I Can Be Blind

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"Hey C, where are V and Beckett?" Sasha asks, sitting down at our picnic table, Jenna close behind him. I look up at him.
"Did neither of them tell you? They were recruited for the American dance team, The Elites. They should be in New York right about now," I tell him.
"The Elites? No way. That team is for the best of the best college students," Sasha says.
"They got accepted into Juilliard as juniors, I guess they made the cut," I respond.
"That's so cool!" Jenna exclaims, "V and Beckett are amazing dancers, I wish."
"So they'll be gone for the rest of the semester huh? Gotta be rough for you," Sasha says.
"Gee thanks," I reply flatly.
"Okay, sorry. How are you holding up?" He asks.
"I'm fine," I respond. Obviously I'm not fine!
"Good," Sasha says before he and Jenna begin rambling on about something else.

"Wanna hang out?"
"I'm fine! For the last time!" I snap, "Wait. What?" I turn around from my spot on the picnic table to see Miles looking down at me.
"Sorry. I figured you needed a friend more then pity right now. Plus you looked pretty miserable in pre-calc today," he tells me.
"Wait. You're in my pre-calc class?" I ask. Miles laughs.
"Ya know, I had this same conversation with V at the beginning of the year, so I'll say it again. If you're not going to acknowledge someone's existence, generally you don't tell them about it," he says sitting down. I smile guiltily.
"Sorry, not having a good day," I tell him.
"Well, to be fair, your best friend is in another country and isn't coming back for like three and a half months," Miles says.
"Ugh. Don't remind me. I'm literally counting down the days. It's been three. Only a hundred and eight days to go," I state dryly. Miles looks at me with concern.
"Okay, you need a hobby," Miles tells me.
"I'm a dancer. I have a hobby," I reply.
"Yeah, but you need a hobby that doesn't remind you of V," Miles clarifies. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"That's ridiculous," I state flatly.
"Says the girl counting the days until her best friend is back in the country," Miles shoots back, rolling his eyes at me.
"I could hear your eyes rolling. But fine. What do you suggest?" I ask. Miles shrugs.
"I don't know. I didn't think I'd get this far. But I could teach you to play piano. Or Guitar. Or the drums. Or violin," he lists off.
"I already play piano," I tell him, interrupting, "and don't you have friends you should be hanging out with?" Miles shrugs again.
"Jax is with his girl friend Kit, and hanging out alone with Bianca and Alya isn't something I want to put myself through," he responds.
"Oh, so I'm you're last resort?" I joke.
"Nah, based on what V has said about you, you're pretty cool," he laughs.
"Gee thanks," I reply.
"Okay, but actually, are you good at piano?" Miles asks me. I shrug, I've been playing since I was little, I'm okay I guess," I reply.
"Cool. Are you supposed to be doing anything right now?" He asks.
"Um, no."
"Kay, you're coming over, I want to hear you play. We could collab," he says.
"Over where?" I ask.
"My house. If you can drag me to get ice cream, I can drag you to make music."
"Oh. I don't want to intrude," I say, hesitating to follow him. He looks at me.
"It's not intruding if I invite you C," he tells me. I follow him to his car and we get in.
"So how did you know V and Beckett left anyway? I didn't think the musicians really paid much attention to the dance program," I say as he drives along.
"Beckett told me on Thursday," Miles replies.
"So are you and Beckett friends now?"
"Yeah you could say that. We have a lot more in common then I thought we would, like the whole divorced parents thing." I frown.
"I'm sorry." Miles shrugs.
"Nothing to be sorry about really," he says. The rest of the short drive is filled with a comfortable silence.
"Welcome to my home," he says, pulling into the driveway.
"Come on, I just got a new electric piano, and it's sick," he says excitedly. I laugh and follow him into the house.
"Hi Miles," a woman says, coming out of what I would guess is the kitchen.
"Who's this?" She asks, smiling at me.
"Carly Cato, she's a friend from school," Miles replies.
"Hi honey, are you in the music program too?" She asks.
"No, I'm a dancer," I reply, shaking my head.
"Well it's good to know that Miles is extending his social boundaries. You two have fun now. Make good choices," she says, disappearing again. I blush.
"Don't worry, she tells me and Jax the same thing," Miles tells me, also a little red. I follow him up a flight of stairs and into his room.
"Okay. That piano is pretty cool," I admit when I see it.
"Right?" He replies. Suddenly my phone begins buzzing like crazy. I look down at the screen. V, requesting to FaceTime.

Word Count: 879

AN: QOTD!!! Do you like the chapter titles labeled by the character's POV, or should I go back to naming them like in 'Of Tin Hearts and Point Shoes'?

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