouette combo again, we can definitely synchronize it better," I say walking back into the floor.
"And again and again and again," I direct as the boys step across the studio.
"Light steps! Come on boys, we're not hippopotami here!" I shout over the music.
"Wow I think you might be killing them," Miles says coming up behind me.
"What do you want Miles, the boys almost have this down," I say distractedly.
"Jenna and I finished the Sugar Plum Fairy routine-"
"That's great," I say, cutting him off.
"And Helsweel told me to come get you so you can run it with us. Actually it was more like a scary demand," Miles tells me. I sigh and look at the group in front of me.
"Okay guys, I gotta go, run through three or four more times and we can call it good. Remember to point the feet! You good Scarlett? Bianca?" I ask. Everyone nods yes.
"Kay cool." I turn and follow Miles into the hall.
"How's it going there?" Miles asks.
"Pretty good, they have the routine down, now it's just a matter of polishing and perfecting technique," I reply.
"Good. The music program is kind of frazzled. It's a lot of music in a short amount of time," Miles says.
"Did you just say 'frazzled'?" I ask.
"Yes and I can feel your judgement radiating off of you," Miles replies, stopping to open the door.
"You're such a goof," I laugh, entering the studio, Miles close behind me.

Word Count: 740

AN: hiii long time no see:) kind of. So idk if you guys actually read my lil authors notes, so if not then I guess your missing out on my announcement. So I've decided that 'Of Tin Hearts And Point Shoes' and 'Of Pirouettes And Cake Eaters' will be part of a four book series. I've already chosen the titles for books three and four and will be releasing them along with the covers in chapters to come!💙 Also shout out if you can tell me what song the last three chapters are from:)

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